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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. Replied.
  2. More than likely it will be the small "D" seal between the head and the rocker cover. You have a rocker cover gasket and a rubber seal right at the top of the rocker cover. Oil will ooze out slowly and drip now and again onto your up-pipe. If it's the oil return pipe, i think you would have a little more problem than a smoky up-pipe. Ask drb5! []
  3. [] One thing i've never had an inclination to do and that is inspect a camels crotch... I've looked at a few camel toes in my time but never a camels crotch.... []
  4. He's been busy recently [][]
  5. Whereabouts were they?
  6. Cheers herbie, PM'd you.
  7. You got a cheque at all herbie? I ain't got a Paypal address.
  8. Thanks Ac!d. All sorted, cheers for your help. Alan
  9. Does anyone have a contact number for herbie? I've some good news for him. []
  10. No problem StewartyBoy, at least your back on the road again. [Y]
  11. Giving a running commentary provides the examiner with a better insight into your driving observations and hence be in a better position to judge your ability. The reason it's not compulsory is that a running commentary could disadvantage a person with a stutter and so those with that disability may be too late informing the examiner of a potential hazard they may have spotted.
  12. Yes, use your own car and no, it's easy to commentate once you get over the initial embarrassment.
  13. You don't need studs necessarily for that power target. I'd try and find a 2ndhand PowerFC. They don't wear IYSWIM. Or buy from E-bay, depends on year of car. Could probably get injectors cheaper, depends on what year of car. I'd use the Skyline adjustbale regulator than SX, it's cheaper, smaller and does the job well. Think it was £135 If the heads are £450 the pair, that's good value.
  14. Yet another IAM member here too for the past 7 years. It's funny. Even though the exam lasted a couple of hours, i enjoyed every single bit of it. It helped that i met the examiner about a half hour before the test to get acquainted and put a nervous mind at total ease. I could have driven for the rest of the day, but 2 hours non stop talking about your observations whilst driving started to take it's toll! Your mouth goes dry! Good fun. Would have no qualms about doing it again.
  15. I'm pretty pleased with my 8Meg, sky, sky+ and phoneline for £26/mnth (+ £11 BT line rental). Never had a dropout on internet connection yet, which is good. Orange were erm.. let's just say... diabolical.
  16. FWIW i opted for the 8Meg package with Sky and use a Netgear (54Mbps) router. On desktop PC I see 6Meg regularly, on the laptop, it's around 1.5 - 2Meg. Amyway, back on topic, with the above in mind, is pc connected wirelessly, the one you use most often and hence seems slow? As dougster says, it might just be heavy usage at the time you're on the 'puter.
  17. You don't pay the excess on the policy, it's usually a flat rate of £50 and it doesn't affect your NCB. That should cheer you up! [] ..... a little anyway.... [:S]
  18. Was that on a Motorway Alan? The cops seemed to think that the fiscal might just go for the 3 points due to the road conditions. Do you need a lawyer for a summons? My mate was caught doing 106 on M74 and got a two week ban. Yes it was on the motorway, not far away from where you were stopped. Was a 50mph limit and late at night. Depends on the severity of the offence, sometimes you can just plead guilty and they'll let you know the outcome (what i think may happen in your case), or they may request you *have* to attend , in which case you're better off with legal representation.
  19. I got 5 points for a 75 in a 50. Was summoned to court to explain reasoning behind the speed. I always thought 30 mph above the limit was a form of ban except in exceptional circumstances. Having 5 points made a significant difference to my premium for a number of years.
  20. Did the cops say you might expect 6 points?
  21. Which suggests this might not be the first time an engine in that car has gone belly up. Might be worth a look into why, if that is the case.
  22. I thought the P1's had an EJ207 block which is semi-closed deck. That pic looks like an EJ205 which is open deck.
  23. Done a compression check?
  24. No probs squirrel. There's more to the problem than what was mentioned originally,so I'll leave it in your capable hands fine sir, sounds like you've got it sussed. [Y]
  25. This is a very strange site.... I replied to this thread this morning after Squirrel, now it's this afternoon and the above post from cusco kid is in the thread from last night,[:^)] it wasn't there this morning on my pc. On the scottish scoobies forum page it's now stating the last post was by cusco kid last night.... though i expect it will change now i've posted this reply. [8-)]
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