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Everything posted by oobster

  1. It's as well paid as other volunteer posts. So it should be us buying you chips then! If anyone was going to get the sidc website into a good order your the man! The site is in good hands i'm sure.
  2. Gus - he only covers North Lanarkshire & Glasgow area - might be worth giving him a bell & travelling to see him - he lives in Bellshill I believe. As for could he get the dent out? Well, i was certain he wouldnt be able to get this one out my door, as it was right on a manufactured crease. And now it's gone.
  3. Looking forward to viewing this when I get home - crappy laptop won't play it properly.
  4. May i also add... The dent MAY have been caused by my lovely wife closing the door with her knee. Can't be 100%, but fairly confident I have identified the culprit. Contrary to what most people must now be thinking, Dawn is still living & breathing and does not currently sport a pair of black eyes. []
  5. Well done st3ph3n - I hope if this is a paid position then you'll be buying the chips @ Queensferry next time? [Y]
  6. Stephen Liddle of SL Dent Repair (www.sldentrepair.co.uk) has just finished sorting the dent on my drivers door that I "aquired" at the weekend. Not a trace of it left - i'm well happy now! [] He also sorted out one of my workmates cars - a Hyundai Santa Fe - done 3 dents on 3 seperate panels and charged him £80. Thoroughly recommend you give Stephen a call (07967 488 371) if you've got any wee dents or dinks you need removed.
  7. I was going to get Dawn to take more while we were moving but just as she was about to take some a BMW 5-series police car flew past us with the blues flashing, so I thought it best not to.
  8. Some pictures from yesterday - all taken by Dawn. She even took 3 out the window heading down the M90 towards Halbeath. I think i've managed to remove all the reg. plates - let me know if i've missed any & i'll remove.
  9. Nice car Gareth - pics 2 & 3 are exactly the same though. Happy motoring.
  10. Craig - doesn't look like a door dink - it's not a sharp v-shaped dent, it's more round - perhaps a knee, side of a pushchair - someone kicked it on the way past perhaps. Who knows. Or cares. No point speculating where or how it happened - i'm 110% sure it wasnt there when I polished the car after we'd arrived yesterday & I didnt check the car before I left (hindsight is a great thing). Only thing i'm bothered about now is getting the car repaired, even if that means I need to get the door sprayed, and ensuring it doesn't happen again.
  11. Thanks for the comments guys, really appreciated. Especially since i'm rather fed up @ the moment after spotting a new dent on the drivers door @ lunchtime today - can't be 100% certain, but i'm fairly confident this must have happened either at Alford or on the way home from it. Just hope the dent man can remove it, got to wait till Wednesday to find out. [] I did notice Rich pointing at my wheels with you John, and can only agree that they were indeed filthy on the inside. However, this was my 1st (and perhaps only) show & shine and if i decide to enter another similar competition in the future i'll "up my game" a bit. Brian's car definitily deserved the Best Newage competition - well done Brian!
  12. FFS [:@] is it a bad one mate[] Mmm..aye. Drivers side front door, near the bottom - where the door kickes out half an inch. The dent guy is coming out to look at it on Wednesday (I hope) but i'm not hopeful. Didn't even notice it until lunchtime today so it MIGHT not have happened @ Alford yesterday. Fairly confident it must have though. I've only just paid the dent man £80 to get a dent out the same door, that i'm 99% sure happened at F&M. Seems I can't take my car to any SIDC event without it getting damaged. Time to pull the plug on taking the Subaru in future - the Mrs. 206 will be employed instead.
  13. It would appear we also have a door denter in our midst also.
  14. Dawn & I are just back from seeing Cars, excellent film - very funny. We went to Vue in Livi, mainly coz we were bored sitting about the house and we don't have an orange phone. Don't know how that Vue stays in business - Saturday night, and the place was deed. In the 8pm showing of Cars there was maybe about 30 people in the place. Look out for the voice of Harv - a well-known English person!
  15. I think it's coz this thread was started on the old forum software. Good shout though JC to rescue this from the deep [Y]
  16. Thanks for that JC, I was having withdrawal symptoms.
  17. Thats fine with me, just sent u pm, before i read this ... I'm easy mate, u name the location and time and i will be there. Craig, If your finishing work @ 7, could you be thru at the junction AFTER the pyramids/old motorla plant for about 7.45am? Junction 3A. If so, I could meet you @ the fire station - when you come up the sliproad take a left at the roundabout and the fire station should be in view. Then we could get Al at around 8.15-8.30am @ Thornton? Andy
  18. Don't be doing anything I wouldnt do!
  19. craigwrx & irish al - us 3 will head up around 7.30-8.00am? If thats ok with you craig, drop me a text or a PM where you'd like to meet then the two of us will head over to Al's in fife.
  20. Nice wee collection there Sammy! Try & keep me a few white stars n swooshes if i'm not there 1st thing?
  21. Correct - and so are you Dougster, so are you. I have vented my annoyance at the over use of excalmation marks, perhaps in the whole grand scheme of things it isn't that important and perhaps a little "anal", but it is an opinion none the less. Perhaps we should let this thread die a death now.
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