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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Another vote for Chameleon from me too
  2. Oh Cool! Now I wish I had paid my membership fee so that I could actually see/read it! Not that I haven't tried, silly "manage membership" thing didn't work Oh and thanks for the kind comments Don't suppose any GLA memeber going to the next meet could bring a copy along so that I can get a wee swatch at it, could they? Please... pretty please? PS. Im famous!!!!! LOL! Geez I crack myself up
  3. Ah yes, good ol' future-proofing
  4. Well, they can be, just be sure to tell him that you want settings that are a little less aggressive.
  5. When you getting your car back mate?
  6. LOLOL! that really did make me laugh out loud! And the retort was almost as funny! I need to get out more often, really, I do!
  7. I couldn't tell you what the settings are but I can tell you that it will prematurely wear the inside tread of your tyres. You could rotate them to ease this however, and swap the front wheels for the rears as well as its only the fronts that run negative camber. Good news on the replacements though
  8. Correct. But these are not easy to come by and they are going for at least £200.
  9. I'm thinking groups shots wont look good, especially not on a calendar; it looks far too crammed and busy. I do think that one main shot of a car with some little thumbnail type images going down the side or along the bottom of the featured pic would look good though. This could show different views of the featured car or other cars in the same class (e.g. body style). For me its a case of picking the 12 best looking/unusual cars, and go with that. Someone suggested people taking pics of their cars and posting them up and deciding on that. That sounds like a good idea to me. Lastly: I think there is enough people on here with the ability and resources to be able to come up with the goods without having to go to the pros. I guess when it comes to reproducing them, then proffesional services will be required.
  10. I ran with a standard WRX TMIC with the VF34 at 340/400 for long enough but was advised by AndyF to upgrade to the STi topmount. He informed me that the STi TMICs were becoming more and more difficult to get a hold of because people were realising just how good they are and where holding onto them. Anyhoo, once I got a hold of one and got it fitted (with a bit of jiggery pokery at Hypertech) I revisited Andy and he checked the map. After another going over, the car put out an extra 1bhp, ha! Then again, I still have the standard WRX undertray. Bear in mind though, ICs are support mods, not performance mods; so you wouldn't see an increase by adding a bigger one, but the greater safety margins offered by a larger one will allow the mapper to give you more power as the bigger IC will keep things that little bit safer. (I think!) The injectors on the 06 Hawkeye car were all I needed, so need to uprate just yet. As for the injectors in the Blobeye... no idea! Anyhoo, hope this helps Edit: Just to say that after one session at KH with the power upgrades, I destroyed a set of standard discs (warped and heat fractured) and heat-damaged the pads. If you're going to unleash your new power, you really are going to need bigger stoppers!
  11. Sounds like a good idea to me
  12. Eek! Nae luck Chris, hope you get it sorted soon and for much cheapness
  13. Yeah, the last think you want is a car with pink bits on it
  14. Sorry to hear about your car mate, that's a shocker. Two Scoobies burned out in the last few weeks. If I were in your shoes, I'd buy a Hawkeye STi. Well that's if you're going to stay behind the wheel of a Scoob. Good luck with it.
  15. Yeah. If you're going to toss in the towel at this stage, what are you going to do when you break a gearbox or a piston. If the money wasn't spent on the Scoob, it would be spent on improving something all we already have. So, for me, I'd rather have an Impreza instead of a holiday abroad or a conservatory or real-wood floor... etc. etc. etc.
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