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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. Welcome to the club! Yes I'll be there Sunday, hopefully the weathers good!
  2. I was testing my brakes that night...dont think they worked...
  3. You sure as hell would've had more fun with it that week, than I did!
  4. First car was a Grey XR2i when I was 16, then a Blue Clio RSi then a Nightfire Red Clio RSi. When I passed my test the modifying bug caught on and I tarted up this... Then I added 8 valves when I bought this and tarted it up... Then the Scoob arrived... ...aaaannndddd went
  5. Hello and welcome along to the club. Get a few pics of the car taken so we can all have a butchers!!
  6. I know a lad from Neilston who has the DC Camo on his car. Looks the b******s. Even better with white http://media.photobucket.com/image/impreza...camo_subaru.jpg
  7. Good stuff. Get to the events section and stick your nmae down on the thread then!
  8. 7 for 7.30 mate. Good few numbers now, should be a good run. Its to stay pretty dry as well...go on, you know you cant resist breaking out the Meguiars!
  9. No its over behind the houses next to the mast. You can see them from down at the Marina. On another note, are you able to come to the Glasgow meet tomorrow night!?
  10. I was being sarcastic mate, its gleaming! I know Portpatrick very well, my Cousin has just built a few houses on his land right behind The Portpatrick Hotel at the top of the hill.
  11. Nice looking car mate, could've cleaned it though...
  12. HAHA great minds...the easiest way to re-assemble is to mount the thrust bearing on the gearbox as it was before the pin was removed. Do up the allen 10mm then when you have a couple of bolts in grab the clutch fork and pull it towards the rear of the car. You should feel a click meaning the thrust bearing is attached to the pressure plate as it was before removal.
  13. On the passenger side of the box. You need a 10mm allen key to remove this cap. Then you need to find a M4 or M6, not sure which, bolt to thread into the pin. You can see the end of the pin and the threads here. You should be able to slide this out by pulling on it, jiggling the clutch fork should help free it.
  14. I take it that its the casings your talking about or has the casing moved!? Brute force and ignorance sounds good to me mate...
  15. Saw the car there on Saturday afternoon, was gonna text and drop in but I was short for time. Glad I could help!
  16. MATT BLACK FOR SURE! Get the whole car done mate!
  17. Just caught the thread. Thats pretty **** news. Wouldve been good to have added another member to the area!
  18. At the bottom of the page there is something that says "Lo-Fi version". I suppose for you it will say something like "Hi Version". Click it
  19. I can only go by the bodyshop I use in Glasgow (JB Coachworks). Bumper including rub down is £200 and Bonnet including rubdown is £200. Simple math for this one, £400!?
  20. I may have totally missed this in the above post, but if you just fancy coming along to watch then how much will this cost!? Is it still £20..!? Cheers
  21. Injectors clogged!? Need new Fuel filter!? Doubt the fuel pump is a problem, your clearly getting fuel through. Noticed any leaks!? When planting the foot, does it missfire or just cut power at 4000rpm!? Could be a hose popped off, I'd have a good look under the bonnet for anything untoward.
  22. Contact these guys, they should have plenty. http://www.scottishsubarus.co.uk/
  23. Any luck on delivery of these yet mate? Wouldnt mind a Hoodie but would like to see it 1st. Good Job!
  24. Is it an STi scoop you have maybe?! I know you need all the gubbins like the undertray for it.
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