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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. Interesting. On another note i was wondering how the authorities would look upon displaying the new tax disc *before* the old one had expired. Could you still get fined for not displaying a *valid* tax disc? I reckon so.
  2. The law states that the disc must be displayed on the vehicle so technically you could get fined, though a simple check would confirm that you have a current excise license. It would be a bad day if you were fined for not displaying a current tax disc even though you've paid, yet it could be said that you've had sufficient time to get one and display it on the due date. FWIW mine arrived two days later.
  3. Good to hear. You'll be glad to get back in the swing of things after being off the road for so long. Enjoy it.
  4. When do you reckon you'll be out and about in it ?
  5. What would you go up to then Col?
  6. I'd go for another engine to drop in. It's a straightforward job and you know what you're getting. Rebuilding your own is fraught with potential problems as you don't know what you'll find 'til you open it up. You say you're 90% sure a conrod has *snapped*. What's to say you've damage to bearings, crank, heads etc etc, so costs could build up. I'd look at what i could get for the car as is and what i could get for it if i put another engine in. That should dictate what route to go down. If the cars not worth much anyway even with a good engine, i might be inclined to just cut my losses and sell off to give a deposit on a new car. My humble opinion.
  7. Rethink to something like this?
  8. Aye right! Heard it.
  9. Looks mighty fine Colin. Just in time for some summer fun too.
  10. FWIW Welsho, i never ran an oil cooler in my 2.5 in the 3 years i had it and never had an issue. If i tracked the car, that would probably change, but you're not allowed to track yours now, so err.. yeah...
  11. If you're worried about oil temps, why don't you fit a thermostatically controlled oil cooler?
  12. "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
  13. You're right Euan. Water temps can rise pretty quickly but oil takes a good bit longer. You might get water temps up in a short time from cold start, but oil will take considerably longer. Ideally you want to get the oil up to about 80 degrees before giving it some stick, but not many have oil temp gauges.
  14. The only difference between the Zerosports stat and the std one is that the Zerosports opens at a lower temp than the std thermostat, 71 degrees as against 78. My experience told me that taking a std 'stat, removing the toggle pin and drilling the hole to 3/16" gives similar result on the road. Doing it this way also means you've also got circulation all the time and reduces the chance of air locks. The slight additional benefit is that at least some water still circulates if your 'stat sticks shut stopping the water from boiling off and then creating airlocks or possible head gasket issues. Drilling the hole bigger or drilling a 2nd or 3rd hole will give you the same symptoms as the OP is experiencing i.e. cold water temps when cruising.
  15. Might as well add a thumbs up here too! Did i shedload of stuff for me at the beginning of the year and everything was spot on. They also made repairs to one set of alloys before powdercoating and you'd never know. You'd swear the wheels were straight off the factory floor. I've had the same feedback from folks i've recommended them too.
  16. 22B thread 'nuff said! For anyone looking into what a proper baffled sump should look like
  17. Is that one the same internally as yours John? I didn't recognise the design on the pic above. Was a while ago since i seen yours though.
  18. Do you need to? I've changed a sump before. Not quite straightforward like most 'bread and butter' cars, but do-able. Saves takin' off all the gubbins associated with engine removal. 'Specially those modified to the levels you're at.
  19. Over recent months i've seen quite a number of incidents involving usually 2 or 3 vehicles on the South bound dual carriageway just where the *new* A77 road ends and joins on to the *old* A77 at i think it's just before the Fenwick Hotel. The incidents are usually just after the slip road on to the A77 where the *old* original A77 ends and you have to choose between turning right to go to Stewarton or left to either some village or other (Fenwick?)or onto the new A77.
  20. Blimey! The emergency services earned their money that day!
  21. The limit hasn't been long been changed Welsho. I'm led to believe there was a fatality on that downward stretch recently on the road you mentioned, hence the lowering of speed limit. As for specs when you're on the A77, the cameras start just after Kilmarnock and continue down to that roundabout you mentioned. If you take the 1st exit which leads to Ayr instead of the 3rd which leads to Prestwick, there are no specs cameras until after the next roundabout (about 2 miles or so) when they restart again and run to at least the next roundabout (where you would go if you're heading for Ayr/Ayr racecourse/S&S etc). i believe these cameras are all the way down the A77 to Stranraer, but i've not been down that road for many a year to confirm, only what i've heard.
  22. You sure? The A77 goes all the way down to Stranraer!!
  23. How refreshing to hear of stolen vehicles being found and being returned to there rightful owners. The next question will be... where was it found?
  24. Crackin' times there Higgy, you must be chuffed with those. and ohh so close to that 10 sec 1/4, but good terminals you got there. You must have been up off your seat and stompin' on those brakes to slow down after the 1/4 mile!
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