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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. Just wait till I get the new scoob, THEN we can go James!!! Episode was great lastnight, comments about "Channel 5 have burnd everything we own" were hilarious. ROLE ON NEXT SUNDAY!!!
  2. I have a lot of photos mate. Let me know how to get them sent and I'll ship em off to him.
  3. Someone with a heavy right foot????
  4. What channel was that then?
  5. Higher Res version on my Bebo http://www.bebo.com/FlashBox.jsp?FlashBoxId=4840335637
  6. Thats strange, it seems to work everytime I click on it fromn the browser. Anyone else having the same bother?
  7. In the wee small hours after work lastnight, I decided that I would put some of the footage and images I had to good use. Sorry for the Hi-Jack, and sorry for the low-res video. Youtube was having none of the hi-res. For original hi-res PM me and you can have a copy, or indeed PM me and you can have video/pictures from the day itself. I have over 100
  8. Police officer at the Lanark market " I'm not really into cars - but when I saw and heard you guys coming into the carpark , I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck " Love that quote...
  9. Second short video..
  10. Thanks very much, it was more luck where we were standing when everyone left. Ive got a short video of some the cars stationary in Happendon, didnt think any footage take from Richie's car would have came out so didnt bother making any. I'll stick the other one on youtube now. Cal- Totally agree with you mate, sounded awesome. I heard it as it arrived, hence why I turned the camera for when he left. Great sounding machine.
  11. Video of some of the cars leaving Happendon services that I've posted on youtube
  12. Thanks Richie. Ive got 100 pictures more but they really are the best ones, even if a couple are lopsided (your suspension is great for handling, not for photos). Anyone feel free to pinch any. Im just uploading the video to youtube just now.
  13. Ok here we go. Bae with me I have a lot of photos, so Im just going to post up a few I thik are the best and then upload a video to youtube of most of the cars right up to the blobeyes that left from Happendon.
  14. No words could express my pride for todays precedings. 134 cars on my last unofficial count before we left for Lanark in buses. Everyone was exceptionally well behaved, the convoy alone was a sight I will never see the likes of for the rest of my days. At one point going through the Valley, I looked into tthe horizon to see nothing but Impreza's and same for looking in front. The expressions on passers-by was immense, a feeling of true belonging swoll up inside my chest. Thank you to Ritchie who gave me the exception opportunity and privelege to run along with you guys today, as he picked me up this morning and brought me home. Congratulations and well done to you all! (P.S I have 140 pictures and 2 videos of today, I will pick the best and stick them in a photobucket account for all to see)
  15. Contacted Halley's Subaru in Milingavie to ask if they had any Subaru T-Shirts in stock. Explained that it was for Mcraes memorial tomorrow and the sales manage has given me it for free! Just wanted to post up my thanks to Harvey Taylor (Sales Manager) for the shirt.
  16. 12 noon might be a good idea guys. Happendon for 1, I know its only a 20 minute drive to Happendon but it just goves us a longer length of tiime to organise and wait for stragglers. That ok?
  17. Yup, those bends are mental mate. Apprently for the length of road, its one of the most dangerous in the UK but no, it was diagonally across from the Hurlet just outside the council building on the dual carriageway there.
  18. On my way to work lastnight, just leaving Barrhead after the Hurlet bar/restaraunt on the central reservation there was a smashed up RB5 and on the other side of the road in the park there was a very smashed up Corsa. Looked like a real sore one, and must have happened within minutes as of us passing as Police or recovery hadnt arrived yet. Ive no idea how the cars got into their positions after the smash, all I can say was that one of the parties must have been really travelling...
  19. I was gonna say that 1st, but thought it was maybe a bit further out and less of a convoy-distance if ya know what I mean. Bothwell would probably be best.
  20. Anyone own an SIDC tshirt they no longer want, would be gratefully accepted (cash your way of course)
  21. Would somewhere like The Fort not be a better place to meet. Its right on the M-Way, in the direction the we are going and has plenty of parking obviously...
  22. If you could fit me in, its much appreciated mate. I'll bring my pepper spray just incase...HA
  23. Kilt for me, albeit that I find a lift over there. Anyone know where I can get hold of an SIDC tshirt at short notice!?!?
  24. Yet again I'm going to be a right pain in the ###### and ask if anyone was going from the renfrewshire area, could I possibly hop aboard an Impreza. Still scoobie-less due to the crash, infact still completely carless. I would really appreciate anyones genorousity, as I wouldnt be able to live with myself if I missed this!
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