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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. Ive swithered over this for the passed few months. I want to buy a performance car, but one thats a bit different with the potential of blowing all others away. Imprezas, Evo's and the likes are obviously high on my list but I reckon an original RS4 Avant (2001) in Regaro Blue with Bi-Turbo is climbing to the top.
  2. Your alloy COULD technically be fixed by building up weld and grinding it but it would never be 100% and I really wouldnt recommend it. Its ok doing this on smaller chips or even chunks, but youve lost quite a bit. As for the council, yes you can claim against them. Take pictures of the hole, the road approaching the hole and the damage to your wheel. It will take a bit of time to get the cash out of them, but you should eventually get it. Ive claimed numerous times for tyres, and also once for a spring that East Renfrewshire paid out surprisingly quickly for. Good Luck!
  3. Any results on this one?!
  4. Due to the modifications, the CEL light will come on and off or even just stay on. Im sure if you add a resistor in-line to the MAF it will trick the ECU into thinking that it is at the correct value. This value cannot be edited at the re-mapping stage apparently. I'll try and find out what resistor is needed.
  5. Great write-up and excellent choice of colour with your wheels...great minds think alike!
  6. Evrything in life is a contract. Drive into a carpark and if it says "Beware of drop in paving, liability is with driver" then they DO have a right to fight their case that they've warned you and you did not heed the advice. However, the drop in paving is their liability if they have not warned you about the danger. They are liable for paying for the damage to your vehicle, the parking surface will be rendered inadequate and you will get a payout. Any other legal advice drop me a message.
  7. Im very unsure of the front bumper and meshing, although they have done a very good job of fitting the mesh. Rest of the car looks ace, and that candy white looks gorgeous.
  8. Didnt know that place was there!
  9. Scottish Subaru in Paisley will sell you a 2nd hand engine at a good price.
  10. Christ, I missed that one!!!
  11. God knows, although I reckon thats a backup flux capacitor doubling as a keychain in one picture...
  12. ...and if you recline the seats to a top secret angle of degrees (angle will be revealed on purchase of car) it will gain at LEAST another 40-50bhp...
  13. Thought so...theres a LOT of this going on in the east end of Glasgow just now. Opportunists waiting for you to walk away from the car at the petrol station and possibly leaving the keys in the ignition, and the old "leave a note on the rear windscreen" trick. Ive heard of 4 people now who have had cars stolen in the past few months from the sandyhill area.
  14. Totally gutting. What area of Glasgow was it stolen from? One thing thats going for the car is the colour. I'm out in the van doing servicing just now, up and down the M8 and beyond so I'll keep em peeled.
  15. If its that cheap, at that garage it really is ****ed. Stay away from 1st choice, its owned by one of Glasgows crime families. It supplies crappy cars at overated prices and like I said, if that 3 door STi is cheap, you have to ask what the hell is up with it. Ive had 1st hand experience with them, as well as good friends of mine. You have been warned
  16. I am looking at buying another Impreza. Due to having a short term ban, with no points I am struggling just to get a quote!! I'm not even being given a ridiculiosuly large number, just a brick wall no! Adrian Flux was my 1st stop shop, as they obviously deal in imports and brokers as such, and Ive usually had a decent quote from there. The funniest thing is, as I have always had company vehicles I now have no, no claims bonus. They seem to be more concerned of this, rather than my conviction!? Anyone know where I can get a decent quote from, or even just a quote!!
  17. Andy Forrest I think is where most people go for a remap as such mate.
  18. I had on of those talking alarms. Annoying isnt the word. ARMED - DISARMED - PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE, THIS VEHICLE IS ALARMED - 10,9,8,7,6...arrrghhh!!!!
  19. Could ring Scottish Subaru and ask them. They deal in Impreza parts.
  20. Better safe than sorry. When I had the Valver Megane, 3 mornings in a row I came out to the window hanging half out. The week after a neighbour saw them out the window at 4 in the morning, and chased em up the street with a bat. Never happened again. Sorry to hear about your car mate, not trying to frighten you but obviously the last thing you want to do is underestimate these guys.
  21. I would sit and wait for them tomorrow. They obviously know the cars there now, and will come back with something else to have a go at it. Buy yourself a nice softball bat from Asda and remind them why theft is naughty.
  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! LITTLE ******. If this is genuine, then I'm sure non of us are offended. I think that we are more relieved, that someone was at the windup and that the views given forward werent of sane mind! Stewarty
  23. Depends what your going to use it for mate. It could either amp up a subwoofer giving you mighty bass, or my choice would be uprating all the speakers in the car and amping those up!
  24. I'm about to move onto my 2nd Impreza, and all the thievery with these cars makes me slightly worried. I think blackjax and trackers are a must these days.
  25. Where in Clydebank is it mate? Just looked at DR's site, and they sell the same M99-00 bumper for £240 PAINTED!! Flat4online seem to be at it!
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