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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Assuming you have a stock head unit you'll need an Iso adaptor. Cheapish and makes it dead easy to install. Otherwise you'll have to start splicing wires together, and that's not pretty. My pioneer head unit came from America and wasn't ISO terminated, so what I ended up doing was chopping the ISO ends off an ISO to Subaru Adaptor and joining up all the correctly coloured wires to that, and then plugging it into the Subaru plug in the car. Worked first time. Only thing to watch out for is the powered antenna line. If that's not wired up you'll not get a good radio reception, but that's easy to fix by just connecting that particular wire up to the switched 12v line. From memory it's a blue wire for the powered antenna, but can't remember the switched 12v line.
  2. << Good pictures and a great day out pitty about the weather though. >> !!!! The weather was great! I was humping Elises and Caterhams left right and centre when the skies openned and dampenned the track for the last 30 minutes. I did 2 elises and a Caterham on the one lap!
  3. You're wrong Chris. They have the original factory supplied costs a grand or there abouts option. I have the Scott Lowe sourced three hundred and fiddy quid one.
  4. You want a light weight spoiler like mine Chris. Actually no, because no one else in Scotland has one AFAIK. Which makes mine very distinctive. It's a shame to see the wine rack go as it was also a one of a kind in these parts. At least it got a good home.
  5. Damn that looks good. Love the Yamaha america colour scheme. When Rossi and Edwards were running it at Laguna earlier this year it was the nicest looking bike I'd seen in many a year. One day I'll get something like this, but not until I've learned more lessons in road madness in a car.
  6. C'mon now. He's fixed that today. I replied to the message last week when it was unclear. And yes I've been drinking.
  7. 1. JohnS 2. duka 3. Higgy 4. Foz01 5. lessels 6. Gumball 7. baldyadonis 8. Shocker 13 9. Simon_a 10. Tino 11. st3ph3n Oh go on.
  8. A few of mine chasing the elise that's chasing the tricked out EVO. Cheers! When I say chasing the EVO I really mean - being resoundingly cuffed by it.
  9. Dorikin, a colleague of mine was standing on the outside of Duffus and he thinks he has footage of you spinning down in that direction. So did you have two off track excursions? He's going to give me a copy of everything from his camera tomorrow and I'll take it home and edit it.
  10. Tino, think I was behind you when it happened, if you're in the Blue STI (isn't almost everyone?). There was a STRONG smell of petrol and I was concerned for my own car at one point. Glad it looks ok though.
  11. You can see Rovanpera's co-driver put his hands on his head like he knows exactly what's happened. Really tragic thing to happen to a nice guy.
  12. The old Jun car (classic) - 309.1 kmh - 192.065836 mph So I'd think you're right Grant. Japan's finest can't touch Scotland's finest.
  13. It may be just the best of the last series but Sunday evenings are now complete again.
  14. Self control and the will power to stay off the track?
  15. Andy, you know women. They need to look in the mirror then work out what years they can take away using some crazy concoction of creams, drugs, poisons, fruits and vegetables. Hence the term "year view mirror".
  16. << P.S Dont mention you are single too often as it has an unusual effect on the testosterone levels in here >> How you doin'?
  17. I was sure that Grant was trying to get it sideways out the hairpin. I was too I found the best way was to line it up for a late apex (is there anything other than a late apex on that corner?) right over the kerbs on the inside and then just nail it. I think I got it fairly sideways before it lined itself back up when the AWD got it's act together. I only got to follow Grant closely in the wet over 2 laps before I tried to find myself some space on the track. I did see him in the dry and he was certainly moving at pace, but it was off in the distance.
  18. Grant, my passenger and I were both highly amused by your car pointing in all sorts of incorrect directions out of the hairpin. Probably not good to laugh as mine was understeering away. You were a bit slow round the corners in the wet though as I could catch you quite nicely round the back end of the circuit. What good is power without control?
  19. There was some serious metal on display. And I picked up a few elise scalps. 'MON THE SCOOBS!
  20. John, A few of us were discussing this propasal earlier on with great interest. We wondered who was likely to be attending. Was this just purely a SIDC thing with more limited numbers, or is it the standard Hot Marques with all the usual mad caterhams and ferraris and everything else? The 3 hours do fly by, especially if there's stoppages, and a more relaxed, limited numbers, session might be really good. It was a top day out again today and I think another one later in the year might well be worth a shout
  21. Good video Dougster. Did our paths cross earlier? I can't remember. The hairpin is the trickiest corner on the track in my opinion. It makes or brakes a lap. Having said that a few times I lined it up on the kerb and just floored it too hear the thing screaming for grip.
  22. Good pictures. Cal chasing me and the Hypertech Honda behind both of us is top. Looking forward to Cal's vids. Especially when I passed him, waved, then realised I was 20 yards past my braking point for the first turn, so ended up going round it with the arse hanging out, or at least I think I did.
  23. Old wheels on the front for some abuse - check Regular wheels in the boot - check Two 5 litre empty petrol cans to fill up in the morning - check Helmet - needs a wee bit of customising, but check So yes, I'll be there.
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