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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Cooooool! Hope you get some decent pics of me for an order!
  2. Not if your trying to sell it! Stephen's right, keep it!
  3. Very nice! Looks great. BTW Col, do you provide prints for sale as well as images on CD? Just asking, cause I am likely going on track at Knockers next time out and would like a memento. Cheers, J
  4. Given your desciption mate, I'd say a fiver!!!
  5. LMAO At Gumball's avatar! Thought you were of the other persuasion?
  6. I publicly share what i do and this is deemed wrong? Oh well[*-)] CraiG I never said it was, Im just saying that that is all everyone does.
  7. I'm a bit surprised by this post, for two reasons: 1) It's a car club/forum where the individuals are in pursuit of the very best they can do with their cars. It would be rather strange if they didn't want to share it with the community. 2) The source of such a complaint. I don't think there is anyone more vocal about the changes they have made to their car, than you. Lastly, the people who are seemingly in support of your rant have posted many times about the things they have done to their cars, so I'm a bit puzzled. That's my obervation for what its worth. J
  8. Lovely! Much did it set you back. Mind and post pics of the fitted flaps too.
  9. Sounds like a great idea! Woudn't mind a wee sticker to go with all my other ones! Hopefully it will be sorted out by Nov as that will be my first time on track. I suppose you'd better get an extra big sticker for me too in that case.
  10. there is a place somewhere in the east-end of Glasgow where you can see the first one I think... [][]
  11. Much do strut braces cost? Do they make much difference with Teins and drop links fitted? Thanks! J
  12. Welcome! All you need now is a Scoob an your set. J
  13. Stephen Its not showing up in the club shop. Any idea much its going to cost? J
  14. I got the STi spolier fitted to my MY06 by Subaru so that it was attached when I picked it up, cost me a grand! Anyhoo, the guy told me that it fits the same holes.
  15. What about option 4) Get them checked out. Seems like a cheaper (other than louder music) way to go.
  16. Sorry to hear about your car bud, hope you get it sorted soon. I think the guy knew he was to blame, seeing that he took off so eagerly, a$$!
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