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Everything posted by oobster

  1. I got one of them yesterday too!
  2. Absolutely cracking game, and the ref i thought was excellent as well. Every decision was fair and i think there was only 2 yellow cards the entire 120 minutes.
  3. Sorry to hear your selling up Brian, but orra best with the new motor - first time i seen one of those was on Dalziel and Pascoe and i said to the Mrs thats a cracking-looking car.
  4. That evo, i think, sits in Bathgate (West Lothian) quite a lot. Also seen it up at AWD.
  5. Ah! You may be right chris, i remember that episode.
  6. Naywhere near as funny as the last two, but still quite good. Anyone got any idea why the Clansman is now called 'Jennies' (or 'Jennys') ? I remember seeing a docu thingy on one of the dvd's, and the real clansman was demolished a couple of years back, but they'd re-created the inside of it in a studio, and rebuilt the outside of it in some BBC parking lot or something. But now it seems to have changed names!
  7. Aye she's fine. They are doing a sleep study on her, coz they think she might be suffering from sleep apnea (spelling ??) Which i believe is where you stop breathing when your asleep, for a few mins at a time. They wire her up to all sorts of monitors, heart rate, oxygen levels etc. She just had quite a big operation on the inside of her nose a couple of weeks ago too.
  8. I'm home alone the night an all. Mrs oobster is away into hospital
  9. Nowt wrong with a wee red n white combo carl! Go for it.
  10. LOL.... need to get u a big wooden spoon Phil, so you can stir easier [] Where's ma wheel bags by the way []
  11. Seen it coming down the slip-road to the roundabout @ Hillington - the one that's got the Audit garage at the other side of it. Must have been about 1 o'clock (ish) on Saturday afternoon. Was def. a T plate. Only one person inside, looked a tall-ish fair-haired chap with a white t-shirt on. Would have been travelling along the M8 west-bound. I'm from Bathgate - Mrs. parents stay in Renfrew - up near the Tesco.
  12. The sizzling bacon ones are quite good. As are the bombay bad boy ones. I think thats what it's called anyway.
  13. Welcome to the forum [Y] Avatars are only for the fully-paid up members. If you've paid the £25 or whatever it is, you need to PM the chairman, Phil Stephens, with your user name, real name and membership number - he will then activate the settings that allow you to post an avatar.
  14. The one i spotted @ Renfrew was exactly the same as that, with gold wheels though. Had a VTA dump vale on it too. Mrs tied to burn it away from the lights but i'm afraid a 1.4 Pug 206 Automatic is no match!
  15. Spooks Got one of them CD-IB100 Pioneer adaptors onto my iPod, into the same head-unit as yours (i believe). DEH-P77MP or something? The one that lights up white and has a graphite coloured face. The best way i found to go through tracks etc is to create Playlists in iTunes. You can either skip betwene tracks by using the fwd/rewind 'knob' or you can put it on manual mode which means the same knob can then be used, and only used, for forward or rewinding through one track. To swap between manual and auto mode is a bit of a pain though. The information on the display for the playlist title only comes up for a seccond. The actual track name doesn't. Which is a bit of a pain. You skip thru the playlists by pressing the same knob in the way. Can show you on Wednesday night how it works in my car. Bought my CD-IB100 off eBay for £35 quid and fitted it myself, took me maybe an hour and a half. I think you get better functionality & display information from the newer head units though. But i'm quite happy with mine.
  16. naw how ?? you just scratched it ??lol nah mines 6 months newer mate In-laws live in Renfrew, we came down the slip off the M8 yesterday @ Hillington and there was a green T-plate classic next to us at the lights. Looked quite a tidy one too. Just wondered.
  17. You aint got a T-plate green classic have you?
  18. oobster gie yersell peace !! !! !! !! !! LOL...... ya maddie. I wiz only askin.
  19. Yer needin 2 dredge that thread back up from the deep stephen, that was class. Also, while trying REALLY hard not to act like the grammar police, whats with the double exclamation marks after EVERY sentence davie? Eh !!
  20. 7/10 for me. But then I already recognised the Son of Sam, that 10 Rillington Place guy and the Russian guy that killed & ate wee kiddies. P.S. Might be worth editing your original post Phillip - to save having to scroll across AND down to read. Just a suggestion!
  21. "I wish those two burds would get out the way so i can take a pic of that sky.....line"
  22. Thats a lot of car for the money, but not something you would get if you want to 'blend in'. Don't fancy the fuel bills on that either. But it is a braw big cruiser though.
  23. Oh yes, that's braw. Especially the mirrors [Y]
  24. JUst downloading some of these now to chuck on my iPod - any recent ones loafy? [Y]
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