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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. you put the wrc spoiler on the hawkeye i will personally drag you along the road with a rope attatched to the classic dont even think about it
  2. a goat has been sent
  3. keep it off boost, should be fine
  4. not quite
  5. yes i have a code reader, just on the otherside of glasgow airport
  6. try this http://www.sidc.co.uk/index.php?option=com...s&Itemid=59
  7. check the gearbox code o the tally plate on passenger strut top get a replacement with same code and fit new release bearing at same time
  8. KW for me as thats hs been fitted to the classic, handles superb
  9. thats flooked mate dunno if its repairable looks like it has hit a kerb or big pothole
  10. has andyf done the remap on it how many month warrenty left on it
  11. he's no caught me yet ..................
  12. my insurance went down by 140 quid on a multicar policy, just renewed in middle of march
  13. i have a code reader if you want tocome up and check it
  14. should this not be in the events section ?
  15. just back from it bumped into karps and sti pretender karps bough a nice shocker to act as a po-go stick and some other bits managed to get a few things as well
  16. unless it was a competitor for doune hillclimb this weekend getting some practice in ?
  17. haha very funny got a pressure washer in the van and got tfr200 onboard for cleaning out radiators needing a complete chemical clean inside and out for fresh build
  18. not a bad idea
  19. why not make it double or quits
  20. where can i get a spare engine block cleaned prior to rebuilding it to my spec cleaned like gmac's chemically cleaned blocjk halves in glasgow or surrounding area
  21. defo looks like the crankhas a broken section it not worth using as could destroy itself under load
  22. the first 2 wheels you wanted photoshopped, in my opion dont suit the car
  23. your gearbox will defo spit the dummy out under the afp td05-20g you'll be picking the bits up from the road
  24. i am £523 on a multicar policy thro admiral for 2 scooby turbo's
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