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Everything posted by AlanG
It does sound like it's nothing to do with pumps since 3 have been tried. I have never had to change the O rings etc on mine and it's been off numerous times over the years. I still think it's something simple. On the later cars the reservoir has a lid which has a rubber gasket holding it to the reservoir but i don't know if they have that on the earlier cars, i don't think they do. Check the pipe connection (positive side, not the return) to the pump. It might be leaking where it meets the pump. If that is the case, undo the connection and emery the brass washers which are used here to get a good seal again.
Nope. Just start from furthest away from reservoir to nearest to reservoir.
Hi uk_Mo Sorry, can't help any further as i've never seen or looked at the earlier reservoirs. Only suggestion i can give is to clean up the area thoroughly and then monitor where it's coming out from (if you can see it though, not always easy). And remember, fluid always runs down, so look for the highest point of the leak, that's where it will start from. See if you can get someone to turn the steerng wheel while you look under the bonnet (turning the wheel will give rise to more pump pressure) Not a good idea to have PS fluid burning. It's highly flammable and will catch fire quite easily.
Just to throw a wobbler into the equation, i run a 3" system with an Sti rear silencer which still gave 500bhp and torque on mine. Nice and almost standard quiet. Definitely a difference in every which way when i put the straight through 3" rear silencer on though.... []
It's most likely to be either the O ring on the top of the pump for the reservoir or the two washers which fit under the two bolts that hold the reservoir to the pump. (The washers have a rubber seal in them) Make sure the O ring in the centre is of the right thickness. You can get O rings of same diameter but different thicknesses.
Scottish Scoobies or west region scoobies?
AlanG replied to scott_coull's topic in Scottish Scoobies
I don't really see an east or west divide, yet you make a valid point in that in the east coast (correct me if i'm wrong), there are very few (Subaru) tuning establishments out there. I know there's guys out there dedicated to certain forums and all that jazz, i'm not really bothered, i just browse around popping in here and there and join in when something has caught my interest. That's not to say i don't like the guys or anything like that, it's more because i can't devote as much time as i would like to any one group of people (it's just the way my life is with a family and missus to look after etc). It would be different if i was single and this was my only vocation in life but it's not. Browsing around the forums and more specifically Scottish forums, i see most tuning companies talked about seem to be either over here in the West, or way up North in Aberdeen way, Perth etc. Nothing really in the East or Central belt, so maybe this is part of the problem? -
Scottish Scoobies or west region scoobies?
AlanG replied to scott_coull's topic in Scottish Scoobies
I'm impartial here cause i'm not on very often, but is your thoughts on SS down to the fact that most threads relate to things going on in west coast? If so, then post up what's happening in your neck of the woods!. I think everybody would reply or interact if they felt things were relevant to them. Is it maybe because you can't relate to what's going on in the west coast that you feel there's a bias to the west? and so feel you're being "shoved out the road"? (don't know how else to put it) -
lol [] We're only takin' the piss out each other RR. Me and Dougie go back a long way so there's no animosity, and besides, Dougie is the only guy i know with a handbag! [] []
"but at least it gets used!!!! So what happened to your outing on knockhill the first and last time you took the car round???????? Cost a few bob did it ;o)" And mine doesn't get used?? lol. I'll need to find out where the mileage has been coming from then! [] First time out it cost me a turbo. Last time? erm... didn't cost anything! [:^)] "i would just be like a nutter and really pushing it which would end up with me in the wall and a F E C K E D car" So you'd rather push the car on public backroads with the risk of FECKING it, than in a safe environment? Nice... []
"i is just a normal Mortal here so nobdy know's me you are the GURU " Hey Dougie.[Y] Well, you know what they say. You've either got it or you aint! [] I might have had it, but lost it somewhere and cant remember what i done with it. [] Think wuz has got it now (see other thread) lol [] "was your scooby on knockhill recently?" Dougie?!?......... spltt!! Sorry, spilt ma coffee there! [] Ahem. No, it wouldn't be him! His cars more pampered than a poodle. [] You'll find Dougie doing his David Bailey impersonations at weekends trying to get cool shots of his car, so he can stick them to the ceiling above his bed and gaze at them longingly whilst drifting off into sweet dreams of his four wheeled baby... []
That's a pretty good shout for them to take it off their site so quick. Pot kettle black mate.
