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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Nice one Marty. [Y] Look how many of the pics contain Jon polishing his hawkeye though! The man is obssesed! []
  2. Youz might have drapp'd in & picked me up ya pair o choobs! []
  3. Nice pics Col, especially since you captured one of my dream cars - the 911 GT3 RS. It's probably a good job I couldnt make it up to Knockhill last night, or I might be on an indecency charge because of that car!
  4. Sorry to hear you've been having porblems with the car bud, but i'd also recommend hanging on in there for a wee while more.
  5. Probably THE only benefit of not having a gaffer anymore! What were you driving?
  6. Gus - i'm just going to head up there on the Sunday morning, i do indeed decide to go.
  7. Got it ed. [Y] Small world indeed - Ed is currently working with Dawn's brother.
  8. If you like Tommy Cooper then try to search out some Tim Vine jokes - the Tommy Cooper of our generation. I've been to see him @ Edinburgh fetival last year and he was hilarious. Things like: I sent my girlfriend a big pile of snow for her birthday and then called her to see if she got my drift. I went to the local dance club to see if i could take some lessons. The teacher asked me how fexible i was, so I told her "I can't make Tuesdays". A guy phoned me the other day and said "I'm going to come round and cut off the bottom of your trousers and put them in the library". I said, "Well, thats a turn-up for the books!" The only other one I can remember is: A guy I know started a hobby of packing himself into smaller and smaller suitcases. He can hardly contain himself!
  9. Beers? Pffffff..... no chance. Cider's where it's at in this hoose. I'll huv a hink aboot the B&B though.
  10. Gus (or anyone else who would know) - how long would it take to drive from W Lothian to Alford. Factor in the fact that the speed limits will be observed the entire journey, and I wont want the front covered in dead flies. Answers on a postcard.
  11. Would liked to have made it to this meet but my flight back from my gaffers funeral doesn't land until five to eight tomorrow night. My mates all used to rip the P out of me, because I said it was "Top Mar-keys" instead of "Top Marks" (pronunciation was never my strong point - they used to come out with smart-ass pish about "shall we go to the newsagents and get that magazine thats all about the big tents Andy?") Hilarious.
  12. Wits up with u Neil? You not going to be able to make it?
  13. Another one to download onto my iPod when i get home! Cheers loafy [Y]
  14. Definitely looked braw with the white wheels on today Gus [Y] Let me know if you want me to take one of the wheels back off again & check the offset, but i'm 90% sure they are 48's.
  15. Col.... where's this pic you are teasing us all with? C'mon - get it emailed! []
  16. Someone from Inverness Cruise jon. Dunno the full details.
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