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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. nope according to results i had emailed and confirmed time at posting from a time keeper that is his fastest time
  2. jacs best time 91.56 secs for 3 laps clockwise, good effort
  3. was thinking of meeting you lot in fort william in the morning at the big carpark as got other things on
  4. i think its for a bike engined kit car grant, as impreza's dont red line at 9800rpm at 186mph
  5. you can just imagine the words in that car after that bleeeeeeeeep bleeeeeeep bleeeeeeeep
  6. what a donkey, how in hell did he get that over that bump at old inns service station
  7. flat4online better off going else where, you will be waiting for the part for weeks as slow as a week in the jail
  8. looks like the ad has been writing by a 5 year old, can't spell worth a **** and hasn't a clue whats he's on about
  9. styled by stevie wonder wtf was he doing
  10. firkin bar stewarts cut thier nuts off
  11. all sorted now, i knew it was at geo's on friday night you still want these springs ?
  12. the roads on skye aren't wide enough for it
  13. hurry up with the pics pity you are not running this weekend
  14. will you be running at any of the test days this weekend ?
  15. just needs a set of blades on the front and he can cut the grass up there
  16. how does andyjdmsti know whats grunts bedroom looks like
  17. it's just along the road from yoker behind the esso station
  18. steep is not the word, more like bloomin vertical
  19. did you use the rac dayinsure to get it up the road
  20. 3rd time its been posted
  21. how about rac day insurance, done that with my new car for a few days and quite reasonable http://www.rac.co.uk/web/day-insurance/
  22. so, is the banana home yet
  23. i'd also refit the dump valve if not done already
  24. what telly, didnae spot a telly
  25. you could try mines from the new car
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