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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. Maybe he's too busy enjoying it to post on here anymore! Not like him not to acknowledge on the thread though. Anyhoo, how are you Frank? I see you're still in the Subaru fold.
  2. I'm not in touch with what goes on in the UK much anymore, would be shame if it blown up after only a couple of runs! The joys of tuning into the unknown I suppose..
  3. Cool. Has he done any more runs since TOTB?, haven't heard or read nowt and he used to be on the boards updating us with his progress.
  4. What's on the agenda now Pedro?, it's not like you to stop the tuning there!
  5. Thanks Joe. At 35-40+ degrees you need aircon for sure. At that temp you keep windows firmly shut, cause as soon as you open the windows, the car heats up! No cool breeze coming in when you're driving along! so even without aircon, it'd still be cooler than it would otherwise be. Well we're two year down the line in Oz and still learning an awful lot. I've got concerns of schooling for Lisa, but only time will tell what we do in the future, it's too early to say for definite at the moment. Other things about here? I hate the cost of scoobies, so i haven't bought one, i love the price of petrol, i hate the cost of electricity, i love the dry and warmer weather, i hate mobile phone plans and network coverage, i love the lack of racism, i hate the shorter days compared to Scotland, i love getting up in the morning, cooking breakfast on the barbie while looking down the gully and seeing listening to nature like parrots, parakeets etc, i hate the cost of housing, i love the cheap markets, the beaches are incerdible as are the sunsets, so yeah.., hmm.., can't say it's for good yet, but it's been an experience i don't regret!
  6. Hi Colin, how's it goin' fella? Yeah, not bad, bit cold for us this time of year (17 deg, lol and yes it feels like a Scottish winter) but summers' just round the corner, so won't be long before we hit the bushfire season and 40's again !! lol
  7. IMO on a classic the best, most balanced bang per buck would be 350bhp and if possible around the 350Ib ft mark. Going for more involves time, money, frustration! It's always nice and feel good factor to have more but for me on a classic I'd stick to 350 with decent handling/ braking mods.
  8. yes, apparantly. They're getting more clued up as time goes by on as to whats std and what isn't
  9. Some go to lengths such as plumbing dump valves in behind the wheel arch and all that to hide it from police but they're not daft. The bit that pisses me off is that the police can serve you a defect notice for something like a straightcut PPG gearkit cause it's noisy.... One of the problems is that they serve you a defect notice, you go to their official checker upperer to get it checked (after fixing whatever they've defected you with), you pay them big bucks to get it checked, but if they find anything else untoward, they can tell you to get that fixed too, come back and pay the fee all over again to get it checked. Not worth the grief imo. Can't remember the cost of having the vehicle checked and defect overturned but it ain't cheap from what i believe
  10. Done and replied
  11. Simple things like aftermarket dump valves are illegal. If you lower the car, there must be at least 100mm clearance between body and ground. The police have a 100mm sample to check ground clearance.
  12. No. Thought about going there but most brits end up there, so what's the point? Nah, i'm not. Might as well keep ourselves amused to alleviate the boredom and stop the thread from going down the page list. Wha are the dimensions within the core Peter?
  13. I went Ford. Holden wins it though in terms of popularity. They're everywhere
  14. Yeah, I haven't been around either and no interest in Scoobs since i landed in Oz. It's just not the same over here. Scoobs are expensive in comparison to UK, so i can't see the point in spending what i feel is over the odds, even though they may be good value here. The other reason is cause you're very limited in what you can do to the cars and penalties are high if you get "caught" with illegal modifications. Just not worth it in my opinion.
  15. If the intercooler has "turbulators" inside, then that's nothing new in terms of design, been around for years. I'd also be looking at the size of the cores internally when deciding what intercooler to use. As an aside, hello Wilky, long time no see or hear.
  16. That'd be good. Impossible, but would be good.
  17. lol. I think you know the answer to that one! Btw, one thing that bugs me here is you can't get good old fattening fried rice with your curry here, everything is either boiled or steamed and they look at you funny when you ask if they do fried rice. That is, if they understand the basics of the English language in the first place... We gave up. Now, we make our own curries. Good fun and some of them have been absolutely delicious. Some of the Malaysian stuff is really good.
  18. Yeah, that'd be good, cheers. I should still have your number, just not on the simcard i use just now I moved south about 9 months ago Peter.
  19. Can't see me getting back into a scoob myself but still keep an interest in what you guys are doing with them. And besides there's not that big a scene here, only boy racers who like to leave black squiggly lines along any piece of tarmac they find which doesn't have a cop car attached to it. Scooby owners don't have a good rep here. I'll keep an eye on when you get yours up and running Pete, if it's ready in August that might be a bonus for me as i should be in your area sometime round then.
  20. Yeah, it's been a long time eh Peter? Keeping very busy at moment, no time for toys though.. Good to see your enthusiasm hasn't fallen by the wayside. You hoping to be running by next month, early Spetember maybe?
  21. Losing the brake servo isn't such a big deal, though i haven't experienced SleeprSy's car even though i built it. In terms of work involved in that area, it's no big issue to do and certainly a lot less than going front mount turbo Having said that, what you're saying about costs being steep above 500 is bang on the money, so it doesn't really matter what you do, it's going to cost a fortune anyway. The only time cost becomes an issue is when you start to regret going for the "next level". For me, i should have stopped at 500 back in 2005.. Going for more is where the regret came in but had to see it through. Once achieved, i lost interest in doing anymore with the car. I wish you all the best in what you're aiming for Peter. I might have missed something somewhere but who's the sponsor and what do you get out of it?
  22. Petrol here varies by the hour and what day it is. I pay 53p/litre on a Tuesday or Wednesday at the moment, but goes up to 65p/litre by the weekend. Costs about £35 a week on fuel which is a bit of a rip off which is why after the car is converted on Friday i'll be paying 23p/litre for LPG...
  23. Simple as. If the pistons are seized, remove the pads, then press the brake pedal to push the piston out. You'll probably find it's only the dust cover that are split cause if it's seals you'd have to top up your brake fluid regular! There's nothing to it. Get a seal kit from your dealer and only takes about a couple of hours of your time to do the whole thing. You'll probably find the piston isn't really seized at all, but because the brake pads were so low, the piston was extended too far out of the bore and so you're having bother getting it back in square.
  24. The twin dump downpipe is designed to keep the wastegate gasses separate from the main exhaust gas flow so as not to interrupt the main exhaust gasses as they exit the turbine housing. It depends on the setup of the car whether there is an advantage to having the wastegate gasses kept separate or not.
  25. There is a lesson to be learned here. A number of posters/prints etc have been printed and sold with proceeds going towards charity. The objective was achieved. You now have a situation where people are selling *their* purchased print for whatever personal reasons. In terms of profiteering from the sale, this goes on no matter who or what it is and will never stop, however, there are a number of people selling collectibles who have no interest in the item they are selling. In the case of the above auction, i get the impression she couldn't care less who Colin Mcrae was and why should she? She's got *clutter* in her home that's no use to her, means nothing to her, it reminds her of her ex,, why shouldn't she sell the print?. She's found out it's worth a bit of money. The money for the print has already been paid for charity purchases, why should she conform to others passion for Colin? The lesson is if one goes down that route of selling merchandise for charity purposes in the future is an agreement that the merchandise cannot be sold on for profit over the original purchase price. This means that they can sell it for what they paid for it (charity has already got their money), but should they sell for greater than purchase price, the difference is paid to the charity. Simple, as non compliance leaves them open to being sued for breach of contract.
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