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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. i am off work today and tomorrow but on call christmas day and boxing day and start on call for 1 week starting 8am on jan 1st :cry:
  2. traffic was a flooking joke tonight, no gritters in sight a737 was a standstill due to the main hill in beith not gritted and no one could get over it causing 15 miles of tailbacks went the back roads, doing fine u ntil the person infront of the queue stopped on a hill and caused a huge tailback fooking no happy at this tonight what the hell do we pay council tax for................ ?
  3. will find out on wednesday night, how my 330mm 8 pot k sports work cant wait
  4. woohooo got snow at my bit now, might go and have a play on re070 tyres
  5. http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/746201/9ae...oor_sneeuw.html the balls to tow what he towed
  6. inbox full
  7. make sure the engine earth is still connected to the engine, try pit a jump lead from negaitive of the battery onto the inlet manifold and try starting again, came across this problem before
  8. car got an immobiliser ? does the maf read ok on the apexi display
  9. no snow at my place at all, nice and dry but bitter cold
  10. you should buy 2 of them and send me one
  11. me never................ felt it was a bit cramped in there knees round the steering wheel
  12. no thanks due to sitting in eds209 at the santa cruze event, not enough legroom to lift foot up onto clutch pedal must be built for wee guys
  13. Wednesday 1. STI Pretender 2. Terzo neil (if not at back of beyound) Saturday 1. STI Pretender 2. Micra-WRC 3. Midnight21 4.
  14. my prodrive rear spoiler and my 330mm 8 pot caliper set up for the newage and maybe a buyer for the terzo............... if not i'll keep it
  15. i would stick with the spoiler on mate but thats me
  16. same here i used 72000 litres in 12 days whilst on isle of mull wont credit my shell club card either :cry:
  17. i just aked to be upgraded
  18. any fuel counts at the shell stations i am atleast 4 tanks a week in the van
  19. got another fill up to do tomorrow v power diesel for the van double points here we come, another 70 litres to a good cause
  20. i helped global warming then when i was working on mull for 12 days was burning 4000 litres of fuel a day, work out your carbon bloody foot print then
  21. resaerch is all b@llocks, they are just guessing
  22. got my voucher thro today got a good £36.50 for the last 3 months of fuel
  23. no tyres just rims
  24. will have a spare set of classic wheels shortly 16 inch in size
  25. just pity we arent filling up those prices now
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