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Carl Davey

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Everything posted by Carl Davey

  1. If there is one thing i hate about this place it's the daft swear filter. Phil/Derek/Cameron et all, can we please have "Fcek" removed from the filter as it's a bit of a PITA for me being as my personal domain is www.fceker.co.uk. Hardly a swear word is it? Anyway, looks as though it's time to wheel out this ol' pic again! To post proper images do the following.... *img src="type the link to the picture here" /* Change the first '*' to '<' and change the second to '>'.
  2. Indeed it would. Shortly followed by turning Japanese.
  3. Mine did a pathetic 277/240 the last time. We all know what's going to happen if it doesn't break 300 on the 12th...
  4. In that case... in the bedside cabinet.
  5. Everyone's still waiting for them to arrive...
  6. Oh dear... i do not see the shame in naming them though? Like i said Doug, go for it mate.
  7. I can only assume this is one of the central belt import traders or similar?
  8. God i'm loving my 2005 rota. Jools, i'll nab the OB from you at the meet if that's ok?
  9. 1) Spooks 2) Matt Sti-zlv 3) DRB5 4) WRXMANIA 5) GrantyBoy (maybe) 6) HI SOOB -Jamie (for sure!!) 7) Carl, dependant on mappers availability 8) ANDYJDMSTI (if still around)
  10. Have asked Andy if this date fits with him. If so, i'm there. 1) Spooks 2) Matt Sti-zlv 3) DRB5 4) WRXMANIA 5) GrantyBoy (maybe) 6) HI SOOB -Jamie (for sure!!) 7) Carl, dependant on mappers availability
  11. Old enough to be my father. Hope you had a good one. Carl, 23.
  12. Buy a pair. Helps justify the postage and you'll be sure they match.
  13. Recommending them before the job's been done? What if you hate it? You must be after C+C freebies Brian.
  14. From personal experience Grade A are ridiculously expensive. I use Glenburgie, but then i am terribly biased. £60 for a pair of JDM 'folding' mirrors, need i say more? EDIT: they do mail order.
  15. Guys, i'm up for a run provided the date meets the following requirements. 1. I am not offshore 2. Andy is able to map my car before the run (i.e. i run in the afternoon) The later in the year the better for me really. Anytime between the 23rd February to 14th March is good for me. This gives a chance to fit the new parts either this time home or before the RR Day next time home.
  16. Yup, £180 for the Andy.F remap. I'd plug in the ECU, chuck in copious amounts of OB (Apexi ECU's are all designed for JDM STi's running 101RON fuel) and toddle down to Edinburger. Easiest and cheapest way IMO. This suits Andy alot better and you'll find it alot easier to book a date with him if you do this. If you want to wait until the end of Feb/beginning March time i'll be able to show you the road down.
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