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Everything posted by david_taylor

  1. Cheers for the advice mate. Only think is the distance, anything like a service or that usually means leaving the car for at least a morning. Always try to get somewhere close, so I can get a lift! There is Ian Greives, Subaru Dealer here, plus for the next year and a half if its covered by warranty, Nobles are due to give me a car! Cheers all the same mate.
  2. Take it that its heading my way then!!
  3. Nasty...where is that? Its a really nice night here in Falkirk!
  4. I agree, and to be honest I would still recommend him. He has a car due in making the same noise, and has had it plugged in and done tests on the piston. I am sure that he would have checked it properly if I had not said that I was under warranty. Still going to ask him to get me a filter. But makin decision to get services from subaru. means much more on the service history! D
  5. True. Think I will stick to Subaru for services and things. Dearer, but least you know they know what they are doing!
  6. Got to the bottom of it today...thats after duncan at hypertech scared the hell out of me! I went to him at lunchtime, and after a quick listen he said he thought it sounded like a piston starting to go, and most likely would need a new engine at a cost of £3k. Shat myself at this point, but remembered car is still under warranty with Noble & Son. Called there service and mechanic said he had never heard of a impreza piston going on a car after a 98 plate. Asked me to bring it up for a look. Drove carefully to penecuik, even got overtaken by a xr2! They took it away, and brought it back 5 mins later fixed. Was a spark plug arcing!! Disapointed with Hypertech, but just glad its nothing serious! Plus I wasted a days holiday today!
  7. Tut tut!! Thats one of the best garages out there! ]" src="/emoticons/emotion-5.gif">
  8. Was surprised with the lack of assistance with this. Suppose most people here are as michanically nieve as me! I am jumping down to hypertech this afternoon, called today. He said from my description that it sounds like the tappets. Hope thats all it is! If its anything worse I will not make the RB Rally on Sunday Fingers crossed!
  9. Was just putting car away in garage there. When I was opening the doors, I noticed a kind of light knocking noise coming from under the bonnet. It does not sound really loud, quite a light knocking noise. Popped the bonnet, seems to be coming from the right hand side of the engine. Might just be getting paranoid...but anyone have any ideas?? Not been any loss in performance that I have noticed?? Heard the engines are prone to the bottom ends going, so alarm bells are ringing!
  10. I would be very reluctant on leaving the car for any considerable time sitting on a trolley jack. Definatley put axle stands underneath! I have not looked underneath mine as I have only had it 5 months, but there is usually some arrow like thing pointing to the jacking points. If not your handbook should have details.
  11. Sorry to hear that Paul. Unfortunately, I am useless with mechanical stuff! My mate has his own garage, used to be next to Hypertech before duncan moved! He reckons its the springs, but advised to go straight to Hypertech! Hope you have it sorted before Saturday mate. See you then! Dave
  12. 28 years old. Have a Standard 2000 uk impreza turbo. Live in quiet part of falkirk, car in a garage. 5 years no claims or points. £425 with a tracker on car!
  13. 1. 1.2 Nova. First car at 18 havin past my test! Heap of sh!te 2. S2 Escort RS Turbo. Original on purchase, but done loads to it. 4" SS Magnex Exhaust, Piperxross Filter, Bajao Chip, Dump valve, Koni Adjustables, plus total engine rebuild and re boared pistons. Was 215 bhp before I killed it! Great fun to drive, even though the torque steer was crazy! Was wrote of after a tube hit be when i was overtaking, he did not check his blind spot, and hit me while I was passing him and he went to overtake. Sent me all over the road and eventually into a parked A4 in a layby. Nothing except Dads car for three years.....was waiting for pay out, as I was only third party at the time! 3. Ford Mondeo ST24. Okay, but I got toasted of a 2.5 vectra, and that disgusted me!! 4. 2000 UK Spec Impreza Turbo. Standard the now, but planning some mods. First will be exhaust and filter!
  14. I seen that a while ago....it was a wind up I heard" Well I hope so anyway!!
  15. Was in Pitt Street at lights tonight at 5ish. Blue New Age Scoobie came of M8 and joined behind me. Noticed the SIDC Tax Disc Holder Anyone here?? Sure reg began R7, but might be wrong. Was nearly 2 hours ago!
  16. Heres mine....nice and standard!
  17. Looks like Optimax is back out there. Just put some in the tank in Camelon, plus a tanker was sitting filling up in cumbernauld!
  18. scoobyseller 555 wrote- "sorry about this m8,but with only one salesman its physicaly impossible to speak with everyone,we try our best with the resources that we have........but it doesnt matter who youv'e been trained by its still a bit unproffesional to drive like this with a prospective purchaser of the vehicle being driven!" Like you said my friend. Its your opinion. Being there myself, I felt in no way under threat. It was almost track conditions!! With that it also sold the car to me. I totally understand your point though and if for a second I thought it was dangerous, then I would have asked him to let me out of the car. Enough said on that I think. Hope you sell many a car and go from strenght to strength. Might save me the journey on my next subaru purchase!!
  19. Remeber all....if you have a uk spec car, then normal unleaded is fine. I have ran on this on many occasion and had no problems. I was assured on my last subaru service that its not a problem and no re-map is needed! Peace of mind for me!
  20. Hello again. Did you manage to visit Grieves and Nobles today then? Did you have the test drives and any purchases? Dave
  21. Just filled up in Perth. 104.9p a litre right enough. Asked the guy in the garage if he has had problems. Informed me that he has very little left and does not have any idea when he is getting a new delivery. If you are from Perth or surrounding area, I would get over there today. He reckens he has enough to last till end of day. The plot thickens!! D
  22. Of course you would'nt Scoobyseller 555! Your trying to sell a car from your own premises! I visited you a couple of times, and not once did anyone come out to see me on the forcourt. Very poor salesmanship. This encouraged me to look elsewhere I am afraid. When I said powerslide, I may be a little coy, but at 20 miles an hour on a mini roundabout I was not in a bit worried. Plus the fact he was clearly very well trained, as he pointed out, and by subaru!
  23. If you are looking for a good Subaru dealership, I can highly recommend Alex F Noble & Son in Penicuik. I bought my most recent car from them and was delighted with the service offered. On the test drive, the salesman drove first and showed me what the car can do, including a poweslide round a roundabout! He totally encouraged you to open the car up. They have good stock in for a 20k budget and with that, he will buy a car in from all over the uk I would think. Plus you get 1 years subaru assistance and warranty as standard. Another plus is that I have already been invited to one of there track days. Got taken out on the track by a Scooby test driver, who absolutely terrified me, but showed me how much you can push these cars, especially the STI. Thats my next car. Got 3 laps with the test driver, and I was impressed beyond belief. I have a 2000 UK spec the now, so the extra power and handdling was very much obvious! Is summary. STI and Alex F Noble!
  24. I am off work this week, and there is none around Falkirk area. Decided to take a run to Perth as it was a nice day and I still have 3/4 of a tank. Stopped at the shell on the way in and they had optimax, but at 104.9p a litre!! Feck sake!! Drove straight out....luckily I have a uk spec, so I can use normal unleaded if it comes to the worst! Looks like its going to get worse as well! Happy days!
  25. I drove to camelon, cumbernauld and stirling today. I had a full tank, and all were out of optimax. Hopefully the camelon woman was acurate, but most of all I will be looking forward to the price going back to normal!! Gits with any left are robbing us subaru drivers!!!
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