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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. at last something going right for you Al!! hate to say it Ciaran but it appears to be a problem specific to newages,i did 70k in classics with nooo problems at all. off topic was that you that almost got wiped out last wednesday night when a people carrier pulled out while you were overtaking it!!!
  2. yea,ideally i wouldve gone for teins with edfc or ast's-maybe later.... but i needed to do something as i was just getting so fed up with the car feeling squishy all the time and the apexs were 560 delivered so decision made and not regretting it at all.
  3. cheers Gee!! cheers jen,its the best thing ive done to the car,shouldve done it ages ago. thanks Peter,yea they are rays vspeed 18" -only 7.4kg each and so far only one mark on them!!
  4. 1. Dez 2. Maz 3. mctwistuk 4. mctwistuk other half 5. Ed-209 6. Kaylz_555 7. Mr. Kaylz_555 8. terzo neil 9. st3ph3n 10. Nicola 11. Squiggle 12.Burgy_51_ 13.Mrs Burgy 14.Ally-b 15.MrsB 16.NKWRX 17.Bobby C depending on shift cover 18.Mrs Bobby C 19. Scoobymark 20. Mrs Scoobymark 21. Scoobymark jnr 22. jimser 23. gary d 24. yellow 25. Mrs gary d 26. Mrs yellow 27. caitlin 28. empty heed 29. empty heeds friend 30. scooby222 31. scooby222 oher half
  5. at last got some pics! before and after couldve gone lower but for real world driving....
  6. theyre good,lornas got them on her teg and thats what convinced me to get a set of coilovers as ive no probs with them,8k miles so far and no issues. she reckons theyre a bit harder than mine but theres not much between them-apart from about 300 quid and ive got rear camber adjust top mounts
  7. happy birthday mate,hope your growing old disgracefully!
  8. if its 2010 then im in! gives me a chance to save. looked at doing it 2 years ago but between work and other stuff havent had a chance since,though then the last week coincided with rally sweden which i was going to stay on for,wonder if it will again?
  9. thats shocking Al,ive had prodrive springs on mine for about 15k now and theyre fine and its safe to say im considerably more aggressive in my style than you! as for the dampers well... heard today about a gb270 with under 2k miles and on its 3rd set of shocks!!! having had a proper run todat on my new setup im delighted with them,best money ive spent on the car. first time ive been truly happy with the suspension in 2 years,so next time im down or your up should meet up so you can see what yo think- in VFM terms i think its very hard to beat. as an aside nice to hear today that whiteline uk distribution is back in safe hands,pleasure to bump into Job at awd.
  10. cheers wayne,she needs the encouragement-no really!
  11. sorry Gav meant to mention you as well! Kev,who's running the operation there? havent heard but got the email too-and texts!
  12. well mine was 18 months when it started going to awd but if your dead set on a main dealer i wouldnt touch john weir with a long barge pole,euan 'l back me up i think. dont think too much of aird either but they may have improved and dont get me started on cupar!. to be honest about the only one id go to would be nobles in penicuik.
  13. well got them on yesterday and it looks great! will get some pics up when i see the car in daylight ! would have liked it a bit lower but its as low as practicality allows- Andy at awd said the first height they tried looked awesome but they couldnt get it off the ramps so thoughts so far ,bearing in mind its getting set up at progrip on monday so is on awd's best eye settings and how crappy the roads are its definitely a lot firmer,bit more of a thump over potholes but doesnt upset me or the car,and can be set softer yet slightly more road noise and vibe in the cabin, but again not much and not enough to bother me it feels much more like a classic now sitting down in it rather than perched up high much flatter through bends and feels more stable,less back end twitchy no pitching from side to side as it did on the knackered sti shocks, and no dive/squat under heavy braking acceleration so so far so good,im already quite happy that for me ive done the right thing and i think they could be made soft/high enough for a daily town driver. will give a final opinion once its been set up and done a few miles now just have to wait for the first day i have to use it for work-forest tracks may be an issue
  14. oo tempting-time to drop hints about xmas presents...
  15. Al have a word with Andy at awd,theyl use the genuine filters and keep your warranty and give you twice the service at half the price. il never go back to a dealers but i did have warranty work done after they serviced it with no probs. and dont forget the sidc discount!!
  16. im sure theyl be like velvet slippers! you sorted out new suspension for Jacquis beastie yet or are you too busy with the four legged beastie? cheers Toby,it was either these or the teins and i figured at half the price id give them a go! got plenty of space in my garage but awd's going to fit them on wed then progrip hopefully at the weekend. expect pics on wed night!!
  17. what she doesnt know wont hurt me!
  18. il take the rattling if it stops the car feeling like a boat! was out for a run this afternoon and each wheel was settling into the corner at a different time-if this doesnt work its an integra for me!! (well not really,but maybe itl behave if i threaten it enough lol!)
  19. nope,no electric motors unfortunately-its a length of cable about 6-8" with a nut that fits over the adjuster knob on the damper and extends into the boot. simple but should work! have chickened out so booked into awd on tuesday then progrip after a few miles. il let you know how they feel soon after Grant-cant wait to try them!
  20. these arrived this week to hopefully solve my suspension woes! apex coilovers from the groupbuy on sn,so far very impressed with the quality-front and rear pillowball adjustable topmounts with remote adjusters for soft/hard for the rear struts. just got to get them on now-any volunteers to help a mechanical numpty!
  21. looks awesome,fitting memento of the day. got my order in before it runs out!!
  22. thatd be me! welome along,its all downhill and credit card bills from now on! sure to see you about sneck in that wee beastie
  23. with my mcrae gathering sticker? i put it on top of my bonnet scoop and now have 3 options 1 leave it on 2 take it off and puut it on a board or something (though i do have a spare) 3 use it as the inspiration for a rally style graphics package! opinions on a postcard!
  24. thing is, i know youl have considered it!
  25. looking great! but if you can still get about with it lower go for it!
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