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Everything posted by david_taylor

  1. Enjoyed that. Really wish he would get a drive with one of the top teams in WRC again. In a Subaru would be even better. Dont think there are any drivers on the World Rally that are always on the edge like Colin, and provide such entertainment!
  2. I think the biker is thinking "ooo....this is going to hurt!"
  3. Usually between 7-7.30. Its in the events section, you should sign up on it.
  4. Nice one buddy..You should come along the central meet on 22nd Aug. Its at Grieves, which I believe you should have visited soon. Always good to meet, and put faces to names mate.
  5. I was not wanting anyting to loud myself. The Magnex is really resevered under idle and low revs, but what a difference when you open it up. I am sure you will be happy. Cant believe that the exhaust got busted, unless previous owner liked to crunch over speed bumps!! At least if you purchse it then you have a life time gaurntee! Glad to see you are gettin some mods for the motor at last and not just waiting to drive it!! Sure we will bump in together at some points in the future, mabey in a meet eh!
  6. Nice one mate! I take it the car only had the back box SS exhaust and standard there after then? I have just got the Magnex on mine with de cat mid section and I opted for the 3.5" round tail pipe. Fair to say its good and I defo notice a slight power increase! Post the photos when its all sorted mate!
  7. Look at all the ladies!!! The guy with the parker is hard as nails I bet! LOL!
  8. I had a tyre slashed a couple of weeks ago. Finances did not allow the usual tyres I prefer! I got Dunlop Matadors on the front now....had them a week and seem pretty good. Very slight understeer in the wet, but not to bad. I do not like the really expensive soft compound tyres as they do not last! But always on the look out for some mid range tyres. Anyone here ever had these..I had never heard of them!
  9. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/442a48d...2a26fe1030e.htm LOL!
  10. Good to see you are getting the standard air filter on. I got my new exhaust yesterday. Magnex with decat mid sections and 3.5" tailpipe. Sound great...other than that there will be no more mods. What happened to your car has confirmed to me its not worth the risk.
  11. Really good advice mate. However, you should never open the scoob up until the engine temperature is at the normal temp. At which case the 15w50 should always provide the protection.
  12. Might be worth getting a mechanic to check that. Sure its okay, but you dont want a repeat of last time eh? If there is oil on the turbo, you could end up with a engine fire. That happened to my mate after he rebuilt his car and was driving it to the spray shop! Luckily he managed to put it out! If you call Hypertech and speak to Duncan, he might be able to give advice on it.
  13. Maybe a fuel problem. Checked the filter? My old RS Turbo was doing that, turned out to be the fuel pump.
  14. Give Hypertech a call in Bonnybridge. 01324 812212. They are always happy to advise. I got my oil for the last change from them. Modul Racing Oil I think its called, has done well over 3000k miles, not had to do any refills and still looks really clean. It can withstand much higher temperatures in the engine apparently. Opened the car up yet since the rebuild? Dave
  15. Superb mate. Job well done. Though I recognised one of the photos...I took it. Good one.
  16. No probs sir! Away noo...beer is kickin in! On hols this week! Got new exhaust today and want to be able to drive tomorrow before 12! Night all!
  17. 45k then 90. I always get it done at least 5 k before on any cars I have had. Especailly on a scoob....dont fancy the 3k bill for a new engine!
  18. How come you did not mention the Lada back in 90 then?? LOL!
  19. Well thats the exhaust fitted today. Thanks to Hypertech. Went for the full system, with the de cat mid section and round 3.5" tailpipe. Fair to say I like it!!! Cant believe I took so long to actually get it! SWEET!
  20. Man its pretty sad how much I enjoy this!!!
  21. Going to get a exhaust next week. Sent my Bro in Law "Double Zero" over to Hypertech while I was at work for advice today. I want it from the cat back, but nothing to loud. They have recomended the Magnex with the 3.5" tailpipe. Anyone got one? Would you recommend?? Dave
  22. Touche.
  23. Looks good for the future. Although we did get pumped 4-0 already by Spain. Still amazing result!
  24. You sure its the Air Con. LOL Only kidding!
  25. There is a company called Auto Kool. Mobile service obviously, think they travel pretty far to service folk. I have used them twice, once when the compressor went and then when I needed a top up. Only took £30 to do a full top up, plus he put in a luminous dye just incase it goes down again and there may be a leak! Would defo recommend, can find them in Yell.com Dave
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