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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. It really isnt a difficult thing to fit, just takes 2 people, a drill and sealant of some description to stop the drilled holes from rusting.
  2. Far too risky, secure it by fittings only. Just sticking something like that on is madness in my opinion.
  3. Heat shield rubbing?
  4. So can anyone actually help with this as to what I would need (apart from the box obviously).
  5. Offered a straight swap with my BMW so not interested in any money changing hands, sorry mate!!
  6. Been offered an Auto Wagon but I dont want a nasty Auto box. Can it be swapped for the manual?!?
  7. I tale it the car has no immobiliser hence the simple key?! Subaru do a chipless key for £22, just need the VIN etc of the car. Bought mine from a Subaru garage in Eaglesham.
  8. Used to work for Audi, and all I can say is that everytime I pushed START the roar of the V8 gave me a poke-hardy. The power and the grip is immense just like the Impreza but it really does feel a lot more special than our Jap machines. RS4 for me, its just unfortunate they didnt get the balance right on the original MK1 Avant RS4 because what a beast that Bi-turbo was!
  9. Yeah I saw them on a black classic at the Gathering. Schweeeet rims!!
  10. Not sure if its the same car, but an 04 STi Forester is for sale round the corner from me in Barrhead. It looks an absolute corker!
  11. Have you not got this done yet!? Order the one you fancy and bring it down to me to fit. If paintings an issue then 55 quid is way more than enough, pair of wing mirrors costs 35-40 quid so doubt it'll cost more!
  12. I like how he'll take an E46 M3 Cabriolet in "PART EXCHANGE". Decent ones are still going strong at 20k!
  13. Glad you approve Richie!! VF35 ahem?!
  14. Well here they are, better late than never. Loved every minute of the weekend, I wish I could do it all over again but unfortunately I cant! Hope you enjoy the snaps half as much as I did taking them, think Richie had said in total I had taken 500 odd!? All thanks go to Colin...
  15. ...give me a break!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2001-SUBARU-IMPREZA-...id=p3286.c0.m14
  16. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, had a wee think about all this over the weekend and decided that its a go-er. Just wondered being a complete novice with all this, what ancilliaries am I gonna need as I suppose when they say "Engine" they really just mean the block. Any help would be really appreciated! Also while Im at it, what parts are best uprated/replaced before the engine goes in?!
  17. Thats good to know, although Im not 100% sure as to whether the car is an S-Reg or not. Fingers crossed its a bit older and no mods are needed to drop it in! Just need to start looking for ancilliaries now and a full SS exhaust.
  18. Have a read below bud and see what you think. This one is for a WRX engine, which the car Im looking at originally is. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SUBARU-IMPREZA-LEGAC...86.c0.m14.l1318 In my opinion it only says in the listing (which is a contract) that warranty will be void. Whatd you reckon?
  19. Completely right, but is it worth voiding a warranty by not sending a return unit?!
  20. Excellent! Had a look online (ebay) and theirs a company selling reconditioned STi engines for 995. Scam or worth it?
  21. Has ECU, starter etc. Also has G/Box and Diff. Unshure as to version, but I have a funny feeling its an S registration, although I'm not toally sure. Going to see it Monday.
  22. It must have been involved in a smash already then, becuase it didnt have the plates on before. I used to work for Glasgow Audi, and know that the bodyshop is where the police take their accidents.
  23. So car is gone, but managed to find another one down at Scottish Scoobie breakers in Paisley. £600 for the car with no engine, but the rest is STi wagon spec. Now looking for an engine, whats the best bet for the car if you were on a tight budget. STi?!
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