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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. I fail to see any validity in this "car tax versus road tax" pish (not saying that previous posts are actually excusing the authorities responsibility by stating this). We pay car tax, fuel tax, council tax and income tax and there is therefore no excuse for the shambolic state of our roads as their are multiplied billions going into the treasury as a result of those taxes. At the end of the day, that shower of s****e (Labour, Cons, Libs ANY of them) who run, I mean control our country, simply do not give a rats ar$e about the road conditions (or much else) or the fact that our cars are getting destroyed by them. It gets right on my tits!!!!!!!!!!! Right, I need to go get a cup of Camomile tea and a wee lie down to recover!
  2. For that price, I would want the car to sprout wings and fly! Totally rediculous!
  3. Its the same down here; its an absolute disgrace. We pay road tax to prop up failing banks and buy nuclear weapons. The income is certainly NOT spent on roads.
  4. Welcome mate. Nice car, looks good
  5. The other bits will be droplinks and an Anti LiftKit - nice bits, plus Duncan fits them for free! So you will just be paying cost on those bits. Just wait till you get it on the twisties after that! Its freaking awesome - just have to learn to put up with the uncumfortable ride meantime Post up your review when you get it done :D
  6. That's totally awesome man! The second set of pics don't do it justice either.
  7. It will be a wolf (Newage) in sheeps (Classic) clothing
  8. Oh yes. The later ones with exterior cosmetic mods... cool! I'd go as far as to say your car is nicer than a lot of Newages! These voices in my head making me say these things..!!
  9. Looking at that last picture, silver is the colour of choice. Real nice car BTW.
  10. I have Tein Superstreet fitted and they are pretty harsh for everyday use. Unless you're going to go on track, I would tend to give them a miss. I can't say what's good or bad in this department but in terms of getting them fitted and set up look no further than Hypertech. I got mine supplied and fitted by Hypertech
  11. Sacriledge! Gone over to the "Dark Side!"
  12. Looks excellent, really finishes the back of the car off. I hope it passed FIA regulations Now I want one too!
  13. Absolute shocking man! I hope you get that sorted. Seems like Scotty is on the right tracks. Keep us posted with your progress. JW
  14. I see your point; the ECU will account for changes under normal conditions, however, taking bits out means the car is not "normal", thus normally expected ranges may well be exceeded to the car's detriment. I mean, you're probably right, but I'd like to be 100% certain before I took risks. One engine going pop is just about enough for one Scooby, ha!
  15. Awesome looking machine. Not sure about the lights though, but those wheels - fantastic!
  16. Silly question, maybe, but I'm going to ask anyhoo. If taking the resnator out changes intake temps and throttle response, is this a safe mod without a remap?
  17. Pics please!!!! Wanna see what that looks like, wouldn't mind giving it a wee go
  18. Yup, those roads are fantastic! In fact, I pulled into that very same layby and took pics while the wife was vomitting due to my spirited driving
  19. Oh hahaha! I'm splitting ma sides at a' the funny guys! I'm going with the idea that it has something to do with the air type; either its density or temperature, or other factors, or all of that! In other words, I dunno! But at least others have experienced the same phenomenon... wooo big word to describe a noise - Anyway, I'll jsut enjoy when its there and when its not I won't let it concern me!
  20. You still working down by mate? Not seen your Scooby in long time! Or wait! Maybe you dont have it anymore.... So?
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