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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. << Took just over 2 hours to fit, didn't help that I couldn't find the handle for winding the jack up and down >> SNAP! I was using my jack 2 weeks ago and couldn't find the handle. Ended up using the screw driver as a makeshift one. When I bought the car Motorpoint had forgot to put the tool pack back in the car, or it had never been supplied with one, and I can't remember for the life of me if the handle was in the packet when it arrived in the post and if I've lost it somewhere. Are the tools supposed to go somewhere? I've just got mine in the glove box.
  2. Looking sweet Jools. That front Caliper looks utterly massive. I imagine you could stoppie like a motorbike with brakes that fierce.
  3. << Read hear then prepare for a ball ache You will need a small drill and mucho patience ! Do not hurry this job >> Or £30 and a trip to a local garage in my case!
  4. I wish I was good enough to care what balls I used. Top Flite bricks in bulk from Costco do me nicely.
  5. Slaley is very good apparently too. My dad organised some stays down there for some corporate customers and so he's stayed in the place and played round the course. Played at Dalmahoy in June. Was not too shabby. Not the most vintage golf I'll grant you, but a decent round none the less. Especially as it was free! The guy who won the competition for the free 4 ball, a fellow scooby owner too, had never played a full 18 holes before, so it was a bit of a stern test for his game.
  6. 9! pshhhhhhhh! I had a quick check, was on the Titleist 975D. 8.5 degree. Now back to the 9.5 Taylor Made. I should have bought the Titleist for £50 like my brother offered, but no, I had to be the cheapskate. He got himself one of these new R7s, but he's left it in the bag until the end of the season. Got Cobra irons though. Love them.
  7. I gave up looking at the prices a few months ago. It made me sad.
  8. Did I pass you about 10 past 5ish Andy? There was a really attractive girl a few cars ahead of you who had momentarily caught my attention.
  9. Chris, I was quite pleased with the boot space for golf clubs. My old vectra struggled to get a set in even at an angle, and that was the larger booted hatch back. Not sure if my driver is particularly long or not. Having said that, I don't even know what driver I'm using right now as my brother has gone back to his old one that he'd given to me. A club I'd been hitting rather nicely too. But he's the club champ as of yesterday, so I can't grudge him it.
  10. oobster, the way to work it is - "I just bought some mud flaps for the car dear. They'll save expense on repairing the painwork as they'll provide good protection from stones. They look nice too." "How much were they?" "Oh we got a bargain dear, the official Subaru ones sell for £130 a pair. I got a full set of these for about that. Bargain!" RUN!
  11. Imagine what a woman driving a bus can do! It's not pretty. Damn shame mate. Now all you need is a phat insurance cheque and you can buy an Impreza.
  12. I've dropped Duncan a wee email over the weekend. If you're talking to him then maybe get him to have a look at it. Nothing terribly exciting, just trying to sharpen up the handling.
  13. Cal, you should speed all you want over there. They just fine you. No points or nonsense like that. When I was in Canada a few years back my mate and all his friends were racking up fines like nobodies business. Nice country though. The mountain roads really were great, but the straights were oh so very straight. We hired some scooters for a day. £12 for 24 hours. I only had my provisional at the time, but we just fobbed the guy off with a lame explanation. There ended being 6 of us driving these things in formation. Had great fun going down hills, running 100+ octane race fuel. Everyone tucked up behind each other looking for the draft then slingshot past. Great laugh.
  14. Looking good. I do enjoy the A70 and A71. Often get a blast down that way on work time too! You didn't pass me in parkhead on Saturday did you 2559B? A good looking RB5 certainly did.
  15. Aye. Hadn't seen you about for a while cal. Telly coverage will be 3ish on the Sunday I imagine. Cannae wait. No motorsport on the telly worth watching at all today. I was suffering withdrawl symptoms.
  16. You've not accidentally stolen his wheels or something Dougster?
  17. I've never changed my own pads too. Is it a difficult task?
  18. I believe there's a red one in Bothwell dougster. Certainly seen one in the village a few times, but no idea where it sleeps.
  19. God you fellows are useless, now I have more choices than I started with! It's between the Ferodo (didn't know hobbits made brake pads) 2500s, the EBC Red Stuffs and the Mintex 1155. Unless anyone comes up with another answer. Will any of these be incompatible/harsh on standard discs. What about my earlier query about the red stuffs, do they require excessive warming up, or do they work from cold?
  20. Getting droplinks and geometery done next week hopefully. Suspect my brake pads will need changed too as they've done 12000 miles including a track day, and they're just the stock pads that came on the car. So what do people recommend? I remember talking to teknopete, dipsy and some other guys at the last track day. But I can't remember what they recommended. "Red stuff" wasn't good in the cold is about the only thing that comes to mind. Looking for good all round pads that can withstand a track day, but also wont need a prayer said before the first application on a cold morning. I'm all ears.
  21. I do believe this is the thing that ITV covered last year. Women qualifying to race a Mazda RX8 in a national women only series. Winner of the championship gets some sort of semi-pro drive. I do believe Natasha Firman won last year, and has raced said RX8 in an endurance series this year. Sure it was in Banzai.
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