"I seen a pic on a website....off to find it now!" You need yer eyes tested mate. It's now grown two doors and had a colour change! lol [] And before ye say it, i know it's hidin' behind the red one and shows dugsbaws motor wi flashy lity things when you put yer cursor over it... []
Scoobycol I'd mail that guy that owns the car in the "three wheels on my wagon" thread just in case. If anything went wrong with yours (god forbid), it would be a nightmare i think trying to source another genuine set.
bejeezus!! Wonder how often they have to repaint that little lot!! Bet it's quite often.
It was a few years ago but i think it was down to the oven.
"I spent £200 getting them tidied up just before I got the car." Frightening, absolutely frightening! I've never heard of Subaru alloys having that kind of problem and i've been around the Subaru game for around 7 years. I've quoted what you say above, cause i reckon this is where the problem originates from. I'm not naming names or where i have came across this before due to liable, but i have seen this before where a wheel refurbishment company had issues with the equipment they were using. When it was highlighted to them that there were issues and the evidence was put forward to them, they rectified what was going wrong. Basically a number of owners that had their wheels done experienced similar problems you have just had, though not to that extremity.
Thanks Andy Has given me food for thought with my situation..
Interesting observation Andy which has now raised doubts with what i experienced recently in a mapping session, where i had deliberately used up 'old' fuel, so that mapping occurred with a fresh tank of Optimax only In my case, timing in certain areas had to be retarded anywhere between 4 and 7 degrees which is quite a lot, though to be fair, in previous mapping sessions, i was running 2ml / litre NF. Don't know how much extra timing NF gives me over Optimax but i still felt that was a fair number of degrees down on where i should be. What's your experience in terms of degrees more advance with running octane booster? (typical figures) Gumball "It has felt slower for a short while now " Are you sure you're not just getting used to the power?
Selling my GEMS ecu for a '99-'00 year Impreza (3 plug)High end ecu which has allowed me to achieve over 500bhp and 550Ib ft torque on my own car on this ecu with boost control, anti-lag, twin timing maps (if you run out of octane booster) etc etc. See their website for more information on what GEMS can do for your car. GEMS website Few places advertise prices for these new, but as an example, Scoobymania sell GEMS fitted and mapped for around £1600.(+vat?) I'm selling the GEMS ecu, the software to access your map (also allows you to view other GEMS ecu's e.g. EVO's) , the dongle and lead. Everything you need to have full control over your ecu. If interested E-mail me on mines@scoobyturbo.freeserve.co.uk Thanks
Can they charge you for both plates? I think it's possible as they can charge you fine / points per tyre..
