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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Stephen, Called Halfords at EK (local store ish) and they do the mixing as you wait, so I am going to do that tomorrow.
  2. Thanks guys, plenty of suggestions to be getting on with. John
  3. BARBARAS? What? I'm not getting it. Unless your wife's name really isn't Jane. So what's the deal?
  4. Folks, can anyone advise on where I can pick up some touch up paint to fill in the several chip marks I have on my bonnet. I tried Halfrauds which was a waste of time as they had no Subaru colours at all. The car is WR Blue. Thank you. John
  5. And that's WHY they closed it! LOL!!!!
  6. The thread is locked, but the material is still available. Does this then not defeat the purpose? Wouldn't it be better to remove the link/thread? Or, isn't it possible to leave the thread running and post a moderator message on it stating that the SIDC does not condone it? Wouldn't that cover the club legally? I think mods do get it in the neck partly because of their dual role: Member-come-mod. It's difficult to respect "authority" when that authority comes from within (one of us telling one of us what and what not to do). Perhaps mods should be have a private logon, save all the personal grief. Anyway, that's my tuppence worth. John
  7. I freaking hope not! Otherwise I have been having gender-awareness issues for 41 years! Back a ya with the PM.
  8. Welcome mate, enjoy, I know I do!
  9. Oh! You really don't get out much do you! Welcome mate!
  10. Yeeeee Haaaa!!!! I LOVE chocolate, anything chocolate will do!
  11. Yeah, the tractor was pretty scary, but that music man!!!! WT... was that? Now that WAS frightening!
  12. Nice pics. Took me a while before I realised that I was on another site after I clicked the link! Dumb a55!
  13. Just make sure you don't go into the toilets alone at anytime []
  14. Dave, maybe next time you can chase him down into the B&Q car park! []
  15. Yip, and not to mention the cost of the stuff to run it as well. Rip-off Britain!
  16. subaru, being a proper noun, should be spelled with a capital 'S', thus: Subaru. Oops! [][]
  17. She had a good time, but would rather be driving. Yeah right! I gave her a shot of the car today and she kerbed my freaking alloy! As for the blurred country side, well that is more than I got too see! All I saw was a little patch in front of me the whole time that I dare not allow my gaze to shift from! LOL! Good to meet you too Craig.
  18. Hi Dougster, Got the clay bar, cheers mate. Pity you didn't come out to play tongiht, was guuuuuuuud! John
  19. Well done Ally, great route, a mixture of some fast roads and some really challenging twisities, with the odd ramp thrown in here to get the Scoob airborne! Good turnout too and some nice photo stops. Loved it! Looking forward to the next one and more so, cause I'll be on Teins! ~ John ~
  20. IMO it looks way better NOT painted, I'd leave it. Plus, it will save yo utime hassle and money to leave as is. I like the reggie in the non-painted pic: ROBO COP How cool! ED-209 had better watch out! J
  21. I damaged my engine trying to win enough cash to buy a turbo conversion! The cost of repairing the engine was more that I had in prize money - stuff it!
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