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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. dunno yet still looking for another car to run in either a class or b class
  2. same as me 1 year, tried over 4 days, couldn't get a hold of him, would have been easier to find lord lucan than get a hold of him, eventually i did, and price was no where close to the one i got from confused.com
  3. not a bad idea what car are we using ? my terzo or my o3 wrx withh ppp
  4. yes it is good, butr as jac says a big dent on the pocket trying to stay competitive and enjoy it at the same time, i spent on my track car for scottish sprint championship a 4wd conversion, a new engine, turbo, clutch, intercooler and mbe ecu plus some mapping, done all my own spanner work including half assembly of engine and fitting got eacc trirer of the year in 2004 and 2006, B3 class winner in 2007, scottish sprint chanpionship, in 2007 B3 class winner and runner up in B class
  5. sounds good, but who would share with me
  6. would you not have proof of your no claims on the last years policy notes
  7. is it mr MaGoo with bottle glasses
  8. lucky buggar looking for an apprentice to go out to athens with you
  9. very nice Arch you be ready for test days at kames ?
  10. says not insured on mid database and tax due at end of month
  11. will check call out dates over next few days, a trip rounnd ullapool or down the applecross road would be different
  12. interested in the run, date dependant
  13. G.mac thought you were rebuilding yours all yourself
  14. but they dont affect motorbikes at all, as specs read the front numberplate, no front plate on a bike
  15. G.Mac i am older than you (36) and got 2 blue subaru's ......... i wish i was that good looking at that age, even more so now..........
  16. a remap is rerquired, plus you are looking at injectors as well, as this will flow more air and boost than standard turbo
  17. should be ok for a jump
  18. got a mechanical recetech on the classic and read boost thro a monitor on the newage
  19. i like the newage for motorways and general driving but prefer the classic for the back roads and general being a hooligan in it
  20. no happy now the weight of the snow on the car for last 2 weeks has cracked the windscreen on the classic best quote i have had to fix it is 130 plus the vat
  21. the new fucus ars is still only 2wd
  22. feel so sorry for you need fingers to be broken, lynch mob as grant says and willing to help if need a long tow on the back of the van via a rope would be my choice
  23. merry christmas have a good time been called out today already
  24. still using RE070 as winter tyres ......... no problems at all abit twitchy sometimes but just keep the throttle planted
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