As long as i don't have to act like a cat and jump around in a leotard... []
Nothing personal to those involved with the Halley issue. This is from the outside looking in. I read the post yesterday. Now i can understand the frustration at not getting what you want despite outlining what the problem is, but Halleys (as with any garage) have to experience the problem for themselves before deciding on the right course of action for the fault. If i read correctly, the fault wasn't really there when it went to Halleys because the car had to be driven there, in which case the fault which had caused a non starting situation, couldn't be replicated. From a garage point of view, they can't just change items on an owners say so (even if they are mechanically knowledgeable) and expect to cover the cost. They have to see the problem for themselves. As an example, 6 years ago i had a gearbox which crunched going into 4th or 5th gear, but it couldn't be replicated at the dealership. What had to happen was for the gearbox to be "stinking hot" before the fault would show itself. The dealership concerned understood the problem but without seeing it, they couldn't claim from Subaru for the cost of a replacement 'box as they would want to know or see the problem for themselves first. So what i did was "gun the arse" off the car just before i went into the dealers (he was aware i would be there shortly), then took him out to show the fault. Job done. New box under warranty. In this instance however, it would be better for the owner to leave the car overnight to allow them to confirm where the fault lies or alternatively when the fault happens, tow the car to the dealership. Again reading between the lines (i don't know either party), it would appear that leaving the car overnight, or towing it to the dealership will give rise to some form of inconvenience to the owner. In this case i would contact the dealership to find out what solution they can offer to minimise the inconvenience. If possible whilst in their care, i would be looking for a replacement vehicle to allow me to continue my business whilst they rectify the fault (assuming the car is still covered under warranty). With regard to the attitude of the staff, if what was said by them were true (and it beggars belief if they said what they said in the manner they did), then whilst still on the premises, i'd have went higher than them and made a formal complaint there and then, no question. Making a complaint later will achieve nothing, because both parties involved can fabricate their own side of the story to justify their actions on the situation. Doing it "on the spot" leaves very little room for error and minimises the amount of time someone has to tell their bosses a modified version of events to make them look good. Despite all this what has Gumball to do? Gumball? I'd phone them again stating that you weren't happy with the treatment they gave you. However, to move on, I would say to them what the problem is and what can they do to ensure you're Impreza experience is still a satisfying one. There has to be a little give and take. Ask them if they can provide alternative transport for the day as you need transport to either get to work or carry out your business. If they say they can't give you a car for say two weeks, big deal. Say to them you're being reasonable in accepting to wait that time in the hope that the issue is resolved once and for all. If they then need the car for more than one day, big deal. You've still got the courtesy car to run around in and when you finally hand it back, you should have an end to the inconvenience of a non starting car. Cheers Alan
New Speed-Camera markings on M8 Junction 27 Westbound ....
AlanG replied to stephen_fergus's topic in Scottish Scoobies
There's roadworks on both carriageways on the bridge for the next three months starting on Friday with a 40mph speed limit. Think the camera(s) will be there to ensure speed is kept down. -
For Sale- Brand New Redline Gold 17" Alloys (Non STI)
AlanG replied to Gumball's topic in Scottish Scoobies
If you bought on the pretext that they would fit on your vehicle and it subsequently doesn't,then the mistake lies on their doorstep. Phone them detailing your complaint and offer a solution to your predicament in that they can either: A: Arrange pickup of the wheels at your convenience and deliver a correct set or B: Arrange pickup of the wheels and refund the invoice total. If the conversation goes downhill, you can always remind them of the Sale of Goods Act (section 13 or 14 i think) whereby goods have to be of merchantable quality and fit for the purpose intended. In your case it would appear the goods fall foul of the Sale of Goods Act and hence the supplier would be liable under the terms of the act. -
2.5 litre Ac!D What i like about mine for road use is how effortless it is to drive. It's not a peaky, all or nothing type of powerplant which would probably be better suited for competition/track type use. Out on the road, overtaking means i don't need to drop a gear for the majority of occasions, just plant the throttle and get it done. Downside i've experienced sometimes, is that you don't realise how quick you can actually accelerate past someone and there's been more than one occasion where i've almost went into the back of someone who has also been overtaking a car or two. One one occasion i nearly ran into the back of two bikes that were overtaking a series of cars. I had to brake that much to avoid going into the back of them whilst overtaking the stream of cars, that my ABS kicked in!! Sh*t maself that day so i did. As Andy says about having too much power, at the level i'm at, i would say the car isn't a balanced package. There's too much power for the traction / handling (and sometimes braking) equation, hence if you have a car which is balanced in terms of grip / power / handling / braking, it will feel a more enjoyable car to drive overall. I don't regret going to this level though. Eve if it could only be used in a straight line, the adrenaline that flows through your body as it accelerates way beyond 3 figures in jig time, is something else to be experienced!