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Everything posted by david_taylor

  1. Keep my fingers crossed for you! Mind not to open her up for at least 1k! Bet you cant wait!
  2. To be fair to Camelon...boy behind counter told me that it was Shell and not the garage that was the problem. He said they insist on checking the tanks condition every year. If it was not for that they would have some!
  3. Must have been particularly nasty, since you are right next to Camelon! Was that you I passed on the M876 doing a testdrive this afternoon?
  4. Did not want to put a downer on anyone, but it makes you think. I dont know about you guys but sometimes I feel the scooby seems to provoke people into driving like idiots! I was coming from grangemouth to skinflats last night, the straight before the village. Had one of those MG(rover) sports whatevers in front. Seen he was slowing down and speeding up from the reek comin out of his exhaust. I never speed in towns or anything! He pulled out to overtake the car in front, even though I was not and that there was a car comin head on. People that know the road will realise that you can easily get three cars across. The car ahead had to nearly mount the curb to avoid a head on! I had a look, it was a young mum, with a kid in the back! Was raging!! Got the missus to note the reg plate, called the cops when I got in! They admitted they could not do anything, but took the reg. Hope they pull the guy a few times!
  5. No problem! McCashins in Seafar had some this afternoon...stopped for a ice lolly...wish I got fuel to!
  6. All Have a look at the attached video....think we should all take a minute to look at this and always remember three things: http://videos.streetfire.net/video/b11ff09...d1f0407df04.htm A. Speeding aint clever at most times! B. Never drink and drive! C. We are all human, even if some think we are invincible. This really made me think about how I drive! Take Care All! Dave
  7. Hey all Just been at Camelon to fill up....no optimax!! Luckily I have a UK spec so I put normal unleaded in. They are not getting any back into Monday. Apparently Shell refused to send a tanker until they were down to 1000 litres so they can check their tanks! If you live around Falkirk, best head over to Cumbernauld if you are a Optimax diehard. Dave[]
  8. Never, ever going to happen, but I dream of having a Mclaren Mercedes! Would not mind a escort cossie as well though!
  9. In hindsight...only a 2wd rolling road....so no chance...lol!!!
  10. I used them years ago when I had the RS Turbo. Done a good job tuning and sorting my boost problem. But I believe they really are Ford specialists! Could not fault them...nothing worse than hearing your car on a rolling road at 80mph though, with a tiny fan cooling the engine................had to walk out of garage and pray at that point!!
  11. Yeah, Paul LeGuen's backroom staff! [] Now now...no need for that!! Especially as the gers will do the treble....contraversal!!!
  12. Heard that was a real release, but Jack McConnell refused to allow them in Scotland! loL!
  13. Cheers for the replies all...I will contact all, as I will price them off against each other, they all want your business after all! Out of interst, does anyone know of the guy in Winchester Industrial Estate in Denny. I was recommended him, but had never even knew he existed! Dave
  14. Paisley is no problem, only 45 mins away. Is his prices good? Peoples in Falkirk quoted 550 notes, which I think is well steep!
  15. Hi all I have a dent removal specialist comin on saturday to fix the large scratch on my passenger wing...also sorting the stone chips on the bonnet for me for nought!! I have a large stone chip on my roof at front, but has started to bubble since the winter, and to late to get dent guy to rescue. Service History shows that Subaru had already painted roof under the body warranty. However, did not do agreat job, as they must have taken the back window out and looks like they scored the paint putting the rubber back in...so slight bubbling at the rear. I had a tube hit my rear end on the motorway in feb, only needed bumper respray, but had to pay my £400 excess at the time. Got cheque in today so I thought I had better get the roof done before it gets any worse! Can anyone recommend a good, and reasonable priced spraypainter, preferably in our around Falkirk, or Stirling? Dont want to take a chance without knowing they will do a good job eh! Dave
  16. Hi all its Daves B-inlaw again had the scooby a week now and its great fun especially getting waves from other scooby drivers never got that driving my puma,anyway on the way back from Killie last week after buying my scooby i was unfortunately caught speeding @ Moodiesburn i didnt realise it was a 30limit and i was doing 41 my own fault think i was dreaming about picking up the scooby the next day,so another 3 points on my license just about to get rid of the last 3 from 2001 i better be more careful from now on anyway im away to work cheers .
  17. 1. Paddy247 Scooby. 2. RS Grant No Scooby 3. Oz *sti* Scooby 4.dtabbit77 Scooby
  18. I am in Paul...see you then!
  19. I knew I should not have given you my password!! lol Get your own membership Stevie!
  20. How typical is that. Decided to wash the car about half an hour ago. Had a half day, and after watchin the da vinci code, thought I would give the car a polish after yesterdays exploits! Went to garden shed and got hose, attached up, gave the car a rinse to get dirt off, filled bucket with shampoo.......started bucketing down!!! Needless to say car is now in garage, wet and un washed! Weather in this country is tryin some times!
  21. Hello all im Daves B-inlaw Stevie id just like to say what a great car the subaru is to drive and watching him blow away that piece of American/German junk was amasing ,i just took it easy on my first run getting used to the handling and power didnt go over 120mph on the m/way and those roads up to Aberfoyle are amazing even for a scooby novice like me anyway im off to look at the pics we took again .......Hope to be a member soon ..cya all Stevie Maj.
  22. John Just checked them out....very nice mate! Cars will definately pull over now, they might think they have ended up on a rally stage by accident! Maybe meet you soon mate. Dave
  23. Cheers mate. Your have to get your subaru up to they roads, especially when dry, they are an absolute hoot! Amazin how cars also just pull over when then see you in there rear view! Dave
  24. Dont know if you are aware or bothered, but you can see all your photos in your photobucket account with the links you posted!
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