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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. Looks like a lot of care and attention to detail has went into the car Chris, well done. There's something about a Scoob in white that looks very appealing. Don't know what it is, but always makes the car look its' best.
  2. "but I would love to run on the rollers with you" Nah mate i've never been one for keep fit, but i'll put the car on if you like. ;-) There's nowt lacking in your 2.0litre wilky (414Ib ft torque??), so don't feel disappointed!
  3. lol. wot about one of the most powerful classic on std uk internals? ;-)
  4. And to check we'll all post on the thread you mentioned to check if you still get E-mails! ;-)
  5. "You better not eat at my shop if you want to go on a diet AlanG!!!" Boo!! I've got to have a treat now and again!!
  6. lol. I wish! Hmm... spend 1,ooo's trying to get 650bhp and beyond and risk reliability issues or rip everything out that's not needed for nowt... and stick with my diet... Sounds like a plan.....
  7. "If can can imagine how quick that is, perhaps you can realise how you need to treat cars this powerful with a lot of respect, and how it can be difficult to use/harnass all that power safely, especially on the road." How true.. Having a quick calculation with different bhp's to compare the bhp/tonne (490*1.32), you can see how beneficial it is get rid of as much weight as possible. For example for me to get anywhere near JohnSt, i'd need around 650bhp! And if JohnSt "only" has 550bhp, i'd need 715bhp to be comparable!! Nah..... prefer my comfort i think...
  8. Thanks for that John, quite a difference eh? And i reckon your P/W is even greater since you last had Andy look at it for your last event where you said it was "really quick now", so must be around the 550 mark? (basing it on the fact that i'd doubt you'd notice something like 20bhp of a difference. Not when you've got 500 anyway!!) I'll help anyone out Peter, you only need to ask. Hopefully i've helped a few guys out on here before and i've gave them sound advice.
  9. Going well Peter, am a bit bored right enough if i'm honest, cause there's nothing to tinker with. Driving the car isn't doing much for me which is probably a strange thing to say but true!! My interest in the car has definitely been the tuning side of it and the results than using it.
  10. "On a drag strip Andy would use me as practice. On a back road, I may have the edge (remember Andy's car is not an out and out drag car, it can go round a bend) Going to the shops Alan wins hands down " "I would imagine the two car would be very similar If we 'assume' Alan's car is standard weight and around 600bhp, then there would be 5bhp/tonne difference in the two cars. If we then factor in the weight of the two drivers.. on second thoughts lets not go there.." Ha ha nice one John. [] My car weighs 1320kg without me in it , so add another 83kg on top for me. What's the weight of your car now ? Yours probably has a better power to weight ratio? We seem to be missing another classic contender in the name of wilky. His car is up there amongst the most powerful as well is it not? I've probably got the most powerful "4 seater" classic Impreza in Scotland though... [] []
  11. "This wasn't at Dasket but on a Dastek rolling rd in Hillington which is great for us Glasogw region as it's ALOT nearer" Who and where in hillington?
  13. Cheers for that Peter. Yes a RR in the west side would be a very handy thing to save all the travelling we've had to do up til now.
  14. You got there in the end eh Peter? Bet it seems all worthwhile now. One thing bugging me though. I've never had my car on Dastek but i've read elsewhere (specially after RR days), that people haven't been happy with results, then it's found there was some sort of problem, then sorted etc etc. Your own result shows that the rpm isn't right, what's going on there? I've thought Dastek is supposed to be one of the bees kness type dynos but i read on here of problems or glitches after people having been to them?
  15. I'd only change if i was to do another project. This project started out to achieve 500bhp and has surpassed that for over a year now.
  16. Cheers guys. This feature is much better than the last one back in 2004. The pictures are larger and brighter than back then. So did i !! The photoshoot was taken over a year ago and as some of you know, the car has moved on since then with turbo/injector/fuelling and ecu changes. So much so that UK "500" isn't relevant anymore.... [] thanks to perseverance and the good 'ol AndyF mapping magic. []
  17. Trust me Frank, if they're that heavy you won't be able to lift them!! [] Half a ton!?! []
  18. They're only round the corner after all! More than likely if Greer don't build boxes.
  19. James I have sent you a private message.
  20. You back home Russell?
  21. Not sure stripe, you need to look at the offset on the WRX 17" wheels, though i'd think they would clear okay though.
  22. Yes, but not if you have 330mm discs. {pic of AP 4pots under 16" alloys}
  23. I torqued up the headers to the heads, then tried to fit the up-pipe, but after wasting a fair amount of time trying to fit then tighten up the up-pipe bolts, i bit the bullet and took the headers back off and fitted the whole thing as one item. I also checked and double checked the up-pipe gasket wasn't going to leak to save having to take it all back off again... []
  24. I use the same headers and yes the top bolt isn't easy. Best way to fit would have been to take off the nuts from the engine mounts, jack up the engine just clear of the cradle and fit the complete manifold and up-pipe in one go.
  25. On a std 2.5 block i'd probably run a TD05/20G for the very quick spool-up and midrange grunt, than going for power figures. Cost all depends on where you get the parts, how much you do yourself and how far you want to take the engine. Best to buy the parts you need one time only, than have to sell and upgrade to suit the new "goal", so to speak.
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