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Everything posted by euan_r

  1. met mark a couple of times. couldnt believe it when i saw the news. condolences to all family and friends. r.i.p rich take care mate.
  2. ive got the two piece discs and had a wee bit judder but greasing the pistons cured it. i did however have to get new bolts/nuts to hold disc on to bell after one dissapeared. folk say he is hard and difficult to get hold of but not had any bother myself.
  3. aye, i would be more than slightly upset if it was mine. For those that werent there operator exited the car whilst it was running down and car pulled to the side and off the rollers. passanger rear strap was round the back control arm and took the force with possible further bent things. japperformance are going to sort car for alan. It was indeed a good turn out special dedication award goes to jen for leaving skye at 4.30 am as for fiqures my car got 252 for an old uk with pennies spent on it so canny grumble. oh aye, dont know what was bigger shock alans accident or finding out how much rsrichy paid for his car.
  4. hi and welcome be good to see some new faces tomorrow
  5. **** sake min. you must off put old diff back in pretty quick
  6. been a while since ive been so will potter down. tempted to have a shotty but only fitted new clutch yesterday.
  7. not good to hear but glad mother and unborn are ok.
  8. very nice indeed. maybe a wee detango and paint of the wedges for starters.
  9. sounds like that will be the one. tbh its hard to tell over forums as its a lot to do with feel. im guessing its four pots you have so you will get seal kit from subaru. i dont think they do pistons but you can get stainless steel ones from other sources but as piston was just a wee bit difficult you should be able to clean up original. get some red rubber grease too, its quite expensive for what it is but is very good. keeps it lubricated and prevents brake fluid swelling the seals.
  10. usually just one or two pistons become sticky. when fitting new pads did you notice if any piston wasnt as easy to push back. compare pads as a caliper set and see if they are worn parallel or lop sided, not between offside and nearside.
  11. not being a fan of stickering up the car rally style i surprisingly like it and think its quite restrained. like the side jw340 too but nae the shake and bake bit. orange wheels are pure class.
  12. will be fine to run on normal as long as you dont thrash it/ stay off high boost
  13. you could have had excellent materials for that amount. dz. as ive said before ds2500 and good new discs of your choice but not ggr ones as they are only 23mm thick when they should be 24mm new. iirc from when i had 4 pots.
  14. ive got a nice tractor mounted drain jetter. this comes with power washer lance and i can clean the car at 200 bar. just got to watch not to pull trigger while holding lance with only one hand but fairly shifts the dubs.
  15. the oil pressure issue was with cracked pickup pipe on dynamix car if i remember correctly, so there was nothing wrong with windage tray. whether its any good or not is another matter.
  16. sorry i havent got any other ideas bar a leak or needing a new nipple some where. there is a correct order for bleeding starting at the back but i just work on one corner at a time. edit: new calipers or second hand? maybe someones had them apart and o ring between two halves is missing somewhere.
  17. nice one gus. looks prestine dinnae be geing rsgrant ony ideas either
  18. glad to here you are happy with the increase in performance jen.
  19. always had a soft spot for my99/my00 alloys. cars lookin good
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