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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Good vid mate. That's not an STI in front though, that's "just" a WRX. Although it is PPP'd if it's Scott's. He doesn't post/post much though, so not sure if it was his. Not mine though.
  2. What a bugger ed. Good things come in threes though: See!
  3. I smell sh1t3. I saw a saxo with what appeared to be a genuine STI spoiler wedged onto it once.
  4. The club will live and die by its members, and with the exception of the most minor of minorities they're all thoroughly sound people. But if you don't promote the club to both new and existing members then people will leave. To this end I also volunteer my services in any way I can. I'm not the greatest web designer in the world, but I am an excellent code monkey.
  5. There's loads of Opencast sites in South Lanarkshire and Ayrshire that are either being restored or due to be restored soon. They're re-shaping the land obviously, but my requests to turn them into racetracks has fallen on deaf ears.
  6. Chris, you know it's doing the rounds in Glasgow. 50,000 Rangers fans are sick as a parrot! God knows where I got it from though.
  7. It's more like a debate in Westminster! I'll be there work permitting, and/or if I can stop hacking up my lungs. Feckin' Bird Flu.
  8. Mmmmm. Nur Spec. NO, can't afford right now. Loving the X-Trail Jamie. Something about Nissan 4x4s and pickups I like. I tried to convince work to get me a Navara as a company van but they weren't having it.
  9. The Weatherspoons outside Central should be open too. Usual caveats of roll + sauage to get a pint.
  10. Turn up at his gaff with the rest of the Scottish boys. He'll soon be coughing up the cheddar.
  11. Welcome mate. Enjoy the stay. I'm sure it will all be sorted soon. After reading those threads and Ed's comments it seems that IM are just being obstructive. Out of interest Ed, had you registered yours with IM and received a confirmation letter saying it was ok? I've got one of them, and I'll hold them to it.
  12. I had a vectra broken into in 2001. That's what I get for going south of the border I suppose. But I was still finding wee chunks of glass in the passenger side footwell about 2 years later. Barstewards the lot of them. Glad nothing was stolen though.
  13. Does that include me Ricey? I should be able to appear on Thursday, work permitting.
  14. I know Ed had a letter from Motorpoint, but I've not and neither has my mate that also bought one from them. But here's some slightly dodgy reading - 1 and 2. I've posted on the first one with my thoughts, but it's certainly something I'll be keeping an eye on. It might be worth getting details from everyone who bought from Motorpoint should we need to get involved en mass. As you can read in my big reply I don't think there is anything to worry about as Liaco/Subaru Malta don't have a problem with the sales, so warranty work shouldn't be an issue. What might be an issue is getting it done hastily at an authorised UK dealership.
  15. Outrageous Ian. Grassroots motorpsort in Scotland needs all the help it can get. We'll not produce people like Colin McRae, David Coulthard etc. with events being cancelled all over the place. If Knockhill wants to improve, and I know we'd all like to see it improve, then surely it needs all the money it can get? I shall write them an email this evening when I get home.
  16. Vicki, I'm from Bothwell, so if you see me meandering about give me a wave.
  17. As a relative newbie to the club I might not be in the best position to make comments about the political landscape. But I will. I'm not having a go at anyone because I sure as hell don't get off my backside and do anything, but there seems to be a general lack of cohesion or direction for the Scottish element of the club. The ROs, JohnS etc. all do a great job. But it feels like there's just something missing. Yes the forum is good. Yes the local meets and the occasional national stuff is good. But where is all the information about these events and the Scottish section of the club? Hidden away in the forum! Forums can be a bit cliquey. It can be hard for new people to jump straight in, especially those completely new to Subaru ownership, or those who might not be regular Internet users/abusers. If we as the Scottish Scoobies element of the SIDC hope to entice fellow owners and enthusiasts from Scotland to join us in our madcap quest to talk pish on the internet and to have fun at events then we need to have a public face that isn't the almost impenetrable for newbies forum. What we need is a decent small-ish website with the information already on the scottish scoobies part of the SIDC homepage but further expanded to show all the great things the club has done and will be doing. If any of you have visited the MLR then you'll know that a good professional looking face for a car club could be like. Yes the Leaflet is a great idea, but you want that to be something short and snappy that gets people looking for more. So without a good introduction to our section of the club then to me it seems almost like a little bit of a pointless exercise. The November photoshoot (assuming everything goes a head swimmingly) and the Clothing are both great examples of when someone with a bit of get up and go thinks f**k it and goes ahead and just sorts something out. There was talk of a calendar too recently, but that died of death as there was no official support. To do some of the stuff planned the money is clearly required, and I have no idea how one would get that. I know I feel like I could do more, but I'm put off with the thought that if I decide to run with something am I stepping on the toes of those in official positions or not. Make of that what you will, but I hope my criticisms, if you can call them that, are constructive and not taken in any offence by anyone. The Honey Monster.
  18. Taxi drivers have two speeds - dangerously sow and dangerously fast. They either seem to be meandering about at half the speed limit going no where in particular and not indicating, or they're ferrying people about at break neck speed, still not indicating.
  19. I'll note that one down Andy. They've been spotted round your way in an apple green 607, and white 5 series and XJSeseseses. Although which of them is for the college, and what is a legit traffic car is unclear. Think the 607 is just for chauffering round the big chiefs though.
  20. I took my wee cousin home one saturday. I was talking to my aunt when he said "I think somone's kicked a ball under your car Stephen". So we went outside to find 5 or 6 of his wee friends all crouched down behind the car. "I can get my hand up yer exhaust big man" and other such comments followed. Needless to say I got in and revved the testicles off the thing. We're just giving the kids a bit of entertainment Chris. Nothing wrong with that.
  21. No excuse for 100+ in those situations. The Hawaii Five-O have been spotted in an unmarked beemer on the '74 in recent days.
  22. You don't seem to have the best of luck with Alloys oobster. I went through 5 sets of Gas lifters on the civic's hatchback as I kept telling the garage they were rattling. Turned out it was the parcel shelf fitting + lots of bass. Whoops. The civic is the only car I've had an accident with, but it wasn't my fault. A bus turning left ran a red light. The backend swung out and collected my car which was stopped at the junction. Rear bumper and every panel on the passenger side was completely wrecked. About a square foot of the bus was actually wedged into the gap between the door and the rear panel. You get some tremendous looks driving home with a car so badly damaged though.
  23. 6:20 with the 350z race concept. Edit: That's an autobox, no driver aids (I can't drive with them), and with a very abused joypad.
  24. We'll get you an optimax tanker for your HGV dougster, then when one of us lets of a WR Blue and Yellow distress flare you can race to our rescue.
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