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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Have a look here mate. Got Teins fitted couple of months back (fantastic). complete with before and after pics and a wee review of the handling etc.
  2. Have a good one mate. Where are you off in to in State-Land? J
  3. St3ph3n I think it was a good idea m8 and good on you for trying. Phil Sell your Impreza then. GO PLANT A TREE. Why should I sell my 4 door family so called ROAD MONSTER lol hahahaha just for wanting to plant a tree???? just remember some people on here like trees, goats & sheep. Oh! I'm sorry, you appear to have missed the point; allow me to redefine it for you. The idea of actually planting a tree was to offset our habit of polluting the atmosphere, nothing to do with actually liking trees. If you feel so strongly about planting trees and therefore helping the environment it will be wholly more productive to sell your Imreza (assuming that is what you drive) and cut down on emmisions that way. Asking Impreza drivers to plant trees to save the world is the same as Micky Mouse handing out leaflets for peado-day at Disney World - As with the example you will see that factors contained therein, are diametrically opposed to each other. Got it yet? For the record, I do actually like trees. [ip] Bla bla bla bla bla bla Welsho what you do on peado-day at Disney World is up to you []. Typical of the uneducated and the ill-informed to make funny noises and deride the person with whom they are debating when they don't have answers. You jsut surrendered the point my friend. There is no pedo-day, it was an analogy. Now go look it up...
  4. St3ph3n I think it was a good idea m8 and good on you for trying. Phil Sell your Impreza then. GO PLANT A TREE. Why should I sell my 4 door family so called ROAD MONSTER lol hahahaha just for wanting to plant a tree???? just remember some people on here like trees, goats & sheep. Oh! I'm sorry, you appear to have missed the point; allow me to redefine it for you. The idea of actually planting a tree was to offset our habit of polluting the atmosphere, nothing to do with actually liking trees. If you feel so strongly about planting trees and therefore helping the environment it will be wholly more productive to sell your Imreza (assuming that is what you drive) and cut down on emmisions that way. Asking Impreza drivers to plant trees to save the world is the same as Micky Mouse handing out leaflets for peado-day at Disney World - As with the example you will see that factors contained therein, are diametrically opposed to each other. Got it yet? For the record, I do actually like trees. [ip]
  5. Never mind the car![] It always makes me smile; that every time a girl joins the forums there is so much more attention on the welcomes! Anyhoo, welcome. I have been in Skye, some great roads for testing your scoob up there and the scenery... well! Enjoy!
  6. So who was the other one then? []
  7. St3ph3n I think it was a good idea m8 and good on you for trying. Phil Sell your Impreza then.
  8. Not had it long enough to have any real comment, but here goes: Best: Had to be the second Glasgow run I attended. The first one was nerve-wracking and exciting all at once, totally sh@t masel. The second I was a bit more comfortable with the car and we had free-run of the roads that night - truly awesome. Worst: Filling up and doing the math: hmmmm 20Mpg this week - ouch! Funniest: Had to be the day I was racing along the back roads to Callander with my sh1t-scared wife in the passenger seat. She was protesting and bitching about my driving all day (always), so I saw a hump in the road, dropped the hammer and had all four paws off the carpet at the one time. The end result saw her in tears! Hilarious. John
  9. I can just see the publicity, SIDC Member "Yes, well we are doing this tree humping thingy cos alot of us drive de-catted cars which is causing pollution blah blah blah blah snore" Mr Media Person " ooohhh, so alot of you are infact breaking the law and felt guilty about it, i do not think this token effort really cuts the mustard" Mr Copper (Upon getting wind or said tree hugging actions) "Ho ho ho.........wait til i get on the roads, every scooby is gonna get pulled" Also, why do you think SIDC needs more power to do charity work?? From what i have seen the fundraising abilities speak for themselves. Boost Member numbers?.........what are the flyers/ club stand at events for?? Better deals?.........do we not get damn good deals as it is, i somehow do not think that the deals we already get were due to the fund raising the club does but more to do with the hard work of individuals who take time to negotiate/ talk with establishments i.e Aberdeen area with T+C and all the work Phil does. P.S - I would rather use that 1 or 5 quid for the life giving V-Power. Cheerio [] Agreed. Furthermore with regards to boosting number with the "hug-a-tree" campain; this is not only silly but contradictory. Our numbers are attracted by owning and driving gas-guzzling road monsters - caring about trees (though i have nothing againt them) and promoting these "save the world" ideas will actually drive potential members away. We are at opposite ends of the scale and the two shall never meet! Its like having paedo-day at Disney! That's just not going to fly I'm afraid!
  10. Yeah, then undo a years worth with one tank of Impreza-charged driving with that new exhaust!
  11. Regarding this issue of planting trees and the like; to do our bit for global warming is perhaps nothing more than the product of media/scientific hype. One has to realise that there are many many studies that contradict the global warming issue, claiming that it is utter nonsense. Stephen, if you wnat to do all this research, then why not look at the other side of the coin as well, so that we can have a balanced view. Global warming is perhaps one of those things that is foisted upon us as true and factual when it may well not be (for alterier motives such as research budgets). Look here for starters: Don't follow the mass media hype on this, as Einstein said, "The important thing is to not stop questioning." While you're at it, have a look at the lie that is Evolution another load of utter crap and for that matter, have a look at what really causes AIDS, HIV? I think not! Keep asking questions! It's not that I'm against good causes, indeed I am not. Starving and suffering children is a real as the nose on our faces, we don't need science or the media to tell us this. So, we want to pursue good causes, there is no question of that, but let's place our money in causes that are factual and deserving of our hard earned cash. John
  12. Man! Ye could git yer heid up that!
  13. Same here. Only wish I could say the same for being flashed going away from them
  14. Andy I have a 4 or 5 month old 2.5 WRX Impreza MY06. I understand a remap would invalidate the warranty, is there anyway to get a remap and still keep the warranty? Also, is it true that a remap actually improves fuel consumption (while driving sensibly)? And if so, is their a rough precentage? Thanks J
  15. So you get a second chance. Keep your eye on it till it gets to 554 then annouce 555. I missed mine! A55!
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