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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. The Hawkeye JW340 has forged pistons! Shame you didnt have that 20g Grant, then you mighta hada chanca catching me! LOL! Oh man, I just can't stop myself! As for all other Hawkeye WRXs, they have plastic pistons as standard, though I was sure the STi had the stronger jobs, hmmm. If not, that makes my car that little bit more valuable
  2. Aye, I was out in it last night at the Larark meet, what a hoot, loved it!
  3. Peter, will the heat from the exaust being so close to the wheel not cause issues with brakes heating up. I suppose the amount of heat generated by the brakes is far in excess to that of the exhaust anyway, but was just wondering out loud. What does ceramic coating do? Cooling? A very unique set up, be exciting to see what it does
  4. I'm pretty sure I saw an Evo wagon the other day. I didn't know they did an estate version like the sports wagon... do they or was I seeing things?
  5. Jeez Peter! Do you know what your doing with all those bendy custom-made bits of pipe! Hope you get it on the road soon
  6. Thanks man, nice to meet you too! And you owe me a sit in your car
  7. I believe teh criticism for the new design is aimed at its looks, nothing else
  8. I'll be there! Leaving in 20 mins, jeez I better get my skates on!
  9. I would love a bike though Wow, nice find! Will the 03 stuff work ok with the 06 model and what about the different rev ranges of the STi 9k versus the WRX 7k when it comes to the box? Do I l also need to change the clutch as well?
  10. Hmmm £1800 away from an STi box... I wasted close to that this year on stupid golf, what an a55! Colin, would really love to have the bottle for two wheels, just don't though, plus all the hassle of getting the bike, all the gear then learning to ride it and passing the test makes it prohibitive. My mate has an R6 and I look on it with green eyes. I'm not getting any younger and at 44, I'm over the hill. Also good points if the car stays north of the border, I would be pi55ed anytime I saw it. I'm leaning much more to the "keeping it" side, I know I would miss it and regret getting rid every time someone went past me on the roads, LOL! £1800 is really doable, I mean who couldn'r raise that given time... maybe Rome is closer than I thought. Cheers dudes! JW
  11. Jeezo! What a wave of response! I never expected that! I LOVE the car and I'm not bored with it. Every little addition makes it feel new and unique again but I have spent a whore of money on it and I was getting to thinking that its time to stop all this. Every once in a while my mind drifts to the costs of owning, running and modding the car and I quickly dismiss it from my mind. But recently I let my thoughts dwell on it a bit longer and started to think that it was hard to justify spending all that on a daily runner while the wife spends next to nothing on herself, I guess I was feeling guilt! As for tracking the car; sort of lost the bottle when I went off more times in the last two session that I did in the previous 6 put together, then there is the issue of the gear box. I LOVE tracking the car, its the best fun you can have in an Impreza, no question, and I love pushing it. However, with the demise of the gearbox, track days are not as much fun with short-shifting being the order of the day. I can't really afford to buy another car, but I really hope I can talk the wife into getting something with a but more grunt than the current Vauxhall Crapsa. I would use it more often which would save a bit on fuel and help appreciate the performance of the Scooby a bit more too. I'm going to hopefully go to the Lanark meet since I missed the last GLA one, and due to other circumstances, I'm going to miss the next KH too. Colin: I have often thought about two wheels, but I'm too scared and its too late now to start all that, I'd only kill myself. Iain: Yeah it was other factors (guilt/costs), not the car itself. Grant: In your dreams! Robert: Those formation returns from meets are brill, love those! Well thanks for all the time spent in writing those posts gents, I really do appreciate it. I spose I'll sit on it and see what the future brings. Thanks again
  12. Kenny, have you got a postcode for this place, I might be able to make this
  13. Aye, but 3G is already in use as a technology that allows mobile devices to connect wirelessly to GSM networks for data/Internet access. 3G STi... hmmm, it does have a nice ring to it though
  14. Hmmm, I just got a PM declaring interest and my heart sank at the thought of not owning it. And those comments about opening the garage door and it not being there made an impact! Ha! FFS, its just a car, isn't it? so why is it so freaking hard to let go? I can't consider a 2nd car, because what is the point of owning the ultimate driving machine and not driving it? My wife has a wee Corsa I use from time to time to run around in anyway, but it couldnay pull a sodyier aff yer maw. She's thinking about upgrading next year, so maybe if she gets something with a bit more grunt I could use it more often, that would save a little I guess.
  15. Haha! Yeah, he can do whatever the hell he wants as far as I'm concerned!
  16. I don't have all the standard parts or I'd put it back to standard and trade it in. That said, it would cost money to do that, so I'd jsut sell as is. The thrill and power just can't be experienced on roads it needs to be the track. But the costs of everything associated with performance car ownership is going up and up, so even track days etc. are getting to be too much. The social aspect amounts to about 6 or 7 runs in the summer, and while i really enjoy that I don't think I'd miss it too much.
  17. Its a lot more car than a standard WRX, a LOT more! But you're right, its a buyers market, so I wont raise sufficient funds to pay it off.
  18. Been thinking about the car and where I am at with it. I can't afford to take it to the next stage so what's the point? Is it really worth £200 a month on fuel and another grand per year between road tax and insurance, not to mention the £300 per month payments on it. My plan was to mod it to a decent standard track car (450bhp/450torque) but the last two outings at KH where not enjoyable for me; I bottled out the last session and the up and coming one in June does not seem appealing to me. So I'm thinking its time to throw the towel in. So, if anyone wants to take it off my hands for the right price they are welcome to it, conversely, feel free to tell me how much of an idiot I am to think about letting it go and perhaps I'll wake up. It's remapped to 340bhp and 400 ft/lbs torque and more mods than you can shake a stick at. I have no idea what the car is worth, but if someone made the right offer, I'd let it go. Cheers JW
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