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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. I'm sure there will be a Knockhill day i can take you out Peter. I'll try and keep it on the tarmac this time though, but if not, bring spare underwear just in case!!
  2. With regard to "area under the curve" Peter. I had 400Ib ft from 3800rpm - 6300rpm, 450Ib ft from 3900rpm - 6000rpm and 500Ib ft from 4000rpm - 5500rpm. That's in 3rd gear though. Boost comes in earlier in the higher gears, so figures for "area under the curve" should be over a greater rpm.
  3. As everyone else says. Having a peak figure doesn't mean a great deal when used on the road. For a good. powerful road car, they like to look at the "area under the curve" on a dyno graph so to speak i.e. say you produce 300Ib ft of torque. Over how many rpm do you have this 300Ib ft of torque? This was one of the things with my project in that the aim was to produce a high torque over as wide an rpm span as i could get.
  4. Cheers Peter. He also gets my "who's scooby was the loudest on the day award". I watched his car in the morning session at the hairpin and the whole shed vibrated when he accelerated up the hill!! Sheesh! that cars loud!
  5. Who's is the black new shape Impreza in digital's first pic? Very nice car mate and quick too, sorry for holding you back on the circuit, i may not have seen you. Too busy trying to get traction and keep the car straight! Looks like the SR40 is working well for you. At the briefing they said it was very slippery out there.... aye.. yer no kiddin'. lol I didn't realise how bad it was and shat meself! lol I had no confidence in mine whatsoever at any of the bends and so drove like a Sunday driver holding everybody back! Not one of my best days for sure, but still a laugh all the same. Hi to everyone i met on the day. As has been said before, it's good to put faces to names. Hopefully get a bit more time for chats next time out. Also had a bit of a chat and advice from the marshalls. ..Ahem!... Well, they said i was nearly black flagged....but the advice was right enough. If you lose it on the circuit, it's your inability to drive that's to blame!
  6. Cheers Dougster. Have mailed you simboy. Cheers Alan
  7. Yep, nearest one i can think of is Erskine. That's a bit of a pisser..
  8. Strange about the BP Ultimate thing. I prefer BP over the other companies. Don't really know why having thought about it, but seems to be smoother running with it, but that could all be in my mind. What i don't like is their pricing.. What sort of area are you in? I may be able to help if you haven't already used the fnder.
  9. Still available.
  10. Another one to confuse you... Toyota Lancruiser Colorado. I've had mine for 4 years and has been faultless. 30 to the gallon (3.0 diesel), wife finds it easier to drive and park than the Audi. Can be an 8 seater if you want or have a long flat load area for all yer kit. I knew nothing about 4x4's when i bought mine, but if it was good enough for the UN and all that stuff you see on telly, it was good enough for me. Haven't regretted it for a moment and would have another one in a minute.
  11. C&C have always done a good job for me too. In fact, the last 3 or 4 configurations of exhaust on my car have been done by them. Only stipulation is that i've got to take them out in the car every time i get something done!
  12. Never had the car at a show Brian. Tha last time i "showed" a car was back in.. ahem!! '88 and '89!! with a.. ahem!! V8 powered Capri with X pack arches and a Garfield bum in the grille!! LOL That was in the SECC and at Ingleston. You should see the photo of me when the car was featured in Fast Ford in 1990!! Ohh..my...gaawwdd!!! Ahh.. them were the days....
  13. RubyTheScooby. The Prodrive silencer has a two bolt flange at the end of it and pipe is 2.5" diameter. All you need to check is the flange/pipe size on your Sport exhaust. It's also worthwhile checking if the pipe lengths are the same i.e. where the end of the mid section finishes under the car, just in case the Sport exhaust mid section is shorter or longer than a turbo version. (Unlikely but you never know) Having said all that, it wouldn't cost much to have the Prodrive silencer converted to suit your exhaust system On my own car i'm using an Sti silencer which was converted for me to suit the exhaust on my 2.5 (3"system) Cheers Alan
  14. << Sports cats ain't much cop by the sounds of it >> Hows that Cal? Any info? I'm looking into this just now for my car and have conflicting opinions, but it looks like one will be going on at some point if i can sort out the ecu side of things.
  15. And it's 2/3rds of the price!
  16. Sky blue wins it from me. That car looks pretty cool.
  17. Done. Took the pics and sent. Hope your on broadband!
  18. PM'd you Stewfo.
  19. Still for sale.
  20. Yes he has had a new aluminium intake made up.
  21. Top. Fits straight on in 10 mins! Anyone?
  22. Look for the van on the site listed in the above post. Ronnie and crew are normally there on the day to change tyres for folks. Like those that have slicks can have them changed onto their wheels, then their road tyres put back on at the end of the day.
  23. << Who/what made the 506bhp? >> Steven Scanlons Evo VI >> Nice!
  24. Back on topic. Who/what made the 506bhp?
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