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Everything posted by david_taylor

  1. Congrat mate...better news since the bump. Zing and Zang and that!
  2. I would be well up for a jaunt up north and some camping, bbq and beer. Count me in for that. Wilkys idea sounds good to me!
  3. lol!![]
  4. My mother is from Kyle of Lochalsh and until recently my Aunt still lived there before she sadly passed away. I went up there about 3 times a year. I loved the drive up and the roads there are great, specially once you get to know them! The raod from Kyle to Plockton and then Plockton over the mountain to Balmacarra became my favorites. Will do another trip soon...just thought it would be weird going up and looking for somewhere to stay when I always had the family home before!
  5. lol . Both - Result!!
  6. http://videos.streetfire.net/category/WRX/...85300c7e239.htm mmmmm....VBH!
  7. Then you should not be paying any more than your excess. Sure they were not just giving you a breakdown of the total cost of the claim?
  8. Its your park lights. will leave the side lights a rears on. good if you break down on a dark road for example.
  9. when i spoke to her insurance company 2day, they said i had to pay £200 excess plus another 600 odd for the repairs to the car. fuzzy I take it from that, that you are not fully comp?
  10. Its dangerous that...never drink and surf! I have bought some real crap when drinkin and on ebay!! lol!
  11. Meant to say Fuzzy. I has a incident when I wrote my RS Turbo off. I guy I was overtaking pulled out to overtake the car in front of him and hit me. I ended up smashing into a parked A4 in a layby. Killed the car and done my shoulders in. Was off work for three months. Anyway, although he admitted to me at the time it was his fault. When insurnce got involved they tried to blame me, even though there story was physically impossible to replacte. Luckily that night the guy that was behind me called the police to report it, and his story backed up mine. An independant witness...you would think that would mean no contest. It took three years to come to court, and I had to take the hit for the three years on my insurance, as you are still held liable until proven. Like Stephen, the day before court they took the hit. I got money for car, injuries and inconvenience. Around 8.5k for a 2 k car. The other insurance company knew they had no chance, but they would rather take the hit and p!ss you off for a long time than settle quickly. Hope you dont have the same hassle. Dave
  12. clip for the indicator in the bumper broke, n that was all fuzzy If you are going to fight it then I would get it fixed right away. I imagine that the insurance company would send the cops round to look at your car pretty quickly. You know insurance companies. Never want to pay a dime eh!
  13. Good, then you could fight it. Personally I would not chance it. If you went to court and lost, you would end up with a much larger bill than £800, thousands probably. Is there any damage to your car??
  14. Where's that dtabbit77 Lol ! Possibly Crianlarich []? [] Nobody likes a smart ass!! LOL![:$]
  15. If you hit the rear its pretty much impossible not to get 100% liabilty. Plus you have admitted liability to your insurance, and most likely on a recorded phone. I would love for you to get this sorted mate, and pay the minimum. Just passing on a solicitors comments. Hope you get a result. Dave
  16. Just spoke to my mate, whos brothers a solicitor. Afraid she has every right to go to her insurance company and ask them to repair it and for them then to persue it. He said that you do not need to ask for the liable parties authority to proceed. Looks like you will either have to pay up, or let your insurance pay. Do you not have no claims protection? Mind you, you would still have to pay your excess.
  17. Ever since 1996, when I had a slightly moddied Escort RS Turbo, and I was driving up Glen Ocle on the way to Crainlarigh. Had been passing eveything and feeling pretty good, and faster than everyone. Then I looked in the rear view and from nowhere, there was a impreza. I thought, lets see what this thing can do. Dropped a couple of gears and floored it. Scoob just sat up my ass till i hit my rev limiter. At that point I indicated to let him past before I killed the car!! Thats when I realised that the RS Turbo was not very quick...and I decided I wanted that car. Plus Mcrae was always a god to me........I was not disapointed!
  18. Cant believe the winner in this after his start! What a driver! Really good vid! http://videos.streetfire.net/category/WRX/...85600cf546c.htm
  19. Lots of Subaru Rally clips from the states! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/2ab71b0...8570007da71.htm
  20. Have to say I do not like that at all. Looks like a cross between a Seat Ibiza and a Civic! Think that would tip me over to the Evo side eventually.
  21. Yeah...he liked going sideways at the hairpin! Good stuff!
  22. Aye...seen the hat, made you look well hard. lol Sorry never came over to speak mate...was enjoying watching the cars at the time!
  23. Sorry to hear that mate....car looked very quick when I seen it. Hope its not to sore to fix. Recognised you from the RB rally, but you were heading for a tea when I seen you. Dave
  24. lol...I bit the last time!
  25. Think it was just for a check up...was no real concern in the pit lane.
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