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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Bowhouse? That'll be the new estate... yeah I do! When did you see me? J
  2. LOVE IT! (capitals to emphasise it) Tell your missus she can have a wee shot of it the next time she sees it parked up there. []
  3. Oh silly me! Yeah a bugeye, of course. It was that long since I seen it, that I forgot, though having said that, I seen it again today. Lovely car! J
  4. Well, I woudn't know Stephen, I never go above the speed limit and usually keep it below 50 on the motorway too.
  5. Hmmm, I thought mine's was a two-pot set up! What do I know!? J
  6. Yeah, I thought it was a Hawkeye, I jsut caught it out of the side of my eye as it was going past, so i never got too close of a look. So what is this LPG thing? Like Bandit asked, does it have a Turbo, blah blah? Does it still perform on LPG or what?
  7. Saw a fully stickered-up Scoob near Balloch on the A82 on Friday at around 4.30pm. Lookin good whom ever you are! I was in a friend's beat up old Pug 306 going Glasgow bound.
  8. Thought I saw your car a couple of times during the summer. I was at a friends house who lives in Iain Rd and there was a dark blue classic parked at the top of the Road with DEL in the reggie and an SIDC sticker. Is that your car? Been back a couple of times since and haven't seen it again. John
  9. Sheesh! That was impressive! Hitting all the apexes (sp?), riding the kerbs, smooth power delivery, keeping the foot in, taking the other cars with conviction and confidence and altogether, very neat and tidy, with the car changing direction beautifully. Faaaaantastic!!!! Bandit, as a first timer you will do well to get half as good as that!!! Drooling! I really need to get the balls to do this! Quality video work as well. John
  10. Andy I sent a mail to the college and they got back to me and said that as far as they know, if they do not fine the person being clamped, then its ok. So? J
  11. Sorry about your loss mate... in thoughts. John
  12. Clamping in Scotland by private firms has been illegal since 1992 (Black v Carmichael 1992 SCCR 709). You can only be clamped in Scotland on a public highway and even then only by the Police or someone with Statutory authority. I knew reading all this crap on traffic law would come in useful some day [] That's interesting! At the college where I work, they are introducing clamping for people who park "illegally". In other words, in non-desegnated areas. So, does that law apply to them? If so, I'm going on a crusade! I just sent an e-mail to the college asking them to check this out! Hhahah! Be soooo funny if all the signs came down!
  13. Dunno mate - payed it and binned the evidence!
  14. Get this! Was in Beanscene the coffee place off Byers road on Friday night at 9pm. Used the council car park off Byres road. Took the obligatory two parking bays to protect my Scoob from being rattled by clumsy drivers and to my shock, some muppet from the council gave me a freaking ticket for £30 for being incorrectly parked! Unreal man! Place was nowhere near full either. What scumbag super-keen coucil puppet would do that on a Friday night? Get a life man!!!!! BTW, it's £60 if i don't pay within 14 days and I can only appeal in writing - GRRRRRRR!!!! [:@][:@][:@]
  15. Cheers mate, will see about it nearer the time. If I miss out at least I can take pictures!
  16. Much does this cost, time and all that? Can't seem to find it in the events section. I'm also thinking about losing my track virginity but it is a bit scarey!
  17. Nope! I got two or three of it. if you PM me your e-mail, I'll send them off to you! John
  18. Hey, I got 2 or three pics of the SF55 one, but thats all, sorry. If you'd like them, PM me your e-mail address and I'll send them to you. John
  19. Splendid! Great pics mate. I need to get off to a race meet like sometime. J
  20. Yes. The lyrics too... A broken son being carried and led by a loving Father...
  21. All the best and I hope you make a speedy recovery. J
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