Meant to say Fuzzy. I has a incident when I wrote my RS Turbo off. I guy I was overtaking pulled out to overtake the car in front of him and hit me. I ended up smashing into a parked A4 in a layby. Killed the car and done my shoulders in. Was off work for three months.
Anyway, although he admitted to me at the time it was his fault. When insurnce got involved they tried to blame me, even though there story was physically impossible to replacte.
Luckily that night the guy that was behind me called the police to report it, and his story backed up mine. An independant would think that would mean no contest.
It took three years to come to court, and I had to take the hit for the three years on my insurance, as you are still held liable until proven. Like Stephen, the day before court they took the hit. I got money for car, injuries and inconvenience. Around 8.5k for a 2 k car.
The other insurance company knew they had no chance, but they would rather take the hit and p!ss you off for a long time than settle quickly.
Hope you dont have the same hassle.