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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Thanks mate. Yeah, the instructions said to wear gloves to protect your fingers, ha!
  2. Haha! Oh yeeeees! Mon the Irn Bru 32!
  3. Nice colour like that a lot, espeically with the black wheels. And yeah, keep the rear wing
  4. I remember AndyF telling me that the car's ECU can learn parameters based on fuel-type and other factors. Seems that your giving it stick with lower octane fuel has caused the ECU to adjsut to suit the fuel. Fill it up with the right stuff and let the ECU find its feet again. The trouble with this, is that the "learning up" process is slower than the "learning down" process. I doubt lower-octane fuel would damage your turbo though.
  5. You can order the grills in black from Zun Sport, but I stuck with the silver ones because if its not garish, is no good! Mine came today, as well as my sunstrip and my wheels are also ready. Now all I have to do is remain patient til I get the car back from the body shop so that I can put it all together!
  6. The Hawkeye is far and away the best looking of ALL the Scoobies! Then, I would say that
  7. That's a lot of car! Look forward to seeing it, espeically the "custom paint" job.
  8. Cheers Kev, looking forward to that look too! Will look good with the soon-to-be-orange wheels, ha!
  9. Nice one, not before time either. Hope it was to your satisfaction/expectation
  10. Looks cool! Such a nice car; some aftermarket alloys would really finish it off nicely... hmmm have I said that before?
  11. Is that the kitchen roll or the grills?
  12. Funny place for a ktichen roll dispenser...
  13. Just ordered the Zun Sport ones. £153 including vat and delivery and look just as good.
  14. Yeah. Although, if they paid up, it would make the road conditions a bit more bearable. BTW, I wasn't getting at you in the last post! I just read it back and I sounded a little bit aggro, ha!
  15. Ok, fine. Now that said, who pays for the damage to our cars? If no one is liable, then when does it stop????
  16. Dunk, I went through 2 of the HDD ones, which to me would seem much more stable than the DVD variety. Whenever the car hit a slight bump, the thing swithed off. I eventually took it back and got a solid-state job which worked out perfect. IMO, I'd avoid it unless you could test it first
  17. Yup, that says it all. So why, why is it allowed to happen? I can see insurers dialing in higher premiums if the roads in a certain post code are particularly bad saying something like, "greater risk to car damage caused by suspect road-surface"; pretty much in the way that they already do with certain post codes being more susceptible to theft. I wonder if the insurers try to recover their money after a claim…
  18. They all are! Surely the only appealling thing about these movies is the cars and the chicks?? Power-down the brain, forget plots and oscar-class acting and enjoy the visual feasts.
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