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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. I had a brand new Celica in 2004 and thought I was the bees knees - turned out that although it was a great car in many ways, it jsut wasn't a man's car! I thought it was time to grow up and drive a real car in terms of performance seeing that I had the means for the first time in my life to do so. My friend had just bought a Focus ST and thought about that for about all of 2 seconds, then pursued the Scoob based on it's reputation and how car-minded people held it in awe! I didn't really know what I had bought until I started looking on here. I love it! - J -
  2. Good! So how about this? You said you would! http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/803056/ShowPost.aspx
  3. Yeah me too, still didn't prevent me from crapping myself! If only I had read teh comments first!
  4. 11th November: 1. scientific steve 2. Philip_w 3.Gambler 4. Craig Mac 5. Wilky 6. Colin VW 7. Welsho 26th November 1. Philip_w 2.Gambler 9th December: 1. Philip_w 2. Sc00bar00 3.Gambler
  5. Yeah, it has nothing going for it, at all, well not in the looks department.
  6. Here are some VERY rough and ridiculous colours. Just a five minute job - sorry. J
  7. Cool! I think I'm going to have to give it a go this time.
  8. I know man! She who must be obeyed wouldn't allow it, however, I'm pretty sure I'll be out next time around since she was there today and saw all of it for herself. [H]
  9. Nice pics Neil. Had a wee look at your new motor; stunning! Can't belive you still haven't done the 1000 yet though.
  10. Cheers mate. I came late and left early. Was only in the pit lane for about 10 mins, the off.
  11. Here is 10 pics of the 250+ I took!
  12. Im sure under Scottish Law they are supposed to ask you if you understand the caution, if not i dont think you were cautioned Graeme Yeah, they did ask if I understood. So cautioned I was!
  13. Is there anything you dont have? []
  14. I wave to all the saloons even though the waggons are a rarer breed.[] LOL!
  15. Maybe he's gone back to show jumping.
  16. Gifted vocalist and a beautiful arrangement of the song as well. Love it!
  17. To all, wagons too, even though I'm not a fan of estate cars... []
  18. rally stickered 55 plate WRX, sporting the big number 25 on the doors. Spotted in Castlemilk tonight 10pm. Anyone on here?
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