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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. Does the up-pipe support bracket line up with the up-pipe properly?.. if you have to pull the two mating faces together by the bolts which hold them together, you put stress on the lower flange and increase the likelyhood of the lower gasket leaking through time.
  2. "and even had a dump in his toilet but never had the oppertunity to ask for stuff to be signed." You looked for an opportunity for him to sign your dump?? Bleugh!! Sicko! []
  3. If you fitted the new pump with the supplied filter it's probably fuel starvation because of the small filter. Remove the pump and re-fit the std filter bag to the new pump
  4. You'll probably find it's the brake shoes that are giving the problem than the calipers and discs. Remove the discs so you can give the asembly a good clean out of brake dust.
  5. I'd stay with standard discs personally, though if you really fancy something different from standard, buy a set with say 4 or 6 grooves to dissipate any excess heat if you do track and will keep the pads "clean". I wouldn't bother with "multi grooved" discs, you're not gaining anything imo. Apart from maybe looks if that's your thing. Drilled discs dissipate the heat as well, though not as popular as grooved because you find cracks at the holes after a while. I run drilled (AP discs) and have had them for a few years without issue. They are also fitted to many cars as factory fit items i.e. Mercedes, so the general thought that they are inferior to grooved is a bit of a non starter imo.
  6. I like the Ferodo DS2500's in mine and copes well with enough on my car. No warm up required. Once had Mintex 1155's but changed when they faded badly after two laps at Knockhill. I've nevr went back to Mintex since which is a shame cause i swore by them for years up until that point.
  7. I'd have thought the std regulator should still maintain it's set fuel pressure, but if the car was fine before and isn't now and that's the only thing you've changed, then sounds like you need an alternative FPR.
  8. Checked wheel balance? If it starts at say 80mph (which you say) but disappears at a higher speed (not that you would of course... [] ), more than likely wheel balance. If not, maybe check all bushes on the front end of the car (track control arms etc)
  9. "What are sprigot rings?" See link directly above. Davie Are you sure you need spigot rings? Surely the PCD of the wheels would be correct for your car and so the nuts will keep the wheels in check? [*-)]
  10. "You wont be disappointed....." I know i wasn't. []
  11. See when you had the starting problem? did you have an idling problem at that time as well? If not, then as has been said above, it could be down to the FPR (fuel pressure regulator) which isn't able to maintain set fuel pressure because of the new pump, but i've never came across a car which had a problem with the FPR (though there may be examples out there) "Should have left alone eh?" Nah! Not at all. Is an excuse to allow you to do more mods on the car! [] What's this fuel guard thing with the alarm? Do you not have the std Sigma M30 in there or is it a euro car and so has an aftermarket alarm fitted? euan-r Short answer, no Slightly longer one is that your map will tell your injector to open up x amount for whatever zone. With a bigger injector, it'll open up the same amount but will flow more fuel (richer) cause the injector is bigger. If in close loop though, the ecu will try and reduce the amount of fuel that's going into the engine.
  12. I'd be inclined to do an ecu reset. Could be an idle stepper motor problem (may need a quick clean) Having said that i wouldn't have put a new pump in until i'd sorted the other problem out! Deal with one fault at a time. []
  13. With a full tank you will have enough fuel to get there, map and get back to Glasgow, no problem. (Been to Andy twice from Glasgow) Reckon on about half a tank during mapping. Time it takes to map depends on the car itself, everyones different. Some have issues which need sorting before mapping though some of these faults may not materialise until the mapping is underway. On average, it'll take maybe a couple of hours for mapping but as i say, some are easier and quicker to map than others. If you're going over at dinnertime, you'll probably be home by teatime.
  14. Haven't done it on a Subaru but fitted new seal kits to other calipers in the past. Isn't a big job to do. I wouldn't replace the piston unless it's fairly well corroded but you'll see that when you press the pistons out of their bore. It could have been "sticky" cause the piston was further out of the bore than normal and so less support for the piston in the caliper. I'd drive the car with the new pads and discs and re-check if it's still sticky after a while but i think it should be fine. If not, remove the pistons and have a look at them. If they're fine just buy a seal kit.
  15. First time ive been to a meet for a long long time due to work clashing with dates. [:$] Nice laid back evening and in a setting which is hard to beat. How cool was having the car park all to ourselves?? [] Did the tourists know we were coming? [] Good turnout. While the summers here,how about thinking of other venues for a meet? I mean, look at the pictures, says it all really, don't get much better than this. [] Looking forward to a trip round the track in Wilkys car next time we meet up after our chat last night, cheers. Playsatans cars' going well too.. nice. [] See ya'all again.
  16. I didn't even know wuz had a scoob til this thread! lol [] I thought he just worked on everybody elses! [] The last time i seen wuz he had a Golf! Dunno bout annihilate wuz. You could probably make better use of 410-420 than i can with a few more horses under the bonnet.
  17. "you car versus mine - ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!" Sounds very confident.... [] if it's as good as you say it is, then it better stay reliable to maintain that stance...... []
  18. Probably depends on what components they have in stock at the time, but they do have a pipe bender on the premises... can't do 4" though... or at least couldn't do 4" when i was last there.
  19. Sounds like a good afternoon was had by all. [] Just had a call from a friend that his car is no more after his jaunt at Knockhill today and is now a burnt banana after setting alight on track. Initial thoughts are it could have been caused by a split fuel line. He's pretty gutted as you can imagine but no doubt will be back better and quicker than before. Was nice to hear of fellow owners offering help in his time of need especially to wilky for offering to tow him home i believe.
  20. I probably wouldn't mind Andy driving it for me!
  21. I'm surprised to read that, but then again, we all have individual circumstances surrounding insurance needs, so maybe they couldn't provide an underwriter willing to accept the risks at a reasonable cost associated with your circumstances.
  22. Have never done a 1/4 mile before Paddy and don't think i'd do one. i'd be crap at it, i know i would. Can we ditch the Hypertech, Wallace and Star Performance runs from the list, only because it's telling us naff all! Would also be good to have terminals on the others as this can raise more interest in that particular car. Just saying you've run for example 12.50 seconds doesn't really interest or mean much, but if someone did for example, 12.50secs at 135mph terminal, the 'ol eyeballs are raised cause you now see a car which has one hell of a potential! but obviously had a problem on that run IYSWIM. So at the next event it's at i.e. Crail, you're gonna keep an eye out for when it runs aren't ya? As an example, when AndyF's there with his 2 door, cause you know what it can do, tell me your not interested in seeing that run!!
  23. Did you speak to Gary Moulson? I remember seeing a thread on another forum that he was/is on holiday and wouldn't be able to provide quotations. Maybe you spoke to a.n.other and thats how you're not getting a specific quote for the car. I'd phone back and ask for Gary specifically as he's the mman in the know when it comes down to providing Impreza quotations.
  24. I would start a fresh thread and ditch this one. If you're going to have a definitve list of club/forum members results, more information could be in place for people to refer to. For example: Member, venue, date, time and terminal. As long as it's a recognised venue and can be verified as such, there would be no dispute on members "achievements".
  25. Buy a turbo with blown engine and replace engine. Ditch the idea about upgrading the Sport. You can change the engine but depending on what you get when you buy engine you still have to upgrade brakes, suspension, anti-roll bars, ecu, ancilleries i.e. map sensor, maf sensor, loom, etc. It'll still be a sport at the end of the day and insurance won't be clever. Non starter in my opinion unless you have a car to run around in, in which case you can then build the monster turbo you've always wanted at your leisure. In that case strip the car down to a shell and build it right.
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