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Everything posted by david_taylor

  1. Nice one Paul. Cheers
  2. My drivers seat is in need of some TLC. I have the cloth wearing down , plus the two side supports are in need of repair. Anyone recommend a upholsterer, or have a spair set of seats for a MY00 Classic turbo?
  3. When will you learn to stop posting when you have had a drink! [:S]
  4. Got to go lower Paul. Plus get rid of the nasty spoiler for the high level. Will make a big difference.
  5. Gus Count me in for a pair mate. Dave
  6. Completely agree. My sister had a nasty experience a few years back when the job they had suppose to have done, was in fact not. Resulted in manager and mechanic loosing there jobs, so I would never take my car to them on that experience.
  7. If u have NCB, why even consider paying for it out of your pocket mate??
  8. Man that looks nasty mate. Take it your ok. What happened? For that damage I think I would go down the insurance route myself. Going to cost a bit to fix. Do you have no claims protection? Dave
  9. Yeah, I think I was inspired last night! I originally planned to trade the classic in next year and get a new age, around 04plate. But after seeing the P1 and talking about the Cossie I think I have changed my mind. Think I am going to buy a every day car and start putting cash into the classic and increasing the BHP. The Classic v Newage also started to swing my decision. I think its clear that the classic chassis is derfinately the best and needs the least amount of handeling mods in comparrison. I am thinking of a complete engine rebuild first. Just hit 100k on the clock, and I am scared of it braking if I start messing around. Then go for a sports cat and Andy F treatment 1st. Just a dream the now, but in a year or so, then I may begin![] Dave
  10. I am for Classics, but McRae drove a Newage competetively last year in the X Games in the States. And it was definately competetively as he rolled it in the staduim when leading and still kept going to get 2nd. []
  11. I used them a few months back for a nasty scratch on my wing and the end results were fantastic. Would also highly recommend them, especially the Falkirk guy. [Y] I had took before and after pics, but to hard to see with the car being silver!
  12. http://videos.streetfire.net/category/WRX/...9070137a931.htm Is it just me or is that pile or crap a double of the Astra?? Evo here I come! []
  13. Could be right, but I am pretty sure that the chassis will be the same! []
  14. http://videos.streetfire.net/recentvideos/...907016dea26.htm Dont know is this has already posted. My opinion = YUK!
  15. Very nice mate.[]
  16. 2Nd that. He sorted me Strut Braces awhile ago[]
  17. Think we need the following threads: Scottish Scoobies Events For sale and wanted Off Topic Thanks to Gus
  18. Thats a Ford Focus with a bonnet scoop. Man, this sucks!
  19. Wont have to worry about a waiting list then. Dont think many people here would be interested. lol[]
  20. Some of the articles are saying the improved handleing will win over the old school Impreza owners. Not me! It could drive like a ferrari enzo, but I would not buy a car that I thought looked cack!![] Dave
  21. £27.92 delivered for my car[Y] excellent find Arch![] Imy! .....and i'll fit them myself[] Stewart, thanks for info on fitting. Cheers Gus Your a brave man Gus. I watched my mate change mine and vowed never to attempt that! Plus he needed skin grafts after the damange to his hands and wrists. Mind you that was without the advice above and from underneath while it was on the ramp. Dave
  22. Cheers Stephen. Thats the plan, ignore my ignorance on the plates though! [:$]
  23. Even the STI does absolutely nothing for me. If its true I think they will lose a lot of customers. I will be trading in my classic in a year and hope to get a hawk eye around 04-05 plate. After that, good chance I will be crossing over to the evo darkside! Dave
  24. I have the same problem on my Classic from the rear. These sort of things can be hard to narrow down. If your suspension seems to go up and down ok and there is not sign of leaking, then other possabilities could be bush or droplinks. I have mine booked in to get sorted(assuming we find thee reason) next week. Until then its pump the music up so I cant hear it!
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