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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Me too! Though I have IE6 on my desktop! Nice pics bud. J
  2. Woo Hoo! Me won sumfin tae! A never won nuttin! How can I get my prize?!!! BTW, I have the decat that Greegsy won, what will I do with it? J
  3. Yeah. Got to the first Asda for 11.55, 5 mins before scheduled leaving time. Asked if there was another Asda, was told yes. Got there, 12.15ish, all gone. Shot along the motorway as fast as the poor drivers in front of me would allow, came off at the George Square turn off, and took a wrong turn just at the top of the city before George Sq. itself. Place was jammed up with traffic, and at 12.35 I aborted mission. Glad it went as well as it did though.
  4. Nice one. Didn't know there were two Asdas in Bishopbriggs. Guess who chose the wrong one?
  5. Well, at least he can laugh at himself!
  6. The guy's obviously lacking something. Not only can he not see the carnage that he has created, but almost everyone on his forum are telling him its not good and he's thanking them for their opinions!
  7. Good question. BTW Craig, you look pretty good with a big beard and no glasses!
  8. The body-shop guy is a legend? More like a leg end! Both of them should be hung for crimes against aestheticism and Subarus. Absolute shambles.
  9. Yip, as said, drive it and enjoy it. Spend the cash on your Scoob as per the points made above. My wife recently bought a decent car with the idea that I would use it from time to time, but have hardly been in it. I did use it last Friday though when playing in a works 7-a-side tournament at Ibrox. Just as well as 5 cars were broken into and damaged.
  10. Didn't see any of the Scoobs actually passing the Cossie...
  11. Nice new blue mats with my own motif on them (my reggie) and yellow trim, stainless steel Prodrive gear knob and a de-resonated centre section. All fitted bar the exhaust bit. Should be getting that this weekend hopefully.
  12. No increase, but hinted at a rise to possibly £500 in next year's budget. And yes it will affect us as it is not the car-type but the amound of petrol we consume. What I want to know is how they can justify this as ROAD tax. Ok, go ahead, slap a green tax on us (yeah cause that will save the world when China are burning millions of tons of coal a month and that is even IF, carbon emmision are causing climate change) but don't touch the road tax. Wouldn't be so bad if our excuse for roads were going to be repaired with the new money. Hell will freeze over first. Get the feeling that you are made to feel like its a crime to drive a car? Makes me SOOOOO ANGRY!!!!!
  13. Hmmm, not to my liking I'm afraid... pretty cool looking though.
  14. Courtesy car? You were lucky! I had to p155 about for 4 hours at my 1000 mile service. I suspect it will be more of the same. J
  15. Thanks gents. Now to tell the good news to the wife!
  16. Does this mean a 10,000 miles service after the initial 1000 mile service, therefore actually being serviced at 11,000 miles. Or is it a service at 10,000 miles regardless of the first 1,000 mile service? Confused? Me too!
  17. Was just typing the same thing John. My baby's not due to be certified for another year..... Does this mean KH are bringing in noise restrictions too????? Got this from knockers... Hi John,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Thanks for your email. I have been informed by Operations Staff that, as your car is less than 3 years old, it does not need checked by an MSA Scrutineer. I trust this meets with your requirements. Lisa Corporate Administrator Knockhill
  18. Very nice driving, neat, tidy and smooth. Am I right in saying that you take the first corner in third gear and then stay in third all the way through the next set of corners; only changing up after completing the last corner before the hairpin which you took in 2nd?
  19. What if your car is too new for an MOT certificate, is this ok?
  20. Yeah, my thoughts too as I as reading through the posts. Good point, well put.
  21. Thanks for the advice, I guess I will go for the EBC Red Stuff then. I am going to get one of my mates to help me take the pads out and have a clean-up, so hopefully it wont come to new pads just yet. J
  22. Much are a decent set of pads? What's a decent brand? Who supplies them? And lastly: Pads that will withstand track-use. Thanks!
  23. Ha! its not about justification, its a financial issue!
  24. Great! Though, I don't recall being that hard on them and when it wasn't raining there was plenty of standing water to keep them cool. I dunno if that matters though. Does it?
  25. Colin. Haven't noticed turning from left to right, will look out for that. Having said that though, my driveway is jsut made up of stones and gravel, so it might be some of that getting caught in it. Thanks gents.
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