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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Zunsport do it black too mate. Its a few pounds more. I got the silver one and can vouch for the quality. Easy to fit too
  2. Is there a website like this for all of the UK?
  3. Ach well, yer a young boay with plenty of time to do full circle and get "back into it" for want of a better term. As for auld guys like me, no such luxury, gotta live up before the senses go!
  4. Aye, I know what you mean But you're beginning to worry me. Not only swaping the cockpit for the camera, its now a soft and comfortable ride! C'moan big yin, get a grip!
  5. An unusual pose for a car that; boot hinging open, ha! Tis clean though
  6. Yeah, same here (to the expensive part and the PF pads)
  7. Stephen, it might be worth sending a PM to Buffalo who posts on here. One of his Teins snapped and I don't know what the outcome of that was. Hey may have removed or replaced them in which case he'd have spares left over, maybe.... might be worth a shot. IIRC, it was a front one he lost.
  8. Well leave your 320 with me mate, I'll look after it, honest I will
  9. Oh I see your wee membership thing noo! I REALLY need to extract the digit and pay up
  10. Same car as yours Tam, only an estate car, er em, I mean wagon
  11. Just as well you retained the standard springs. Is it possible to buy the Teins in singles or doubles or are you outta pocket for a full set of replacements?
  12. Ha! I didn't say you weren't! Chris doesn't have that wee member badge below his name thing, so I was pulling his leg. In 2002 I wouldn't have been able to tell you what a Scooby was! Edit: Just noticed you don't have the wee "member badge" thing either. I'd get that seen to if I were you
  13. Look, you're missing the point. There is no legal complaint, or any other complaint AT ALL! As I said in my first post on this matter which Connor agreed with and Phil subsequently noted as a good point, is that people DON'T use the .net .co.uk part of an organisation or club. So, its a pain in the a*** to tell poeple that "I post over in Scottish Scoobies, thats Scottishscoobies.co.uk, not the scottishscoobies.net as that is another site with the same name, blah blah blah." It was a friendly suggestion and it was taken as such. So there is no need to munch on about failingto protect the brand, for no one is saying that! Also, what no one has pointed out is that Connor himself will have no unique identity. If I was starting a similiar thing, I'd want to step out from the shadows of that which was already established, making it clear that I am standing on my own two feet. Someone on here tried it before with SaltireScoobies, granted the venture never worked out that time, but the name was a good one becasue it said everything about what they where trying to do, "a Scottish-based Subaru club with not ties to any other" the name said it all and at no time caused confusion for the ordinary user. Conner cannot enjoy the same status as the afore mentioned SaltireScoobies. Again, good luck Connor, I hope it works out for you. Its an exciting and worthwhile project, but please, come up with a more intuative name that makes you distinct.
  14. Nice one on the discount especially since your NOT a member!
  15. No one is arguing about Conner starting his own site, good luck to him. But please, read the rest of the posts and then tell me that there is no issues with clubs that essentialy have identical names and an identical interest.
  16. You should get your welcome pack through soon. Mine took four days. It will include your card, tax disc holder, a wee book about forum ettiquette (I think) and some stickers. You should get the current "True Grip" as your membership was applied for, before its release date
  17. LOL! I'll take you up on that
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