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Everything posted by david_taylor

  1. Good to see some old escorts. I used to have a Series 2 Turbo myself. Unfortunately it in the car park in the sky now. Some tube hit me when I was overtaking him and sent me into a spin and a parked Audi A4. I loved that car though. It was Cosworth Electric Blue, and a real head turner at the time! Would not have a FWD now right enough!
  2. One guy in a single seater kit car wiped out on the straight. I just missed it, but apparently the car swapped ends, race controller said it was because he had not warmed the tyres up enough. Car was totalled, he went away in a ambulance. I left at about 11.30...was just to cold, and I only had a denim jacket! So dont know if there were any other incidents. Dave
  3. Man how cold was it up there today! I chose the wrong attire!! Only bothered taking about 4 pics...spent most time watching from the car! Enjoyed watching the evos get their ass kicked by the Scoobies again! Hope the guy who wiped out his kit car on the main straight is ok. Dave
  4. You have tried that post before mate.....just on the wind up me thinks!
  5. I have been led to believe that with a good lawer, and the fact that there is no video evidence, then it is not that hard to get off. My friend got caught in the same circumstances about 4 years ago. He got a letter through and pled not guilty. Never heard anything again. Looks like the PF hope you plead guilty and take the fine and points. If not they dont bother. Probably due to the potentail court cost and loss if its not proven.
  6. I am no expert, but I was told you cant tow a scooby as it will feck the diff. If this is true, then I assume the same counts for the evo. Some more mechanically minded here might verify this. Dave
  7. ON TRACK :- 1. ScOObarOO 2. FastScooby (hopefully) 3. S.A.S.. 4. Fai17 5. Mako SPECTATING & PAX LAPS 1. Z1000 (Saving for a remap) 2. Dtabbit77 3. Double Zero
  8. Glad this thread came on! I usually put Motul 330v 15W/50 in the engine, but I could not get any for last Monday, when the car was getting serviced. Popped into Halfords and checked their book to see what they advised. Mobil 1 0w-40. So thats whats in the car When I see this yesterday, got really worried. Called Duncan @ Hypertech, and he advised to get it changed asap. Gettin changed again on Monday. So thats £45 down for the Mobil one and now the 6 litres of Motul and the new filter! Great! Think I might pop in and chin Halfords tomorrow!
  9. No probs Vicki. Sorry to see a car identical to mine looking so damaged, specially in your circumstances!! Just hope that you can recoup some of the cash. Take it your getting a new engine? Hope Peter gets some cash for any injuries as well as your cash from getting it fixed. Dave
  10. http://www.theclaimsconnection.co.uk/uninsured-drivers.html Have a look at this. Good advice. A guy in my work was hit 2 years ago by a uninsured driver and his A3 was wrote off. He was fully comp, so got his cash. He still sued the git, and although it took 2 years, he got his excess back, and £2500 compensation for injury and distress. Reckon its definately worth looking into! Dave
  11. Vicki You can sue them through the county court. Good chance that you would get all that cash back eventually!
  12. I got my MY00UK with 70k FSSH from Alex F Nobles for £8k. That was with a full service/mats/valet plus one years warranty and Subaru Recovery. Car was standard and in excellent condition. I would say between 6.5 to 8 k depending on Service History and condition. Unless I knew who I was buying the car from I would always go to a dealer. Dave
  13. Pretty sure I seen a White S204 from the office window last week in Bath Street-Glasgow. Did not see the badge, but had the same spoiler as all the vid clips. Nice....but would be a nightmare keeping clean in this feckin climate! Specially when they start putting salt back on the roads![6]
  14. Cheers mate...think I will follow that up.
  15. Right guys and gals. I have the centre cat removed and a SS exhaust. Considering getting the rest done, but was wondering whats the script with MOT is and emmisons. Would go for sports cat, if thats just as good. Whats the difference and also the legaltiy??
  16. Go on his website, and drop him a email. He always replys pretty quickly.
  17. The remap means that the ecu on the car is re-programed. A standard UK00 can be modded from 215bhp to 280 with the decat/exhaust and remap. Can be done on any subaru
  18. An Andy F remap, with either full decat or sports cat and centre removed would do the trick.
  19. Had mine at 155 mph ....but think I had a good tail wind!!! That was before the decat and exhaust right enough!! Edit by moderation - location removed! Airfields, test tracks, knockhill etc. only please!
  20. Bit of a reek there.......looks like a piston is away! only kidding! loL! Nice one martin!
  21. Nice wheels mate! and car!
  22. Man...you are never happy! lol!
  23. Do you commute via a car - Yes Do you take your Scooby - Yes How many miles do you commute to work - 30ish How long does it take you - 30 mins Do you ever take a long way home - I commute from Falkirk to Glasgow, so I get home as quick as I can in that rush hour traffic!! Really need to start using public transport...putting to many miles on the car! But I love it!
  24. Well annoyed that I could not make this one! And to make it worse...had the mis-fortune of watching my team get gubbed.....guess who!
  25. Nice car my friend....what about the previous one...is it gone?
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