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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. top choice! beautiful wheels-just a shame im not the only one with them now! i just put the origainals back on for the next few months to keep the worst of the salt off them
  2. the integra had a lightweight battery and after 6 weeks of minimal starting it was beyond charging so make sure you know the spec of the one your getting- though you do need a working engine to start in the first place
  3. this time of year wouldnt go past eagle f1's on a scoob,havent tried michelin pilot sports though
  4. as above and buy a optimate trickle charger to keep the battery tiptop
  5. been into weirs for warranty issues on both scoob and isuzu and both times got the same response-did you buy the vehicle from us? shouldnt have anything to do with it!! as unhelpful as they can possibly be,at least the other lot were polite when they were lying to my face!!
  6. this months Imy,its in the awards of the year section and thoroughly deserved too
  7. welcome to the club!! hope weirs are friendlier to you than they were to me start saving now for coilovers,transforms the car. or if you want a set of ppp springs...
  8. if you can find something you enjoy as much and gives you the same pride of ownership but is cheaper to run then youve done a great job lying to yourself! spent 8 years trying to convince myself to get a sensible car, managed to get an a3 company car and the girlfriend an integra-any time im in any of them i just wish i was in mine! scoobs anonymous-say it loud and proud!!
  9. cheers geo,im selling the ones off my car and had an enquiry from someone with a 01 wrx,thought id check before taking his hard earned!
  10. its a 2.0l but with the 114.3 pcd so i know the struts dont fit but not sure about the springs on their own.
  11. other halfs got her xmas do that night-but still willing to drop me off and collect me later-result! Attendance: 1. Dez 2. Maz 3. mctwistuk 4. mctwistuk other half 5. Ed-209 6. Kaylz_555 7. Mr. Kaylz_555 8. terzo neil 9. st3ph3n 10. Nicola 11. Squiggle 12. Burgy_51_ 13. Mrs Burgy 14. Ally-b 15. MrsB 16. NKWRX 17. Scoobymark 18. Mrs Scoobymark 19. Scoobymark jnr 20. jimser 21. gary d 22. yellow 23. Mrs gary d 24. Mrs yellow 25. caitlin 26. empty heed 27. empty heeds friend 28. scooby222 29. STI Pretender 30. euan_r 31.NKWRX Jr 32. StrikE 33.Mrs StrikE 34. JamesM 35.Mrs JamesM 36.Nanaki 37.Greersport1 38.Greersport2 39.Meercat1 40.Meercat2 Raffle Prizes: 1. A meal for two is donated by Fai17 @ Kwang Tung 2. 1.5L bottle of Smirnoff Vodka is donated by Fai17 3. Bottle of 10year old Arran Single Malt is donated by Ed209 4. Bottle of Jack Daniels is donated by Kaylz555 5. 1 ltr bottle of famous grouse whiskey is donated by Terzo Neil 6. 1 bottle of conde D'ervideira wine is donated by Terzo Neil 7. 1 x 5L Millers CFS 10w60 is donated by Squiggle 8. 1 x 5L Millers CFS 10w60 is donated by Squiggle 9. A serice to the value of £150 is donated by Bill Greer @ Greersport 10. A custom stainless backbox is donated by Meercat Exhaust 11. I know you got soul book by Jeremy Clarkson - st3ph3n 12. Another bottle of Famous Grouse - st3ph3n 13. Fuel mixture display kit (DIY) - euan_r 14. Auto Glym valet kit-Billy Mason (being collected by STi Pretender) 15. Colin McRae Gathering poster (the official one)
  12. doesnt narrow it down much-whats summer?!!
  13. quickie for the ones with the knowledge,will the springs off an 05 sti fit an 01 wrx? i suspect not but am not sure cheers
  14. nice one Bobby! stage 2 next?
  15. veeeeery nice sir, even considering its a kawasaki is that a two brothers can on it?
  16. great roads paul, next time though go through aucherarder then take the turn for kinkell bridge over to crieff-mucho fun
  17. your lucky you made it out with all the wheels still on!! if your heading over with the scoob give us a shout and il show you the best roads in these parts cheers dave
  18. listen to the voice of experience thats some impressive marks-anyone get the number of the car NOT to buy? have to admit to a moment of panic when i saw your title Al....
  19. looks awesome Mike!! sorry i havent been back to you about the integra,works just been mental
  20. mines the same,has been from newlike you say fine once its warmed up. the other halfs integra was the same but a bit worse so changed the gearbox oil for a fully synthetic recomended by opie oils and its made it much smoother so may try that on the scoob at some point.
  21. well for my tppence worth i wouldnt bother with the standard shocks again-if i remember right theyre about 300 quid a strut plus fitting from a stealer!!! my coilovers were 560 as part of a goupbuy on snet-theyre not the best you can get but theyre more than up to the job for the price
  22. looking good Al! planning the hid kit myself when funds allow-xmas,bah humbug! id have a go at making up some clear acyrlic covers for the spots- still havent replaced my cracked one from the highland fling as its 80 quid for a lens
  23. i would say if your happy with them stick with them mate. only other option worth considering for 300hp now is bigger calipers and discs- but they cost!
  24. dont worry Al,its all good banter and im safe enough just now anyway- Richs cars having a rear engine conversion!!! well the heads valves and most of the rests in the boot so that must be the plan?
  25. awww,dale!, i wanna be a scoobie master-sounds like a jedi but cooler cheers for that Rich,i thought you were the one with the head problem mejamj,if your car feels fine out on the open road its probably ok but the 2 main symptoms are a knocking/clunking noise coming from the back or with the car jacked up being able to move the wheel/strut assembly from side to side. if your concerned take it to a reputable main dealer or better a good specialist such as awd or hypertech. as for the new improved suubaru strut,i believe theres very little difference in lifetime with them. alas as the fast one says im no master and certainly dont intend to boast,but have a fairly aggressive driving style which uses the car the way it should but my point is that it shpouldnt be sufficient to damage components on a car built for this. o and welcome to the foruums!
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