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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Spotted this on SN. 9.82 as a warmup! No wonder everyone's getting your mapping services.
  2. << I paid 101.9 yesterday for Optimax. Terrible, but you can't put a price on enjoyment. Brian >> I think you can Brian. And that price is 101.9! I need to take mine for a drink at shell Kincardine bridge on the way home. Here's hoping it's not reached those prices yet.
  3. I stand corrected Dave. Laptops are certainly not my specialty. A nice wee database is up my street, but I do get my hands dirty on the odd occasion.
  4. << So,u r the guy nobody liked at school....... Laws are guidelines for the intelligent and rules for those lacking in the IQ department. >> Perhaps. If you want empathy then this isn't the place to get it. I completely agree with you about speed cameras being a stealth tax, but no amount of justification short of medical emergency will make speeding in a properly zoned and marked 30 right.
  5. That stuff of mine on Friday will probably be last of the year. Probably an oil change after KH then a service at the tail end, but they don't count. Must bookmark this thread for my own use when I need my renewal.
  6. Dave, surely if it's working on an external display then the graphics chip is working? We've sent some laptops to a place in Dunfermline to get looked at. Forget the name though, but I can find out. They generally look at them free of charge from what I remember. My laptop at work has a lovely big pink bar down the screen, it went to them and their opinion was "£300 to fix". So I'm stuck with it, but I use it mostly as a desktop anyway. If you're reasonably confident with these things then take it apart and just check the connectors are all seated properly for the screen. Can't do much more damage than you've already done with the wine. I've certainly solved a few problems at work with some tempremental compaqs and toshibas by just cracking them open, quick bash with the spray duster and check of the connectors.
  7. I'd certainly agree that cameras are a stealth tax, but 39 and 41 in a 30 are not excusable numbers no matter how many years of good behaviour you have. 59 in a temporary 50 on the M8 is a bit of a sore one to take, especially as no one slows down for roadworks on the motorway. I personally think cameras in 30 zones are entirely justified, assuming that the 30 zone in question is properly marked, and should be a 30 zone. Cameras on long straight stretches of A road aren't though, nor are they appropriate in most motorway roadworks (where the flow of traffic generally dictates the speed). That said, I'd completley agree that most cameras have nothing at all to do with safety, and that proper education of drivers to the rules of the road that they should be following and increasing their general awareness is how to improve safety.
  8. I'll have another go with my mate Dougster. He NEEDS a scooby, rather than all these other cars he goes through.
  9. jc, I've got one. I even posted on the forum using its web browser. Had mine for a while though as its a jap import. Picked up Toca 2 today but not played it yet. The other games I have are good though. Watched the incredibles on it on a recent flight out to Copenhagen too!
  10. Is that the power boating from KH dougster?
  11. I did the one in June. Thought I coped quite nicely. A bit of a trouser browning 4 wheel drift over the top of the hill at the first corner when pushing a bit hard, but I just kept my foot in it and the road eventually caught up to the wheels.
  12. I might hold you to those figures. 280-300 with a nice wide power band was what I was thinking of really. Food for thought.
  13. As Will Smith would say - DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNNNNN. Those are some nice figures Chris. You must be chuffed mate, especially as you said to me at AWD that you'd be happy with 380. Shame you'll not be at KH later in the month. If you do happen to be up then I'll take you out on a passenger lap. Show you how this whole cornering business is dealt with.
  14. It does have 3 year warranty as Malta was in the EU when the car was purchased. Keeping it warranty friendly was all part of the plan until the modding bug got me. Droplinks, pads and geo was done today. The car feels very good. Much less twitchy on the motorway. The steering wheel might be off centre by a degree or two. Or it might just be my head still programmed to counter steer any bad alignment previously. Didn't want to push it too hard as the pads need worn in, but I was really needing them as I had some terrible fade last night. Full report on handling next week when I can give it a bit of a shove.
  15. I must say, if the droplinks + geo are anything less than wonderful then I'm going to be quite disappointed after hearing so many good reports.
  16. Car just arrived back a few minutes ago, so not been out in it yet. Got to take it easy for a few hundred miles to bed in the brake pads properly, so have to adjust my driving style for the next week That's not to say that the geometery and droplinks wont get a wee testing though
  17. Not a bad idea John. My car is a Malteser and some/most garages wont fit it as Subaru Malta don't like it or something, but sourcing them off someone else could be an idea. Wonder if the garage give people the non-PPP bits for then putting back on their cars? Not got the cash at this moment too, but something I will ponder.
  18. Are the roadworks still on at the Bowtrees this weekend? Might cause some troubles if you're going via Kincardine. The M876 to the roundabout was certainly shut the last few weekends.
  19. Thinking about what to do next year, and reasons not to rush out and buy a Xbox 360 in December, and a high def telly to go with it. I've got the car looking pretty much how I want it except for wheels. Suspension/handling wise getting some changes done today and will probably get Prodrive or Tein springs next year, but I am also thinking about a few other performance tweaks. If I was to spend PPP money (1500 or so) or less preferably what could be achieved, and what would I need? Looking for a wider power band and not more peak power if that helps. I've obviousy got the backbox already so don't need that, but I imagine some more exhaust work is the first place to start? What can I safely squeeze out of it before needing to go down the remap route, and how much would that set me back? I told myself in December that 225bhp was more than enough, but it's not.
  20. I used the guys at MSW for my Backbox. Simon fitted it in record time too. Number is 01357 529291.
  21. Dougster, what part of the Admin does one contact, as I'd like to get that next to my name as a paid up member since December from what I remember.
  22. Hmmmm. Working until 6 tonight and I could be at KH in 10 minutes from here. Pop up for a wee bit of a spectate perhaps.
  23. Looming rather large in my rear view on the M73 this morning. The car certainly did the 2 lane shuffle quite quickly. If only that red beemer wasn't sitting in the outside lane then we could have seen if those mods can keep up with the mighty 225 horses of a standard WRX. I somehow think they could.
  24. I do hope you're taking the piss as they're going on Mine on Friday.
  25. Been on a few months that offer. Hope it's still on in 6 months time. OZ don't do any black wheels though. Shame.
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