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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Unreal man! My record is 23 to the gallon and that is driving with my slikppers on! Two weeks ago was 19MPG.
  2. Cheers mate! They took a few notes, no bits of paper though but read to be what sounded like my right to reamin silent! eek! J
  3. I was driving a little too quickly perhaps, but not carelessly! Not even close. Mr. Stripe... how come you know so much about this?
  4. LOL! I actually passed the police as far down as Croftfoot Roundabout on the dual carrageway. So they weren't lying in wait. I guess when you see a stickered Scoob passing its a red rag to a bull; I had attracted attention to myself before a wheel was even turned. Ho-hum! J
  5. Thanks for the commets guys. I'll let you know how it goes...
  6. Cheers Mark! That has cheered me up, NOT! The officers told me that my speed wont be used as they didnt have the correct equipment to log it accurately, other than their own speedo. So he said it was down to careless driving (I think he said careless and not dangerous). He said I was looking at 3 points and maybe a fine if the PF pursues it. But who knows what they will put down on their report. He said I was doing 60 and I denied that straight off and said Iw as doing 43 - which was true. He didnt push it but said that I was still speeding. I was doing more than that further up the road though and I said I honestly don't know what speed I was doing. Which I didn't to be honest. So anyways, here's hoping.
  7. Cheers Stripe. I guess I just have to sit and wait it out.
  8. Good Luck mate. At least you have more of a chance getting on the track than me.
  9. Yeah, I have no quams about the "charge", just lucky he didn't have a radar, otherwise it would have been much worse. What is he points/fine that goes with that Section what-ever-it-is thing? Do insurance companies frown upon this more that SP30s etc? J
  10. Was wondering why on earth a Ford Focus was driving it's wee heart out to keep up with me. Turned out he wasn't interested in racing me, but charging me! Yip, was the cops in an unmarked black Focus. Stopped at a busy junction at the end of the Cathkin Braes road allowing him to finally catch me. Imagine my horror when I looked in the RVM and saw the nice gentleman approach me from the rear. Just regular cops with a regualr car so can't do me for speeding undless they get their speedo calibrated to prove my speed. Reported for dangerous or careless driving (or both, can't reember what he called it section C or something!!). Chaps were nice enough complimtented the car etc. said the PF may not pursue it. So, any idea what I might get for this? Think the PF will pursue it? Cheers J
  11. Hi Del. So it was you! I was wondering what I had done to upset the van driver! LOL! Just home from getting a ticking off from the coppers and charged with dangerous/careless driving (can't mind what one or both). Oh well! CR4P! J
  12. Aye! Wie the tenner ye saved, ye'll wait aboot a month fur it tae come! [] Mine came within a few days of ordering. Let us know when you get it bud.
  13. Same here. Attached it which took all of ten minutes, then went for a little burst over the back roads. Certainly makes a marked difference! minimises hip-roll in the seat and keeps you planted when going over bumps. Therefore dfrivers feet are always in the same place in realtion to the pedals. I was only out for abut 15 minutes but I imagine that prolonged use might get a bit uncomfortable - other than that, spot on. John
  14. Good question. wish I was going on the track
  15. Congratulations!!! And welcome "back"!
  16. Really that good is it Stephen? I find the standard WRX seats to be pants in the lateral holding stakes and could benefit from somethign like this. Also, you should edit the original post as the CG-Lock link doesn't work, missed out the .co.uk part. J
  17. Must have hit the kerb pretty hard to get through the dirt in the first place. []
  18. Yeah, lucky guy, or unlucky depending on how yo look at it! Been posted before though.
  19. Dont forget though, the US gallon is only 6 pints - ours is 8. Still a damn sight cheaper than ours!
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