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Carl Davey

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Everything posted by Carl Davey

  1. Dad heard a rumour about that and i thought it may have been the Scottish Elises.
  2. But it didn't last much longer did it...? Saturday evening before i last went offshore Mr Policeman requests i fit legal plates. He wasn't too arsey about it (it must've been the blizzard) and no fine/producer either so not too bitter. Looks shlte though doesn't it? Ach well, time to grow up i suppose.
  3. I sincerely hope this is an April fools thing. The Dougster is one of the things that makes the Scottish Subaru community what it is - and i'm not just talking about this forum.
  4. Dave, that's more or less what i have in mind. I can only think of one car which fits all my requirements though. It has to be STi for the engine, DCCD because it wouldn't be worth it without it, MY99 onwards because i'll waste money facelifiting it if it isn't and as lightweight as possible. Only leaves one Impreza that i can think of... De-tuning the Fridge isn't an option. I really need another project to maintain my interest. The stumbling block is that i can't realistically go any further with my car without looking towards gearboxes among other hideously expensive things. I'd like to sell it with most of the body bits but i'd need some half decent wheels to replace the Speedlines before i could do that. I think i've made my mind up, feck this is going to hurt lol! Russ, the wheels will be staying with me for now. I still owe you a big kiss for putting them my way.
  5. Don't let me sway your opinion. There's loads of people love them. There's even some on here that love neons, flamer and popper kits. But ssshhhh, you didn't hear it from me ok?
  6. Ok, so i've reached my 300bhp target. I plan to spend at least the next week i'm home enjoying it. However, my house started going up last Monday and will no doubt be ready from me to move into come the end of May. I don't have to sell it but it would be conveinient what with having a house to carpet and furnish etc. Selling allows me to pay off the remainder of the loan and buy a big feckin TV amongst other things. The plan then would be to wait until Autumn (if i can last that long) before buying something Japanese with DCCD. However, she's a pretty girl and i've put alot of time and effort into her. She'll also have a nice warm garage to snuggle up in once the house is done. The problem is i can't realistically tune it any further without having a weekly ritual sacrificing of a gearbox... and i've already started buying the bits for a new project. It'd also be cost effective to strip down and sell off as i should make at least 8k once i've kept the bits i want for myself (wheels, AVC-R + Defis before anyone asks). I'd appreciate your thoughts on this one gentlemen, the old girl has been a regular for a while now...
  7. Nope. Sound shlte, look shlte, standard one makes the noises with a filter, which itself is shlte.
  8. John, not quite Glasgow but there is a bloke called Richard Small at a place called Pentland Components In Edinburgh who could help you.
  9. If they keep their promise and let me off here on Friday i'll be there!
  10. Alternative drive belt cover. Looking good fellas.
  11. Methinks i need to buy some shares in Forrest Racing Services. Aye, Andy and his magic laptop got the results on the fridge too.
  12. Hmm, stuck offshore right now. I'm not sure what the STi V4 has as standard but i have Subaru 4-pots, Tarox discs, Mintex 1155 pads and braided lines. They're holding up pretty well after several thousands of miles of abuse. Cheap setup too. If you have cash to burn it has to be the AP 6-pots.
  13. You run out already David? I have enough left over for another sevice yet but BTTT anyway.
  14. Barry Denholm and Joe Haughey. Nice lads by all accounts... we like the young boys out here pmsl.
  15. To the best of my knowledge the MAF problem was largely limited to the MY99/00 cars. The Fugly has a tougher version AFAIK. TypeRA28, to the best of my knowledge MY98 MAF's are pretty resilient also. Funny, my K&N makes my car sound like an RS Turbo. Daft sucking noises and being able to hear the dump valve re-circ through it doesn't turn me on. If it didn't actually benefit the car it'd have been binned a long time ago...
  16. Induction kits are more hassle than they're worth on a lightly tuned car. You could slip a more free flowing panel filter in the OE airbox if the PPP doesn't come with one. They're much cheaper and will be of more benefit than a cone. If you have to get a cone i can recommend a K&N. I had to shield mine from the engine bay (hot air) to restore the airflow of my car to normal levels though.
  17. Pah, women! Carl (on his second set of Defis).
  18. Congratulations Mark, i hope the new Mum is ok too. Abby is a nice name, at least it isn't Kylie or Jordan. Have to say i've been feeling a little broody myself of late. However, the thought of the wedding to pay for first is enough to shock me back into seeing sense.
  19. All the deals are with us country bumpkins in Turra'. I can recommend Jim and Julian Kinsella at TT, really genuine chaps. You're in safe hands people!
  20. Russ, don't take this the wrong way... Do you want me to put you in touch with who supplied my Defis? He isn't the most clued up chap but he got me my Defis within three days. For a saving of over £100 on a 3-Gauge/CU2 setup there's room there for a bit of money for yourself (nothing to be ashamed of as GB's are ALOT of hassle) and a hefty saving for the locals. Ok, he owed me a favour but i'm sure if you're ordering a large quantity of gauges he'll do you a similar if not better deal. Like i said, i just want the best for everyone.
  21. Russ, if this is off (don't blame you to be honest) i'll let the guys know where i got my gauges from. I haven't checked Jons prices but what i paid for mine must be, oooh...... 50% what he's charging? No guarantees though and you takes your chances with my supplier... It's DEFInitely a gamble!!
  22. Quality Doug, thanks ever so much for that. Just the one flame, but it was real one.
  23. How many years did you work with this poor fella, and when are you going to speel his name correctly? Careful, somebody may think you're a bumpkin. What were the pictures for Russ? You going to be in the mag? Carl, thee country bumpkin.
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