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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. You can't collect because there is no "shop" to collect the goods. If there was, then there would be front counter staff or whatever to deal with day to day queries on products. That's not to say they don't have premises, but no retail outlet for customers to go to.
  2. Certainly if it was stated it was in stock and turned out not to be, i'd be a bit concerned if it were my company, as a lot of the business in that type of industry is repeat business! Why look at today when you can look at what tomorrow may bring!
  3. It would mean a little more work and constant updating of the site, but it would help customers if they click on an item and it states "in stock now" or " 3 week delivery", something like that. I haven't looked at the site, so if that kind of stuff is already on it, then feck knows what to say!
  4. Could that not have been the case you did get them "next day"? i.e. the day after Scott received them?!?
  5. The company in my eyes is just a "box shifting" company. I dare say they may do some physical modification or repair work, who knows, but the company is predominantly there to sell parts and it's an easy way to make money if you can get a computer to do the work for you! I stand to be corrected of course. They have done an admiral job in making a glossy website full of parts and have built up a decent business arrangement with numerous suppliers, but as a suggestion before ordering, it might be worthwhile asking if they have the item(s) you want in stock and if not, the expected turnaround, based on past experience with the supplier to obtain the item. If he's honest enough to give realistic timescales for those items not in stock, then the purchaser can make an informed decision on what he/she wants to do. I'm quite sure most would want to wait a week or two for a part if it's cheap enough. If you do "business" that way, then you won't be disappointed about part(s) arriving "late". The problem that arises with flat4 in the eyes of certain customers that have expected their goods in a timely manner is the fact that you can't speak readily with the company when things go wrong and that raises suspicions. The other side of the coin of course is that customers expect answers NOW!! and waiting for an E-mail which may not be instant causes concern especially when money has been taken from the customers account.
  6. Yes, it was a classic. There's something going on in the front end if you're feeling it through the steering wheel. Did you clean up the hub faces and take the protective coating off the new discs before they were fitted?
  7. Where you getting the vibration? Through the steering wheel? Then it's fronts. Through the cabin, then it's rears. FWIW on my old car at 600 bhp, i still ran std rear discs and pads, with AP 6 pot 330mm DS2500 up front, no issues.
  8. Approximately 330mile journey for 45 litres to give 33mpg. 12 litres to get back up. With no other means of chemical combustion within the cylinders that would mean 330 miles consuming only 12 litres of petrol and nothing else would add up to 330/12*4.545= 125 mpg.
  9. If yours is a 5 speed box, then yes it's a gear-set for a 5 speed box. You have the choice of having your own box stripped down, ppg kit fitted along with your front diff, or find a broken gearbox preferably with the same front diff ratio as your own, this will allow you to sell on your own good gearbox and pull some money back.
  10. Will you need to use a 6 speed slave cylinder Jimser? (Are they different?) Can't help feel that you'll still have the same issue?
  11. It may be that you don't need the diff John, you'd need to find out what diff ratio is in that car and what is in yours.
  12. 1: Yes, diff? gear linkage? gearknob? 2: clutch is useful as it's a bigger diameter than what you have 3: Nope and probably can't tell just by looking externally 4: At a guess, £3-400? 5: Yes, just use the thumbwheel, you don't need a light display
  13. The ball might have popped out of the adjuster, but don't even try to get it back in! Nightmare, unless you can get the lens off the front and pop it back in. Just check the beam doesn't flap about up and down when you're driving and you'll be fine.
  14. Don't think they're that expensive new?
  15. When you buy the lights you have a choice of electric height adjustable or not. The question is how often you change the height beam of the lights, probably not that often or not at all, so just adjust the height of the manual one you have.
  16. Yes, a bit like driving with your foot on the clutch
  17. Certainly the larger diameter clutch of the 6 speed can help future proof for further mods, but that bracket is sold by RCM now to counteract the issues Jimser is seeing. The 6 speed that went into mine after i sold the car still had the 5 speed clutch in it. The only reason the clutch in there just now is slipping is because the release fork has been putting pressure on the cover plate continually. As an aside the 1/4 mile times could have been even better if that problem wasn't there!!
  18. What's the twin plate carbon rated at and what's recommended to change it to?
  19. Ignore the bracketry surrounding the cylinder, that's for a Giken clutch which has the cylinder reversed, but you get the idea.
  20. Jimser If i'm reading this right it sounds like you have reduced the throw the slave cylinder can move, therefore the best solution would be to get some 5mmish thick flat bar and drill 4 holes, two for the gearbox casing and two for your slave cylinder. This will allow you to position the slave cylinder in the correct position and give a slight clearance needed for the clutch release arm, which will stop the clutch slipping, but will also allow full travel for the clutch slave cylinder, so that the clutch releases enough to engage gear. The plate will have two holes for the slave cylinder above and further back from the two holes used for the gearbox casing. Keep the two drilled and tapped holes for the slave cylinder as close to the gearbox casing holes in terms of height as much as possible.
  21. Yeah, it's almost there Grant, just waiting on the engine and a few bits and pieces then plumb it all in. Most of the work has been done on a dummy engine, so all has to come back out, then put back! Had fun (not) trying to get the 19 row 235mm oil cooler in at the wheel arch today, but got there in the end and has a nice 4" long cold feed pipe from the bumper to a dedicated cowling for the cooler. Apart from that, the only headache so far has been trying to get the turbo in the right place! There was a fair bit of headscratching and welding of brackets to get the turbo to clear the steering coupling, 8 injector kit, inlet manifold, clutch reservoir and the inner wing all at the same time! and that's with no brake servo any more!
  22. The Alcon discs are expensive as you've found out cause they're one piece assemblies but if you check out aftermarket brake disc / caliper suppliers like Godspeed and the rest you should be able to get discs and bells to suit the Alcons for a lot less than the price of Alcon discs. I wouldn't bother replacing what you've got as the Alcons are good calipers.
  23. Hiya Grant Doing well fella, cheers The car sounded sweet and was clean as a whistle goin' up that strip. Looked well sorted. Have a good season in whatever format you're running it in! Was that it's first time out? and have you done any setting up or testing for the other events you have in mind?
  24. Odd experience and different to mine on the day. I handed over a Scottish 'twenty' 'an never had a problem, but was expectin' it as i do with any Scottish notes anywhere in Englandshire. One of the problems some English have is the Scottish humour when you try and make catty remarks, they just don't get it, but for the most part, keep it light humoured rather than defensive, and 9 times out of 10 everythings fine. As for the food, the first time i went in the morning it was fine, but they were under pressure when everyone wanted to eat at lunchtime. I had to wait ages and then say to them again i was still waiting, as others came and went, but they apologised and were pleasant enough and topped up my drink for nowt for the inconvenience. As for the guys that were there whether it was pros or privateers, they all made me feel welcome and were quite chatty with none of the "i'm really busy and can't be a***d with talkin' to you" feeling that you sometimes get. Maybe it was because the event was quite chilled out and not as frenetic as some have been in the past, but i had a good day there. My only disappointment is i feel the event has maybe ran its' course and is starting to lose its' appeal?
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