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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. dont you mean 7 mins 55 secs
  2. looks like you needed a speedboat there to get a decent time
  3. good write up, remember that well
  4. i managed over 1800 miles since tuesday morning, today was over 400 miles alone
  5. last v-power points thro the door was enough fuel for £37.50 usually put around 250 litres of fuel thro the card per week, this week alone hit 350 litres of fuel
  6. +1 forum is shocking now
  7. for 5 pounds i can get 24cans of diet coke
  8. dont like the new look, looks crap, prefered the old layout, much easier to use and easier on the eye
  9. what the fook has happened to this forum, old version was hell of alot better much better layout and bloody easier to use and damn pretty on the eye
  10. i'll stick with my RE070's for all year round it was interesting in the snow in janthis year, never got stuck either, it was twitchy
  11. but on the flat side, got a good leather sofa to sit on and a 42 inch lcd telly to watch would like that, but got 2 scoobies already whats the road tax like, is the high end of 440 quid
  12. nearly the same price as mt flat
  13. ok how much for this wee baby the ?
  14. same spoiler as on my newage, but its on a blobeye
  15. nice car but i dont like the front grills that have been fitted, looks to spoil the looks
  16. i was in my blobeye scooby today, as was at a funeral today it was nearly her funeral today if she didnt stop for the fire engine
  17. i know how it feels to have bad drivers come up behind you like tonight going home a black impreza sport (classic) chavved up, i am doing 50mph on great western road nr clydebank heading for erskine bridge, tailgatedme, then tried to overtake only to slam the anchors on when on the roundabout due to not seeing a fie engine withits all lights on
  18. would love to go but not in the country that weekend
  19. i am just up the road when you going ?
  20. dont like it, just my comment, dosnt suit in my eyes
  21. do you touch link ecu's as wanting to tweek the terzo soon got a link in it, got lead and software for it
  22. Robert, you are down for the kirkentilloch canal festival on the same day
  23. sent you a message on your mbile
  24. put it this way its local
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