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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Nice pics! Got a couple of cool ones of me... hehe! [][H]
  2. ^^^Yip. Halfords do a nice little digital one. One push and the LCD read-out reports the tyre's pressure, cool for a tenner.
  3. Great pics... any of the decaled Scoob? Cheers J
  4. Hi Imy and Ally Got the PM and I'll catch you in the Pit Lane tomoz! J
  5. Hi Ally, I sent you a PM re. Santa Cruise. J
  6. Sorry to hear it mate, I know what a bad back feels like. Get well soon.
  7. As Stephen says: 7:45 at Shell in what's it called, cumbernauld. Howzat?
  8. Is the little picture bit alright, or do I have to lump along the big daft pink bit as well?
  9. Its feet are facing the wrong way, aren't they?
  10. Great read. The Ring sounded like downtown Bagdad with all the deaths and wrecks! Must have taken a bit of bottle. J
  11. That's exactly what its for. if you have the Subaru WRX mats, the driver's side mat has a little hole with a plastic eye on it that hooks in and holds it in place. Works good for me.
  12. Thanks guys, it defo is a weight off, looking forward to Knockers now!
  13. Very common actually, careless driving is not an offence the PF will pursue unless the circumstances are horrendous, or you have ignored previous warnings. And it wasn't the Police that didn't pursue it, it was the PF You should be a lawer... you aren't one, are you? []
  14. Just received a letter from the PF re alleged offence as per post. On this occasion .... case dropped. HEAVY, HEAVY sigh of relief. Lesson learned! Over and out!
  15. Cheers Martin. The link to buy the game doesn't work, so I am I going to download the trial version of GTR 2. If I like it, I might join in on the SIDC online event, should it ever happen. J
  16. Well, if the new version had KH on it, I would be putting in soime practice, yes.
  17. Oh yes! There is no other way to play racing games other than with the steering wheel, pedals and paddle shifters. I have ToCa 3 but haven't played it at all since I got a Scoob, wonder why that is. Pity Knockhill doesn't feature in the game.
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