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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. Majority rules so please choose. Keep the same 1.Terzo Neil 2. Make it later (say 8.30pm) 1. 2. Change date (possibly the 12th) 1. 2. Don't mind 1. 2.
  2. hutch you still got the carbon scoop, could you be interested in a swap with a standard scoop
  3. Imy dont myou mean the clocks go back this weekend an hour extra in bed
  4. nice carbon scoop on the old car ?
  5. did you change the wheels
  6. just read what you said big fingers and wee keys dont go together
  7. looks like i am missing the meet again was over in mull for last meet and maybe north for 2 weeks again starting 1st nov
  8. 2 bags of cement helps alot but murders the fuel ecomony
  9. it took only a day to have both of mine on the askmid.co.uk insurance register
  10. thats rough who made that stevie wonder
  11. a wheel clamp would be a good idea can get a good quality item for around 75 pounds, atleast it wont go anywhere
  12. got a 3 inch angled apexi on the terzo, thats loud as mother can hear the car coming and she stays 4 floors up in highflats, but quiet inside makes very nice noise in tunnel and espically when took it thro france last year noise was brilliant thro the french tunnels in Le Harve, dont a few runs with windows down
  13. looks like a standard bugeye wrx scoop to my eyes
  14. got a miltek on my blob, nice exhaust, very well made, quiet for motorway open it up, espically thro clyde tunnel lovely sounding exhaust
  15. admiral mirrored my 10 yrs no claims on both cars no problems
  16. I am with admiral my03 wrx and my98 terzo .............. total £660 both fully comp and £200 excess on both well happy
  17. look like toyo r888 tyres on there enjoy the wet weather
  18. me personally, i would have murdered him if a mate done that to me, no matter how many police or people could stop me getting to him
  19. sorry to hear that hope the wee fookers were caught and all fingers broke, this makes me worry now, as going away to work on monday, and mines are going to be sitting now
  20. just back from isle of mull today missed it got weekend to pack, as away for 15 days maybe longer working on mull, going to catch all the mull rally as it runs passed the job and it should be good
  21. used toyo R888 on a wet sprint sprint track, found them fine, better than a normal road tyre
  22. thats a bit cheeky Jac as said, i would be concerned in there the bits of valve has gone, got to go somewhere talking an engine out isnt hard
  23. last picture looks like a crack in the bore looking at 5 o'clock posistion would also be worried as where the rest of the valve went, i.e. thro the turbo blades or stuck between piston and bore hence slight scoring on the bore
  24. you should be outside and finnishing taking the last bolts out, not playing on the forums i am out in rosyth playing with 6 tonnes of generator
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