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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Cheers mate, but I'd just do something stupid like go and buy two 1200s to play it on, despite knowing that I barely get my moneys worth out of nearly a grand worth of CD equipment.
  2. I've been known to have a go on the turntables now and again. I'm pretty useless though. Never even played out in front of mates never mind a club like you fellows obviously have. I've got a Denon DN-S5000 and DN-S3000 so I'm purely a CD mixer. I know, I know, this makes me evil, but I had 300+ CDs and no vinyl when I bought them, and there as no way in hell I was going to replace them with Vinyl. It's great equipment. Much better than a sunday hacker like me should ever be allowed anywhere near.
  3. I take it launching isn't just select 4.5K, dump the clutch and hang on then?
  4. There was a comment in True Grip about the lack of waving going on. So we should definetly get it really going again. The people I see occasionally are AndyWRX and Sheep and they both wave. There's another silver classic I pass and he waves, but I don't know who's at the helm of that one.
  5. Good looking car. Are they ladies included in the price too?
  6. It did look a bit like it was sitting in a rather deliberate way. But Petter wasn't looking too fast on Sunday morning anyway. But can you deny the Peugeot team a win after the 2 weeks they've had? It was a fitting tribute to Beef really. Good to see young Atkinson on the podium too. With a bit more experience he looks like he could be a real talent.
  7. I try and look out for SIDC tax disc holder or stickers. There's a few people I pass regularly who will wave, bt there's people like a school run mother in a sport wagon who clealry wont wave.
  8. I worked in travel (part-time) for 3 years. It's a real hell hole and complaining to airlines is about as much use as an inflitable dart board sitting over a chocolate fire guard.
  9. I think he meant the other WR1 that dived straight in Cal.
  10. Oh those are lovely. You should have got your sister to get you some oakleys from Battery park. I got 5 pairs for $15. Yes $15. Are they real? Are they f.... If I'd not just bought myself a new set of Nike glasses I'd have been very interested in them oobster.
  11. It's great to see the lines from behind the car. I know where I could be tidier and gain some time now. My line at butchers before the Chicane knackers me for the Chicane sometimes, and Clark after the chicane still confuses the hell out of me. I think that's partly because I've stood at the top of the hill and watched Formula fords coming round there with wheels pointing in every direction but the right way, and using the Grass as extra track. Still, I know I got faster as the day wore on. Any time you want the favour returned Cal you can let me know. I don't mind driving shotgun with your Camera gear in tow.
  12. Another very satisfied customer by the looks of it. Do you have any changes on the induction side of things Robbo? I'm hoping to get the decat and then a Remap, but I'd always figured an Induction kit would be required to fully enjoy the benefits too. So much for keeping it standard.
  13. Graham did 2 prints for me on the last track day which were both excellent. I've emailed him to see what he's got for Sunday there.
  14. I'd be interested for next year. I'm sure the SIDC will be organising the one to Germany again.
  15. Quality! His pictures last time were excellent.
  16. You must have waxed that till your arms could wax no more Fee. It's one shiny car. My favourite is this one. Car looks nice and shiny and is in action too. Pre-styling mods too. I actually have a print of that and another one that I bought off the guy who took the photo. Anyone know if there was any pro photographers there on Sunday?
  17. I will do. I take it the Window ones are just window clingers that can easily be removed?
  18. Another vote for the Prodrive geometery settings. Got mind done at progrip when it was in getting some other bits done at Hypertech. Which reminds me, Dunc has my Strut brace in and I need an oil change.
  19. Foooooooking hell. Rules out the Cuscos for me. I need me a scottish flag + driver name window sticker though, and a couple of sponsory ones for my helmet.
  20. Good man cal. Couple of good laps in there. Not the one where you let me past on the home straight, and I waved then missed the first corner braking point though. Couple of points where I got on the brakes in the wrong place because I was concerned I was going into the back of that elise too. That CTR does sound fantastic though. Oh aye, and you nearly bumped me on the railway straight when I pulled over to cool down before coming in. I'd forgotten about that until now
  21. That is one good looking car. Must be as rare as hens teeth too.
  22. Cal, would Putfile.com be of use? It only allows up to 10mb files, but it's completely free. You could at least ship off a few of your smaller files to that maybe. I do hope we'll see some of my antics in the forthcoming videos.
  23. A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind man. See PM too mate.
  24. You can't just leave it there Chris. What's the Wing plan?
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